* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.text.SpannableString;
import android.text.Spanned;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.KeyCharacterMap;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.inputmethod.CorrectionInfo;
import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo;
Tadashi G. Takaoka
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
* This class manages the input logic.
public final class InputLogic {
private static final String TAG = InputLogic.class.getSimpleName();
// TODO : Remove this member when we can.
private final SuggestionStripViewAccessor mSuggestionStripViewAccessor;
// Never null.
private InputLogicHandler mInputLogicHandler = InputLogicHandler.NULL_HANDLER;
// TODO : make all these fields private as soon as possible.
// Current space state of the input method. This can be any of the above constants.
Adrian Velicu
public SuggestedWords mSuggestedWords = SuggestedWords.getEmptyInstance();
public final Suggest mSuggest;
private final DictionaryFacilitator mDictionaryFacilitator;
public LastComposedWord mLastComposedWord = LastComposedWord.NOT_A_COMPOSED_WORD;
// This has package visibility so it can be accessed from InputLogicHandler.
/* package */ final WordComposer mWordComposer;
public final RichInputConnection mConnection;
private final RecapitalizeStatus mRecapitalizeStatus = new RecapitalizeStatus();
public final TreeSet<Long> mCurrentlyPressedHardwareKeys = new TreeSet<>();
// Keeps track of most recently inserted text (multi-character key) for reverting
private String mEnteredText;
// TODO: This boolean is persistent state and causes large side effects at unexpected times.
// Find a way to remove it for readability.
private boolean mIsAutoCorrectionIndicatorOn;
private long mDoubleSpacePeriodCountdownStart;
* Create a new instance of the input logic.
* @param latinIME the instance of the parent LatinIME. We should remove this when we can.
* @param suggestionStripViewAccessor an object to access the suggestion strip view.
* @param dictionaryFacilitator facilitator for getting suggestions and updating user history
* dictionary.
public InputLogic(final LatinIME latinIME,
final SuggestionStripViewAccessor suggestionStripViewAccessor,
final DictionaryFacilitator dictionaryFacilitator) {
mSuggestionStripViewAccessor = suggestionStripViewAccessor;
mWordComposer = new WordComposer();
mConnection = new RichInputConnection(latinIME);
mSuggest = new Suggest(dictionaryFacilitator);
mDictionaryFacilitator = dictionaryFacilitator;
* Initializes the input logic for input in an editor.
* Call this when input starts or restarts in some editor (typically, in onStartInputView).
* @param combiningSpec the combining spec string for this subtype
* @param settingsValues the current settings values
public void startInput(final String combiningSpec, final SettingsValues settingsValues) {
mEnteredText = null;
Mohammadinamul Sheik
if (!mWordComposer.getTypedWord().isEmpty()) {
// For messaging apps that offer send button, the IME does not get the opportunity
// to capture the last word. This block should capture those uncommitted words.
// The timestamp at which it is captured is not accurate but close enough.
mWordComposer.getTypedWord(), mWordComposer.isBatchMode());
resetComposingState(true /* alsoResetLastComposedWord */);
mDeleteCount = 0;
mSpaceState = SpaceState.NONE;
mRecapitalizeStatus.disable(); // Do not perform recapitalize until the cursor is moved once
Adrian Velicu
mSuggestedWords = SuggestedWords.getEmptyInstance();
// In some cases (namely, after rotation of the device) editorInfo.initialSelStart is lying
// so we try using some heuristics to find out about these and fix them.
if (InputLogicHandler.NULL_HANDLER == mInputLogicHandler) {
mInputLogicHandler = new InputLogicHandler(mLatinIME, this);
} else {
if (settingsValues.mShouldShowLxxSuggestionUi) {
mConnection.requestCursorUpdates(true /* enableMonitor */,
true /* requestImmediateCallback */);
* Call this when the subtype changes.
* @param combiningSpec the spec string for the combining rules
* @param settingsValues the current settings values
public void onSubtypeChanged(final String combiningSpec, final SettingsValues settingsValues) {
startInput(combiningSpec, settingsValues);
* Call this when the orientation changes.
* @param settingsValues the current values of the settings.
public void onOrientationChange(final SettingsValues settingsValues) {
// If !isComposingWord, #commitTyped() is a no-op, but still, it's better to avoid
// the useless IPC of {begin,end}BatchEdit.
if (mWordComposer.isComposingWord()) {
// If we had a composition in progress, we need to commit the word so that the
// suggestionsSpan will be added. This will allow resuming on the same suggestions
// after rotation is finished.
commitTyped(settingsValues, LastComposedWord.NOT_A_SEPARATOR);
* Clean up the input logic after input is finished.
if (mWordComposer.isComposingWord()) {
mWordComposer.getTypedWord(), mWordComposer.isBatchMode());
resetComposingState(true /* alsoResetLastComposedWord */);
// Normally this class just gets out of scope after the process ends, but in unit tests, we
// create several instances of LatinIME in the same process, which results in several
// instances of InputLogic. This cleans up the associated handler so that tests don't leak
// handlers.
public void recycle() {
final InputLogicHandler inputLogicHandler = mInputLogicHandler;
mInputLogicHandler = InputLogicHandler.NULL_HANDLER;
* React to a string input.
* This is triggered by keys that input many characters at once, like the ".com" key or
* some additional keys for example.
* @param settingsValues the current values of the settings.
* @param event the input event containing the data.
* @return the complete transaction object
public InputTransaction onTextInput(final SettingsValues settingsValues, final Event event,
final int keyboardShiftMode,
// TODO: remove this argument
final LatinIME.UIHandler handler) {
final String rawText = event.getTextToCommit().toString();
final InputTransaction inputTransaction = new InputTransaction(settingsValues, event,
SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), mSpaceState,
getActualCapsMode(settingsValues, keyboardShiftMode));
if (mWordComposer.isComposingWord()) {
commitCurrentAutoCorrection(settingsValues, rawText, handler);
} else {
resetComposingState(true /* alsoResetLastComposedWord */);
final String text = performSpecificTldProcessingOnTextInput(rawText);
if (SpaceState.PHANTOM == mSpaceState) {
mConnection.commitText(text, 1);
StatsUtils.onWordCommitUserTyped(mEnteredText, mWordComposer.isBatchMode());
// Space state must be updated before calling updateShiftState
mSpaceState = SpaceState.NONE;
mEnteredText = text;
return inputTransaction;
* A suggestion was picked from the suggestion strip.
* @param settingsValues the current values of the settings.
* @param suggestionInfo the suggestion info.
* @param keyboardShiftState the shift state of the keyboard, as returned by
* {@link}
* @return the complete transaction object
// Called from {@link SuggestionStripView} through the {@link SuggestionStripView#Listener}
// interface
public InputTransaction onPickSuggestionManually(final SettingsValues settingsValues,
final SuggestedWordInfo suggestionInfo, final int keyboardShiftState,
// TODO: remove these arguments
final int currentKeyboardScriptId, final LatinIME.UIHandler handler) {
final SuggestedWords suggestedWords = mSuggestedWords;
final String suggestion = suggestionInfo.mWord;
// If this is a punctuation picked from the suggestion strip, pass it to onCodeInput
if (suggestion.length() == 1 && suggestedWords.isPunctuationSuggestions()) {
// We still want to log a suggestion click.
mSuggestedWords, suggestionInfo, mDictionaryFacilitator);
// Word separators are suggested before the user inputs something.
// Rely on onCodeInput to do the complicated swapping/stripping logic consistently.
final Event event = Event.createPunctuationSuggestionPickedEvent(suggestionInfo);
return onCodeInput(settingsValues, event, keyboardShiftState,
currentKeyboardScriptId, handler);
final Event event = Event.createSuggestionPickedEvent(suggestionInfo);
final InputTransaction inputTransaction = new InputTransaction(settingsValues,
event, SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), mSpaceState, keyboardShiftState);
// Manual pick affects the contents of the editor, so we take note of this. It's important
// for the sequence of language switching.
if (SpaceState.PHANTOM == mSpaceState && suggestion.length() > 0
// In the batch input mode, a manually picked suggested word should just replace
// the current batch input text and there is no need for a phantom space.
&& !mWordComposer.isBatchMode()) {
final int firstChar = Character.codePointAt(suggestion, 0);
if (!settingsValues.isWordSeparator(firstChar)
|| settingsValues.isUsuallyPrecededBySpace(firstChar)) {
// TODO: We should not need the following branch. We should be able to take the same
// code path as for other kinds, use commitChosenWord, and do everything normally. We will
// however need to reset the suggestion strip right away, because we know we can't take
// the risk of calling commitCompletion twice because we don't know how the app will react.
if (suggestionInfo.isKindOf(SuggestedWordInfo.KIND_APP_DEFINED)) {
Adrian Velicu
mSuggestedWords = SuggestedWords.getEmptyInstance();
resetComposingState(true /* alsoResetLastComposedWord */);
commitChosenWord(settingsValues, suggestion, LastComposedWord.COMMIT_TYPE_MANUAL_PICK,
// Don't allow cancellation of manual pick
// Space state must be updated before calling updateShiftState
mSpaceState = SpaceState.PHANTOM;
// If we're not showing the "Touch again to save", then update the suggestion strip.
// That's going to be predictions (or punctuation suggestions), so INPUT_STYLE_NONE.
mSuggestedWords, suggestionInfo, mDictionaryFacilitator);
suggestionInfo.mWord, mWordComposer.isBatchMode());
* Consider an update to the cursor position. Evaluate whether this update has happened as
* part of normal typing or whether it was an explicit cursor move by the user. In any case,
* do the necessary adjustments.
* @param oldSelStart old selection start
* @param oldSelEnd old selection end
* @param newSelStart new selection start
* @param newSelEnd new selection end
* @param settingsValues the current values of the settings.
* @return whether the cursor has moved as a result of user interaction.
public boolean onUpdateSelection(final int oldSelStart, final int oldSelEnd,
final int newSelStart, final int newSelEnd, final SettingsValues settingsValues) {
if (mConnection.isBelatedExpectedUpdate(oldSelStart, newSelStart, oldSelEnd, newSelEnd)) {
return false;
// TODO: the following is probably better done in resetEntireInputState().
// it should only happen when the cursor moved, and the very purpose of the
// test below is to narrow down whether this happened or not. Likewise with
// the call to updateShiftState.
// We set this to NONE because after a cursor move, we don't want the space
// state-related special processing to kick in.
mSpaceState = SpaceState.NONE;
final boolean selectionChangedOrSafeToReset =
oldSelStart != newSelStart || oldSelEnd != newSelEnd // selection changed
|| !mWordComposer.isComposingWord(); // safe to reset
final boolean hasOrHadSelection = (oldSelStart != oldSelEnd || newSelStart != newSelEnd);
final int moveAmount = newSelStart - oldSelStart;
// As an added small gift from the framework, it happens upon rotation when there
// is a selection that we get a wrong cursor position delivered to startInput() that
// does not get reflected in the oldSel{Start,End} parameters to the next call to
// onUpdateSelection. In this case, we may have set a composition, and when we're here
// we realize we shouldn't have. In theory, in this case, selectionChangedOrSafeToReset
// should be true, but that is if the framework had taken that wrong cursor position
// into account, which means we have to reset the entire composing state whenever there
// is or was a selection regardless of whether it changed or not.
if (hasOrHadSelection || !settingsValues.needsToLookupSuggestions()
|| (selectionChangedOrSafeToReset
&& !mWordComposer.moveCursorByAndReturnIfInsideComposingWord(moveAmount))) {
// If we are composing a word and moving the cursor, we would want to set a
// suggestion span for recorrection to work correctly. Unfortunately, that
// would involve the keyboard committing some new text, which would move the
// cursor back to where it was. Latin IME could then fix the position of the cursor
// again, but the asynchronous nature of the calls results in this wreaking havoc
// with selection on double tap and the like.
// Another option would be to send suggestions each time we set the composing
// text, but that is probably too expensive to do, so we decided to leave things
// as is.
// Also, we're posting a resume suggestions message, and this will update the
// suggestions strip in a few milliseconds, so if we cleared the suggestion strip here
// we'd have the suggestion strip noticeably janky. To avoid that, we don't clear
// it here, which means we'll keep outdated suggestions for a split second but the
// visual result is better.
resetEntireInputState(newSelStart, newSelEnd, false /* clearSuggestionStrip */);
} else {
// resetEntireInputState calls resetCachesUponCursorMove, but forcing the
// composition to end. But in all cases where we don't reset the entire input
// state, we still want to tell the rich input connection about the new cursor
// position so that it can update its caches.
newSelStart, newSelEnd, false /* shouldFinishComposition */);
// The cursor has been moved : we now accept to perform recapitalization
// We moved the cursor. If we are touching a word, we need to resume suggestion.
mLatinIME.mHandler.postResumeSuggestions(true /* shouldDelay */);
// Stop the last recapitalization, if started.
* React to a code input. It may be a code point to insert, or a symbolic value that influences
* the keyboard behavior.
* Typically, this is called whenever a key is pressed on the software keyboard. This is not
* the entry point for gesture input; see the onBatchInput* family of functions for this.
* @param settingsValues the current settings values.
* @param keyboardShiftMode the current shift mode of the keyboard, as returned by
* {@link}
* @return the complete transaction object
public InputTransaction onCodeInput(final SettingsValues settingsValues,
@Nonnull final Event event, final int keyboardShiftMode,
// TODO: remove these arguments
final int currentKeyboardScriptId, final LatinIME.UIHandler handler) {
final Event processedEvent = mWordComposer.processEvent(event);
final InputTransaction inputTransaction = new InputTransaction(settingsValues,
processedEvent, SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), mSpaceState,
getActualCapsMode(settingsValues, keyboardShiftMode));
|| inputTransaction.mTimestamp > mLastKeyTime + Constants.LONG_PRESS_MILLISECONDS) {
mLastKeyTime = inputTransaction.mTimestamp;
if (!mWordComposer.isComposingWord()) {
// TODO: is this useful? It doesn't look like it should be done here, but rather after
// a word is committed.
mIsAutoCorrectionIndicatorOn = false;
// TODO: Consolidate the double-space period timer, mLastKeyTime, and the space state.
Event currentEvent = processedEvent;
while (null != currentEvent) {
if (currentEvent.isConsumed()) {
handleConsumedEvent(currentEvent, inputTransaction);
} else if (currentEvent.isFunctionalKeyEvent()) {
handleFunctionalEvent(currentEvent, inputTransaction, currentKeyboardScriptId,
} else {
handleNonFunctionalEvent(currentEvent, inputTransaction, handler);
currentEvent = currentEvent.mNextEvent;
if (!inputTransaction.didAutoCorrect() && processedEvent.mKeyCode != Constants.CODE_SHIFT
&& processedEvent.mKeyCode != Constants.CODE_CAPSLOCK
&& processedEvent.mKeyCode != Constants.CODE_SWITCH_ALPHA_SYMBOL)
mEnteredText = null;
return inputTransaction;
public void onStartBatchInput(final SettingsValues settingsValues,
// TODO: remove these arguments
final KeyboardSwitcher keyboardSwitcher, final LatinIME.UIHandler handler) {
Adrian Velicu
SuggestedWords.getEmptyInstance(), false /* dismissGestureFloatingPreviewText */);
if (mWordComposer.isComposingWord()) {
if (mWordComposer.isCursorFrontOrMiddleOfComposingWord()) {
// If we are in the middle of a recorrection, we need to commit the recorrection
// first so that we can insert the batch input at the current cursor position.
mConnection.getExpectedSelectionEnd(), true /* clearSuggestionStrip */);
// We auto-correct the previous (typed, not gestured) string iff it's one character
// long. The reason for this is, even in the middle of gesture typing, you'll still
// tap one-letter words and you want them auto-corrected (typically, "i" in English
// should become "I"). However for any longer word, we assume that the reason for
// tapping probably is that the word you intend to type is not in the dictionary,
// so we do not attempt to correct, on the assumption that if that was a dictionary
// word, the user would probably have gestured instead.
commitCurrentAutoCorrection(settingsValues, LastComposedWord.NOT_A_SEPARATOR,
} else {
commitTyped(settingsValues, LastComposedWord.NOT_A_SEPARATOR);
final int codePointBeforeCursor = mConnection.getCodePointBeforeCursor();
if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(codePointBeforeCursor)
|| settingsValues.isUsuallyFollowedBySpace(codePointBeforeCursor)) {
final boolean autoShiftHasBeenOverriden = keyboardSwitcher.getKeyboardShiftMode() !=
mSpaceState = SpaceState.PHANTOM;
if (!autoShiftHasBeenOverriden) {
// When we change the space state, we need to update the shift state of the
// keyboard unless it has been overridden manually. This is happening for example
// after typing some letters and a period, then gesturing; the keyboard is not in
// caps mode yet, but since a gesture is starting, it should go in caps mode,
// unless the user explictly said it should not.
getActualCapsMode(settingsValues, keyboardSwitcher.getKeyboardShiftMode()));
/* The sequence number member is only used in onUpdateBatchInput. It is increased each time
* auto-commit happens. The reason we need this is, when auto-commit happens we trim the
* input pointers that are held in a singleton, and to know how much to trim we rely on the
* results of the suggestion process that is held in mSuggestedWords.
* However, the suggestion process is asynchronous, and sometimes we may enter the
* onUpdateBatchInput method twice without having recomputed suggestions yet, or having
* received new suggestions generated from not-yet-trimmed input pointers. In this case, the
* mIndexOfTouchPointOfSecondWords member will be out of date, and we must not use it lest we
* remove an unrelated number of pointers (possibly even more than are left in the input
* pointers, leading to a crash).
* To avoid that, we increase the sequence number each time we auto-commit and trim the
* input pointers, and we do not use any suggested words that have been generated with an
* earlier sequence number.
private int mAutoCommitSequenceNumber = 1;
public void onUpdateBatchInput(final SettingsValues settingsValues,
final InputPointers batchPointers,
// TODO: remove these arguments
final KeyboardSwitcher keyboardSwitcher) {
mInputLogicHandler.onUpdateBatchInput(batchPointers, mAutoCommitSequenceNumber);
public void onEndBatchInput(final InputPointers batchPointers) {
mInputLogicHandler.updateTailBatchInput(batchPointers, mAutoCommitSequenceNumber);
// TODO: remove this argument
public void onCancelBatchInput(final LatinIME.UIHandler handler) {
Adrian Velicu
SuggestedWords.getEmptyInstance(), true /* dismissGestureFloatingPreviewText */);
// TODO: on the long term, this method should become private, but it will be difficult.
// Especially, how do we deal with InputMethodService.onDisplayCompletions?
public void setSuggestedWords(final SuggestedWords suggestedWords) {
Adrian Velicu
if (!suggestedWords.isEmpty()) {
final SuggestedWordInfo suggestedWordInfo;
if (suggestedWords.mWillAutoCorrect) {
suggestedWordInfo = suggestedWords.getInfo(SuggestedWords.INDEX_OF_AUTO_CORRECTION);
} else {
// We can't use suggestedWords.getWord(SuggestedWords.INDEX_OF_TYPED_WORD)
// because it may differ from mWordComposer.mTypedWord.
suggestedWordInfo = suggestedWords.mTypedWordInfo;
mSuggestedWords = suggestedWords;
final boolean newAutoCorrectionIndicator = suggestedWords.mWillAutoCorrect;
// Put a blue underline to a word in TextView which will be auto-corrected.
if (mIsAutoCorrectionIndicatorOn != newAutoCorrectionIndicator
&& mWordComposer.isComposingWord()) {
mIsAutoCorrectionIndicatorOn = newAutoCorrectionIndicator;
final CharSequence textWithUnderline =
// TODO: when called from an updateSuggestionStrip() call that results from a posted
// message, this is called outside any batch edit. Potentially, this may result in some
// janky flickering of the screen, although the display speed makes it unlikely in
// the practice.
setComposingTextInternal(textWithUnderline, 1);
* Handle a consumed event.
* Consumed events represent events that have already been consumed, typically by the
* combining chain.
* @param event The event to handle.
* @param inputTransaction The transaction in progress.
private void handleConsumedEvent(final Event event, final InputTransaction inputTransaction) {
// A consumed event may have text to commit and an update to the composing state, so
// we evaluate both. With some combiners, it's possible than an event contains both
// and we enter both of the following if clauses.
final CharSequence textToCommit = event.getTextToCommit();
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(textToCommit)) {
mConnection.commitText(textToCommit, 1);
if (mWordComposer.isComposingWord()) {
setComposingTextInternal(mWordComposer.getTypedWord(), 1);
* Handle a functional key event.
* A functional event is a special key, like delete, shift, emoji, or the settings key.
* Non-special keys are those that generate a single code point.
* This includes all letters, digits, punctuation, separators, emoji. It excludes keys that
* manage keyboard-related stuff like shift, language switch, settings, layout switch, or
* any key that results in multiple code points like the ".com" key.
* @param event The event to handle.
* @param inputTransaction The transaction in progress.
private void handleFunctionalEvent(final Event event, final InputTransaction inputTransaction,
// TODO: remove these arguments
final int currentKeyboardScriptId, final LatinIME.UIHandler handler) {
switch (event.mKeyCode) {
case Constants.CODE_DELETE:
handleBackspaceEvent(event, inputTransaction, currentKeyboardScriptId);
// Backspace is a functional key, but it affects the contents of the editor.
case Constants.CODE_SHIFT:
if (mSuggestedWords.isPrediction()) {
case Constants.CODE_CAPSLOCK:
// Note: Changing keyboard to shift lock state is handled in
// {@link KeyboardSwitcher#onEvent(Event)}.
case Constants.CODE_SYMBOL_SHIFT:
// Note: Calling back to the keyboard on the symbol Shift key is handled in
// {@link #onPressKey(int,int,boolean)} and {@link #onReleaseKey(int,boolean)}.
// Note: Calling back to the keyboard on symbol key is handled in
// {@link #onPressKey(int,int,boolean)} and {@link #onReleaseKey(int,boolean)}.
case Constants.CODE_SETTINGS:
case Constants.CODE_SHORTCUT:
// We need to switch to the shortcut IME. This is handled by LatinIME since the
// input logic has no business with IME switching.
case Constants.CODE_ACTION_NEXT:
case Constants.CODE_EMOJI:
// Note: Switching emoji keyboard is being handled in
// {@link KeyboardState#onEvent(Event,int)}.
// Note: Switching back from Emoji keyboard to the main keyboard is being
// handled in {@link KeyboardState#onEvent(Event,int)}.
case Constants.CODE_SHIFT_ENTER:
// TODO: remove this object
final Event tmpEvent = Event.createSoftwareKeypressEvent(Constants.CODE_ENTER,
event.mKeyCode, event.mX, event.mY, event.isKeyRepeat());
handleNonSpecialCharacterEvent(tmpEvent, inputTransaction, handler);
// Shift + Enter is treated as a functional key but it results in adding a new
// line, so that does affect the contents of the editor.
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown key code : " + event.mKeyCode);
* Handle an event that is not a functional event.
* These events are generally events that cause input, but in some cases they may do other
* things like trigger an editor action.
* @param event The event to handle.
* @param inputTransaction The transaction in progress.
private void handleNonFunctionalEvent(final Event event,
final InputTransaction inputTransaction,
// TODO: remove this argument
final LatinIME.UIHandler handler) {
switch (event.mCodePoint) {
case Constants.CODE_ENTER:
final EditorInfo editorInfo = getCurrentInputEditorInfo();
final int imeOptionsActionId =
if (InputTypeUtils.IME_ACTION_CUSTOM_LABEL == imeOptionsActionId) {
// Either we have an actionLabel and we should performEditorAction with
// actionId regardless of its value.
} else if (EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_NONE != imeOptionsActionId) {
// We didn't have an actionLabel, but we had another action to execute.
// EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_NONE explicitly means no action. In contrast,
// EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_UNSPECIFIED is the default value for an action, so it
// means there should be an action and the app didn't bother to set a specific
// code for it - presumably it only handles one. It does not have to be treated
// in any specific way: anything that is not IME_ACTION_NONE should be sent to
// performEditorAction.
} else {
// No action label, and the action from imeOptions is NONE: this is a regular
// enter key that should input a carriage return.
handleNonSpecialCharacterEvent(event, inputTransaction, handler);
handleNonSpecialCharacterEvent(event, inputTransaction, handler);
* Handle inputting a code point to the editor.
* Non-special keys are those that generate a single code point.
* This includes all letters, digits, punctuation, separators, emoji. It excludes keys that
* manage keyboard-related stuff like shift, language switch, settings, layout switch, or
* any key that results in multiple code points like the ".com" key.
* @param event The event to handle.
* @param inputTransaction The transaction in progress.
private void handleNonSpecialCharacterEvent(final Event event,
final InputTransaction inputTransaction,
final int codePoint = event.mCodePoint;
mSpaceState = SpaceState.NONE;
if (inputTransaction.mSettingsValues.isWordSeparator(codePoint)
|| Character.getType(codePoint) == Character.OTHER_SYMBOL) {
handleSeparatorEvent(event, inputTransaction, handler);
if (SpaceState.PHANTOM == inputTransaction.mSpaceState) {
if (mWordComposer.isCursorFrontOrMiddleOfComposingWord()) {
// If we are in the middle of a recorrection, we need to commit the recorrection
// first so that we can insert the character at the current cursor position.
mConnection.getExpectedSelectionEnd(), true /* clearSuggestionStrip */);
commitTyped(inputTransaction.mSettingsValues, LastComposedWord.NOT_A_SEPARATOR);
handleNonSeparatorEvent(event, inputTransaction.mSettingsValues, inputTransaction);
* Handle a non-separator.
* @param event The event to handle.
* @param settingsValues The current settings values.
* @param inputTransaction The transaction in progress.
private void handleNonSeparatorEvent(final Event event, final SettingsValues settingsValues,
final int codePoint = event.mCodePoint;
// TODO: refactor this method to stop flipping isComposingWord around all the time, and
// make it shorter (possibly cut into several pieces). Also factor
// handleNonSpecialCharacterEvent which has the same name as other handle* methods but is
// not the same.
boolean isComposingWord = mWordComposer.isComposingWord();
// TODO: remove isWordConnector() and use isUsuallyFollowedBySpace() instead.
// See onStartBatchInput() to see how to do it.
if (SpaceState.PHANTOM == inputTransaction.mSpaceState
&& !settingsValues.isWordConnector(codePoint)) {
if (isComposingWord) {
// Sanity check
throw new RuntimeException("Should not be composing here");
if (mWordComposer.isCursorFrontOrMiddleOfComposingWord()) {
// If we are in the middle of a recorrection, we need to commit the recorrection
// first so that we can insert the character at the current cursor position.
mConnection.getExpectedSelectionEnd(), true /* clearSuggestionStrip */);
isComposingWord = false;
// We want to find out whether to start composing a new word with this character. If so,
// we need to reset the composing state and switch isComposingWord. The order of the
// tests is important for good performance.
// We only start composing if we're not already composing.
if (!isComposingWord
// We only start composing if this is a word code point. Essentially that means it's a
// a letter or a word connector.
&& settingsValues.isWordCodePoint(codePoint)
// We never go into composing state if suggestions are not requested.
&& settingsValues.needsToLookupSuggestions() &&
// In languages with spaces, we only start composing a word when we are not already
// touching a word. In languages without spaces, the above conditions are sufficient.
|| !settingsValues.mSpacingAndPunctuations.mCurrentLanguageHasSpaces)) {
// Reset entirely the composing state anyway, then start composing a new word unless
// the character is a word connector. The idea here is, word connectors are not
// separators and they should be treated as normal characters, except in the first
// position where they should not start composing a word.
isComposingWord = !settingsValues.mSpacingAndPunctuations.isWordConnector(codePoint);
// Here we don't need to reset the last composed word. It will be reset
// when we commit this one, if we ever do; if on the other hand we backspace
// it entirely and resume suggestions on the previous word, we'd like to still
// have touch coordinates for it.
resetComposingState(false /* alsoResetLastComposedWord */);
if (isComposingWord) {
// If it's the first letter, make note of auto-caps state
setComposingTextInternal(getTextWithUnderline(mWordComposer.getTypedWord()), 1);
final boolean swapWeakSpace = tryStripSpaceAndReturnWhetherShouldSwapInstead(event,
if (swapWeakSpace && trySwapSwapperAndSpace(event, inputTransaction)) {
mSpaceState = SpaceState.WEAK;
} else {
sendKeyCodePoint(settingsValues, codePoint);
* Handle input of a separator code point.
* @param event The event to handle.
* @param inputTransaction The transaction in progress.
private void handleSeparatorEvent(final Event event, final InputTransaction inputTransaction,
// TODO: remove this argument
final LatinIME.UIHandler handler) {
final int codePoint = event.mCodePoint;
final SettingsValues settingsValues = inputTransaction.mSettingsValues;
final boolean wasComposingWord = mWordComposer.isComposingWord();
// We avoid sending spaces in languages without spaces if we were composing.
final boolean shouldAvoidSendingCode = Constants.CODE_SPACE == codePoint
&& !settingsValues.mSpacingAndPunctuations.mCurrentLanguageHasSpaces
&& wasComposingWord;
if (mWordComposer.isCursorFrontOrMiddleOfComposingWord()) {
// If we are in the middle of a recorrection, we need to commit the recorrection
// first so that we can insert the separator at the current cursor position.
mConnection.getExpectedSelectionEnd(), true /* clearSuggestionStrip */);
// isComposingWord() may have changed since we stored wasComposing
if (mWordComposer.isComposingWord()) {
if (settingsValues.mAutoCorrectionEnabledPerUserSettings) {
final String separator = shouldAvoidSendingCode ? LastComposedWord.NOT_A_SEPARATOR
: StringUtils.newSingleCodePointString(codePoint);
commitCurrentAutoCorrection(settingsValues, separator, handler);
final boolean swapWeakSpace = tryStripSpaceAndReturnWhetherShouldSwapInstead(event,
final boolean isInsideDoubleQuoteOrAfterDigit = Constants.CODE_DOUBLE_QUOTE == codePoint
&& mConnection.isInsideDoubleQuoteOrAfterDigit();
final boolean needsPrecedingSpace;
if (SpaceState.PHANTOM != inputTransaction.mSpaceState) {
needsPrecedingSpace = false;
} else if (Constants.CODE_DOUBLE_QUOTE == codePoint) {
// Double quotes behave like they are usually preceded by space iff we are
// not inside a double quote or after a digit.
needsPrecedingSpace = !isInsideDoubleQuoteOrAfterDigit;
} else if (settingsValues.mSpacingAndPunctuations.isClusteringSymbol(codePoint)
&& settingsValues.mSpacingAndPunctuations.isClusteringSymbol(
mConnection.getCodePointBeforeCursor())) {
needsPrecedingSpace = false;
needsPrecedingSpace = settingsValues.isUsuallyPrecededBySpace(codePoint);
if (needsPrecedingSpace) {
if (tryPerformDoubleSpacePeriod(event, inputTransaction)) {
mSpaceState = SpaceState.DOUBLE;
} else if (swapWeakSpace && trySwapSwapperAndSpace(event, inputTransaction)) {
mSpaceState = SpaceState.SWAP_PUNCTUATION;
} else if (Constants.CODE_SPACE == codePoint) {
if (!mSuggestedWords.isPunctuationSuggestions()) {
if (wasComposingWord || mSuggestedWords.isEmpty()) {
if (!shouldAvoidSendingCode) {
sendKeyCodePoint(settingsValues, codePoint);
if ((SpaceState.PHANTOM == inputTransaction.mSpaceState
&& settingsValues.isUsuallyFollowedBySpace(codePoint))
|| (Constants.CODE_DOUBLE_QUOTE == codePoint
&& isInsideDoubleQuoteOrAfterDigit)) {
// If we are in phantom space state, and the user presses a separator, we want to
// stay in phantom space state so that the next keypress has a chance to add the
// space. For example, if I type "Good dat", pick "day" from the suggestion strip
// then insert a comma and go on to typing the next word, I want the space to be
// inserted automatically before the next word, the same way it is when I don't
// input the comma. A double quote behaves like it's usually followed by space if
// we're inside a double quote.
// The case is a little different if the separator is a space stripper. Such a
// separator does not normally need a space on the right (that's the difference
// between swappers and strippers), so we should not stay in phantom space state if
// the separator is a stripper. Hence the additional test above.
mSpaceState = SpaceState.PHANTOM;
sendKeyCodePoint(settingsValues, codePoint);
// Set punctuation right away. onUpdateSelection will fire but tests whether it is
// already displayed or not, so it's okay.
* Handle a press on the backspace key.
* @param event The event to handle.
* @param inputTransaction The transaction in progress.
private void handleBackspaceEvent(final Event event, final InputTransaction inputTransaction,
// TODO: remove this argument, put it into settingsValues
// In many cases after backspace, we need to update the shift state. Normally we need
// to do this right away to avoid the shift state being out of date in case the user types
// backspace then some other character very fast. However, in the case of backspace key
// repeat, this can lead to flashiness when the cursor flies over positions where the
// shift state should be updated, so if this is a key repeat, we update after a small delay.
// Then again, even in the case of a key repeat, if the cursor is at start of text, it
// can't go any further back, so we can update right away even if it's a key repeat.
final int shiftUpdateKind =
event.isKeyRepeat() && mConnection.getExpectedSelectionStart() > 0
? InputTransaction.SHIFT_UPDATE_LATER : InputTransaction.SHIFT_UPDATE_NOW;
if (mWordComposer.isCursorFrontOrMiddleOfComposingWord()) {
// If we are in the middle of a recorrection, we need to commit the recorrection
// first so that we can remove the character at the current cursor position.
mConnection.getExpectedSelectionEnd(), true /* clearSuggestionStrip */);
// When we exit this if-clause, mWordComposer.isComposingWord() will return false.
if (mWordComposer.isComposingWord()) {
if (mWordComposer.isBatchMode()) {
final String rejectedSuggestion = mWordComposer.getTypedWord();
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(rejectedSuggestion)) {
unlearnWord(rejectedSuggestion, inputTransaction.mSettingsValues,
setComposingTextInternal(getTextWithUnderline(mWordComposer.getTypedWord()), 1);
} else {
mConnection.commitText("", 1);
} else {
if (mLastComposedWord.canRevertCommit()) {
final String lastComposedWord = mLastComposedWord.mTypedWord;
revertCommit(inputTransaction, inputTransaction.mSettingsValues);
StatsUtils.onWordCommitUserTyped(lastComposedWord, mWordComposer.isBatchMode());
// Restart suggestions when backspacing into a reverted word. This is required for
// the final corrected word to be learned, as learning only occurs when suggestions
// are active.
// Note: restartSuggestionsOnWordTouchedByCursor is already called for normal
// (non-revert) backspace handling.
if (inputTransaction.mSettingsValues.isSuggestionsEnabledPerUserSettings()
&& inputTransaction.mSettingsValues.mSpacingAndPunctuations
&& !mConnection.isCursorFollowedByWordCharacter(
inputTransaction.mSettingsValues.mSpacingAndPunctuations)) {
false /* forStartInput */, currentKeyboardScriptId);
if (mEnteredText != null && mConnection.sameAsTextBeforeCursor(mEnteredText)) {
// Cancel multi-character input: remove the text we just entered.
// This is triggered on backspace after a key that inputs multiple characters,
// like the smiley key or the .com key.
mConnection.deleteSurroundingText(mEnteredText.length(), 0);
mEnteredText = null;
// If we have mEnteredText, then we know that mHasUncommittedTypedChars == false.
// In addition we know that spaceState is false, and that we should not be
// reverting any autocorrect at this point. So we can safely return.
if (SpaceState.DOUBLE == inputTransaction.mSpaceState) {
if (mConnection.revertDoubleSpacePeriod(
inputTransaction.mSettingsValues.mSpacingAndPunctuations)) {
// No need to reset mSpaceState, it has already be done (that's why we
// receive it as a parameter)
} else if (SpaceState.SWAP_PUNCTUATION == inputTransaction.mSpaceState) {
if (mConnection.revertSwapPunctuation()) {
// Likewise
boolean hasUnlearnedWordBeingDeleted = false;
// No cancelling of commit/double space/swap: we have a regular backspace.
// We should backspace one char and restart suggestion if at the end of a word.
if (mConnection.hasSelection()) {
// If there is a selection, remove it.
final int numCharsDeleted = mConnection.getExpectedSelectionEnd()
- mConnection.getExpectedSelectionStart();
mConnection.deleteSurroundingText(numCharsDeleted, 0);
} else {
// There is no selection, just delete one character.
if (inputTransaction.mSettingsValues.isBeforeJellyBean()
|| inputTransaction.mSettingsValues.mInputAttributes.isTypeNull()
== mConnection.getExpectedSelectionEnd()) {
// There are three possible reasons to send a key event: either the field has
// type TYPE_NULL, in which case the keyboard should send events, or we are
// running in backward compatibility mode, or we don't know the cursor position.
// Before Jelly bean, the keyboard would simulate a hardware keyboard event on
// pressing enter or delete. This is bad for many reasons (there are race
// conditions with commits) but some applications are relying on this behavior
// so we continue to support it for older apps, so we retain this behavior if
// the app has target SDK < JellyBean.
// As for the case where we don't know the cursor position, it can happen
// because of bugs in the framework. But the framework should know, so the next
// best thing is to leave it to whatever it thinks is best.
int totalDeletedLength = 1;
if (mDeleteCount > Constants.DELETE_ACCELERATE_AT) {
// If this is an accelerated (i.e., double) deletion, then we need to
// consider unlearning here because we may have already reached
// the previous word, and will lose it after next deletion.
hasUnlearnedWordBeingDeleted |= unlearnWordBeingDeleted(
inputTransaction.mSettingsValues, currentKeyboardScriptId);
} else {
final int codePointBeforeCursor = mConnection.getCodePointBeforeCursor();
if (codePointBeforeCursor == Constants.NOT_A_CODE) {
// HACK for backward compatibility with broken apps that haven't realized
// yet that hardware keyboards are not the only way of inputting text.
// Nothing to delete before the cursor. We should not do anything, but many
// broken apps expect something to happen in this case so that they can
// catch it and have their broken interface react. If you need the keyboard
// to do this, you're doing it wrong -- please fix your app.
mConnection.deleteSurroundingText(1, 0);
// TODO: Add a new StatsUtils method onBackspaceWhenNoText()
final int lengthToDelete =
Character.isSupplementaryCodePoint(codePointBeforeCursor) ? 2 : 1;
mConnection.deleteSurroundingText(lengthToDelete, 0);
int totalDeletedLength = lengthToDelete;
if (mDeleteCount > Constants.DELETE_ACCELERATE_AT) {
// If this is an accelerated (i.e., double) deletion, then we need to
// consider unlearning here because we may have already reached
// the previous word, and will lose it after next deletion.
hasUnlearnedWordBeingDeleted |= unlearnWordBeingDeleted(
inputTransaction.mSettingsValues, currentKeyboardScriptId);
final int codePointBeforeCursorToDeleteAgain =
if (codePointBeforeCursorToDeleteAgain != Constants.NOT_A_CODE) {
final int lengthToDeleteAgain = Character.isSupplementaryCodePoint(
codePointBeforeCursorToDeleteAgain) ? 2 : 1;
mConnection.deleteSurroundingText(lengthToDeleteAgain, 0);
totalDeletedLength += lengthToDeleteAgain;
if (!hasUnlearnedWordBeingDeleted) {
// Consider unlearning the word being deleted (if we have not done so already).
inputTransaction.mSettingsValues, currentKeyboardScriptId);
if (inputTransaction.mSettingsValues.isSuggestionsEnabledPerUserSettings()
&& inputTransaction.mSettingsValues.mSpacingAndPunctuations
&& !mConnection.isCursorFollowedByWordCharacter(
inputTransaction.mSettingsValues.mSpacingAndPunctuations)) {
false /* forStartInput */, currentKeyboardScriptId);
boolean unlearnWordBeingDeleted(
final SettingsValues settingsValues,final int currentKeyboardScriptId) {
// If we just started backspacing to delete a previous word (but have not
// entered the composing state yet), unlearn the word.
// TODO: Consider tracking whether or not this word was typed by the user.
if (!mConnection.hasSelection()
&& settingsValues.isSuggestionsEnabledPerUserSettings()
&& settingsValues.mSpacingAndPunctuations.mCurrentLanguageHasSpaces
&& !mConnection.isCursorFollowedByWordCharacter(
settingsValues.mSpacingAndPunctuations)) {
final TextRange range = mConnection.getWordRangeAtCursor(
if (range == null) {
// TODO(zivkovic): Check for bad connection before getting this far.
// Happens if we don't have an input connection at all.
return false;
final String wordBeingDeleted = range.mWord.toString();
if (!wordBeingDeleted.isEmpty()) {
unlearnWord(wordBeingDeleted, settingsValues,
return true;
return false;
void unlearnWord(final String word, final SettingsValues settingsValues, final int eventType) {
final NgramContext ngramContext = mConnection.getNgramContextFromNthPreviousWord(
settingsValues.mSpacingAndPunctuations, 2);
final long timeStampInSeconds = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(
word, ngramContext, timeStampInSeconds, eventType);
* Handle a press on the language switch key (the "globe key")
private void handleLanguageSwitchKey() {
* Swap a space with a space-swapping punctuation sign.
* This method will check that there are two characters before the cursor and that the first
* one is a space before it does the actual swapping.
* @param event The event to handle.
* @param inputTransaction The transaction in progress.
* @return true if the swap has been performed, false if it was prevented by preliminary checks.
private boolean trySwapSwapperAndSpace(final Event event,
final InputTransaction inputTransaction) {
final int codePointBeforeCursor = mConnection.getCodePointBeforeCursor();
if (Constants.CODE_SPACE != codePointBeforeCursor) {
return false;
mConnection.deleteSurroundingText(1, 0);
final String text = event.getTextToCommit() + " ";
mConnection.commitText(text, 1);
return true;
* Strip a trailing space if necessary and returns whether it's a swap weak space situation.
* @param event The event to handle.
* @param inputTransaction The transaction in progress.
* @return whether we should swap the space instead of removing it.
private boolean tryStripSpaceAndReturnWhetherShouldSwapInstead(final Event event,
final int codePoint = event.mCodePoint;
final boolean isFromSuggestionStrip = event.isSuggestionStripPress();
if (Constants.CODE_ENTER == codePoint &&
SpaceState.SWAP_PUNCTUATION == inputTransaction.mSpaceState) {
return false;
if ((SpaceState.WEAK == inputTransaction.mSpaceState
|| SpaceState.SWAP_PUNCTUATION == inputTransaction.mSpaceState)
if (inputTransaction.mSettingsValues.isUsuallyPrecededBySpace(codePoint)) {
if (inputTransaction.mSettingsValues.isUsuallyFollowedBySpace(codePoint)) {
return false;
public void startDoubleSpacePeriodCountdown(final InputTransaction inputTransaction) {
mDoubleSpacePeriodCountdownStart = inputTransaction.mTimestamp;
public void cancelDoubleSpacePeriodCountdown() {
mDoubleSpacePeriodCountdownStart = 0;
public boolean isDoubleSpacePeriodCountdownActive(final InputTransaction inputTransaction) {
return inputTransaction.mTimestamp - mDoubleSpacePeriodCountdownStart
< inputTransaction.mSettingsValues.mDoubleSpacePeriodTimeout;
* Apply the double-space-to-period transformation if applicable.
* The double-space-to-period transformation means that we replace two spaces with a
* period-space sequence of characters. This typically happens when the user presses space
* twice in a row quickly.
* This method will check that the double-space-to-period is active in settings, that the
* two spaces have been input close enough together, that the typed character is a space
* and that the previous character allows for the transformation to take place. If all of
* these conditions are fulfilled, this method applies the transformation and returns true.
* Otherwise, it does nothing and returns false.
* @param event The event to handle.
* @param inputTransaction The transaction in progress.
* @return true if we applied the double-space-to-period transformation, false otherwise.
private boolean tryPerformDoubleSpacePeriod(final Event event,
final InputTransaction inputTransaction) {
// Check the setting, the typed character and the countdown. If any of the conditions is
// not fulfilled, return false.
if (!inputTransaction.mSettingsValues.mUseDoubleSpacePeriod
|| Constants.CODE_SPACE != event.mCodePoint
|| !isDoubleSpacePeriodCountdownActive(inputTransaction)) {
return false;
// We only do this when we see one space and an accepted code point before the cursor.
// The code point may be a surrogate pair but the space may not, so we need 3 chars.
final CharSequence lastTwo = mConnection.getTextBeforeCursor(3, 0);
if (null == lastTwo) return false;
final int length = lastTwo.length();
if (length < 2) return false;
if (lastTwo.charAt(length - 1) != Constants.CODE_SPACE) {
return false;
// We know there is a space in pos -1, and we have at least two chars. If we have only two
// chars, isSurrogatePairs can't return true as charAt(1) is a space, so this is fine.
Character.isSurrogatePair(lastTwo.charAt(0), lastTwo.charAt(1)) ?
Character.codePointAt(lastTwo, length - 3) : lastTwo.charAt(length - 2);
if (canBeFollowedByDoubleSpacePeriod(firstCodePoint)) {
mConnection.deleteSurroundingText(1, 0);
final String textToInsert = inputTransaction.mSettingsValues.mSpacingAndPunctuations
mConnection.commitText(textToInsert, 1);
return true;
return false;
* Returns whether this code point can be followed by the double-space-to-period transformation.
* See #maybeDoubleSpaceToPeriod for details.
* Generally, most word characters can be followed by the double-space-to-period transformation,
* while most punctuation can't. Some punctuation however does allow for this to take place
* after them, like the closing parenthesis for example.
* @param codePoint the code point after which we may want to apply the transformation
* @return whether it's fine to apply the transformation after this code point.
private static boolean canBeFollowedByDoubleSpacePeriod(final int codePoint) {
// TODO: This should probably be a blacklist rather than a whitelist.
// TODO: This should probably be language-dependant...
return Character.isLetterOrDigit(codePoint)
|| codePoint == Constants.CODE_SINGLE_QUOTE
|| codePoint == Constants.CODE_DOUBLE_QUOTE
|| codePoint == Constants.CODE_CLOSING_PARENTHESIS
|| codePoint == Constants.CODE_CLOSING_SQUARE_BRACKET
|| codePoint == Constants.CODE_CLOSING_CURLY_BRACKET
|| codePoint == Constants.CODE_CLOSING_ANGLE_BRACKET
|| codePoint == Constants.CODE_PLUS
|| codePoint == Constants.CODE_PERCENT
|| Character.getType(codePoint) == Character.OTHER_SYMBOL;
* Performs a recapitalization event.
* @param settingsValues The current settings values.
private void performRecapitalization(final SettingsValues settingsValues) {
if (!mConnection.hasSelection() || !mRecapitalizeStatus.mIsEnabled()) {
return; // No selection or recapitalize is disabled for now
final int selectionStart = mConnection.getExpectedSelectionStart();
final int selectionEnd = mConnection.getExpectedSelectionEnd();
final int numCharsSelected = selectionEnd - selectionStart;
if (numCharsSelected > Constants.MAX_CHARACTERS_FOR_RECAPITALIZATION) {
// We bail out if we have too many characters for performance reasons. We don't want
// to suck possibly multiple-megabyte data.
// If we have a recapitalize in progress, use it; otherwise, start a new one.
if (!mRecapitalizeStatus.isStarted()
|| !mRecapitalizeStatus.isSetAt(selectionStart, selectionEnd)) {
final CharSequence selectedText =
mConnection.getSelectedText(0 /* flags, 0 for no styles */);
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(selectedText)) return; // Race condition with the input connection
mRecapitalizeStatus.start(selectionStart, selectionEnd, selectedText.toString(),
// We trim leading and trailing whitespace.
mConnection.setSelection(selectionEnd, selectionEnd);
mConnection.deleteSurroundingText(numCharsSelected, 0);
mConnection.commitText(mRecapitalizeStatus.getRecapitalizedString(), 0);
private void performAdditionToUserHistoryDictionary(final SettingsValues settingsValues,
final String suggestion, @Nonnull final NgramContext ngramContext) {
// If correction is not enabled, we don't add words to the user history dictionary.
// That's to avoid unintended additions in some sensitive fields, or fields that
// expect to receive non-words.
if (!settingsValues.mAutoCorrectionEnabledPerUserSettings) return;
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(suggestion)) return;
final boolean wasAutoCapitalized =
mWordComposer.wasAutoCapitalized() && !mWordComposer.isMostlyCaps();
final int timeStampInSeconds = (int)TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(
mDictionaryFacilitator.addToUserHistory(suggestion, wasAutoCapitalized,
ngramContext, timeStampInSeconds, settingsValues.mBlockPotentiallyOffensive);
public void performUpdateSuggestionStripSync(final SettingsValues settingsValues,
final int inputStyle) {
// Check if we have a suggestion engine attached.
if (!settingsValues.needsToLookupSuggestions()) {
if (mWordComposer.isComposingWord()) {
Log.w(TAG, "Called updateSuggestionsOrPredictions but suggestions were not "
+ "requested!");
// Clear the suggestions strip.
Adrian Velicu
if (!mWordComposer.isComposingWord() && !settingsValues.mBigramPredictionEnabled) {
final AsyncResultHolder<SuggestedWords> holder = new AsyncResultHolder<>();
mInputLogicHandler.getSuggestedWords(inputStyle, SuggestedWords.NOT_A_SEQUENCE_NUMBER,
new OnGetSuggestedWordsCallback() {
public void onGetSuggestedWords(final SuggestedWords suggestedWords) {
final String typedWordString = mWordComposer.getTypedWord();
final SuggestedWordInfo typedWordInfo = new SuggestedWordInfo(
typedWordString, SuggestedWordInfo.MAX_SCORE,
SuggestedWordInfo.NOT_AN_INDEX /* indexOfTouchPointOfSecondWord */,
// Show new suggestions if we have at least one. Otherwise keep the old
// suggestions with the new typed word. Exception: if the length of the
// typed word is <= 1 (after a deletion typically) we clear old suggestions.
if (suggestedWords.size() > 1 || typedWordString.length() <= 1) {
holder.set(retrieveOlderSuggestions(typedWordInfo, mSuggestedWords));
// This line may cause the current thread to wait.
final SuggestedWords suggestedWords = holder.get(null,
if (suggestedWords != null) {
* Check if the cursor is touching a word. If so, restart suggestions on this word, else
* do nothing.
* @param settingsValues the current values of the settings.
* @param forStartInput whether we're doing this in answer to starting the input (as opposed
* to a cursor move, for example). In ICS, there is a platform bug that we need to work
* around only when we come here at input start time.
// TODO: make this private.
public void restartSuggestionsOnWordTouchedByCursor(final SettingsValues settingsValues,
// TODO: remove this argument, put it into settingsValues
final int currentKeyboardScriptId) {
// HACK: We may want to special-case some apps that exhibit bad behavior in case of
// recorrection. This is a temporary, stopgap measure that will be removed later.
// TODO: remove this.
if (settingsValues.isBrokenByRecorrection()
// Recorrection is not supported in languages without spaces because we don't know
// how to segment them yet.
|| !settingsValues.mSpacingAndPunctuations.mCurrentLanguageHasSpaces
// If no suggestions are requested, don't try restarting suggestions.
|| !settingsValues.needsToLookupSuggestions()
// If we are currently in a batch input, we must not resume suggestions, or the result
// of the batch input will replace the new composition. This may happen in the corner case
// that the app moves the cursor on its own accord during a batch input.
|| mInputLogicHandler.isInBatchInput()
// If the cursor is not touching a word, or if there is a selection, return right away.
|| mConnection.hasSelection()
// If we don't know the cursor location, return.
|| mConnection.getExpectedSelectionStart() < 0) {
final int expectedCursorPosition = mConnection.getExpectedSelectionStart();
if (!mConnection.isCursorTouchingWord(settingsValues.mSpacingAndPunctuations)) {
// Show predictions.
final TextRange range = mConnection.getWordRangeAtCursor(
settingsValues.mSpacingAndPunctuations, currentKeyboardScriptId);
if (null == range) return; // Happens if we don't have an input connection at all
if (range.length() <= 0) {
// Race condition, or touching a word in a non-supported script.
// If for some strange reason (editor bug or so) we measure the text before the cursor as
// longer than what the entire text is supposed to be, the safe thing to do is bail out.
if (range.mHasUrlSpans) return; // If there are links, we don't resume suggestions. Making
// edits to a linkified text through batch commands would ruin the URL spans, and unless
// we take very complicated steps to preserve the whole link, we can't do things right so
// we just do not resume because it's safer.
final int numberOfCharsInWordBeforeCursor = range.getNumberOfCharsInWordBeforeCursor();
if (numberOfCharsInWordBeforeCursor > expectedCursorPosition) return;
final ArrayList<SuggestedWordInfo> suggestions = new ArrayList<>();
final String typedWordString = range.mWord.toString();
final SuggestedWordInfo typedWordInfo = new SuggestedWordInfo(typedWordString,
SuggestedWords.MAX_SUGGESTIONS + 1,
SuggestedWordInfo.NOT_AN_INDEX /* indexOfTouchPointOfSecondWord */,
SuggestedWordInfo.NOT_A_CONFIDENCE /* autoCommitFirstWordConfidence */);
if (!isResumableWord(settingsValues, typedWordString)) {
int i = 0;
for (final SuggestionSpan span : range.getSuggestionSpansAtWord()) {
for (final String s : span.getSuggestions()) {
if (!TextUtils.equals(s, typedWordString)) {
suggestions.add(new SuggestedWordInfo(s,
SuggestedWords.MAX_SUGGESTIONS - i,
SuggestedWordInfo.NOT_AN_INDEX /* indexOfTouchPointOfSecondWord */,
/* autoCommitFirstWordConfidence */));
final int[] codePoints = StringUtils.toCodePointArray(typedWordString);
typedWordString.codePointCount(0, numberOfCharsInWordBeforeCursor));
if (forStartInput) {
mConnection.setComposingRegion(expectedCursorPosition - numberOfCharsInWordBeforeCursor,
expectedCursorPosition + range.getNumberOfCharsInWordAfterCursor());
if (suggestions.size() <= 1) {
// If there weren't any suggestion spans on this word, suggestions#size() will be 1
// if shouldIncludeResumedWordInSuggestions is true, 0 otherwise. In this case, we
// have no useful suggestions, so we will try to compute some for it instead.
SuggestedWords.NOT_A_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, new OnGetSuggestedWordsCallback() {
public void onGetSuggestedWords(final SuggestedWords suggestedWords) {
} else {
// We found suggestion spans in the word. We'll create the SuggestedWords out of
// them, and make willAutoCorrect false. We make typedWordValid false, because the
// color of the word in the suggestion strip changes according to this parameter,
// and false gives the correct color.
final SuggestedWords suggestedWords = new SuggestedWords(suggestions,
null /* rawSuggestions */, typedWordInfo, false /* typedWordValid */,
false /* willAutoCorrect */, false /* isObsoleteSuggestions */,
void doShowSuggestionsAndClearAutoCorrectionIndicator(final SuggestedWords suggestedWords) {
mIsAutoCorrectionIndicatorOn = false;
* Reverts a previous commit with auto-correction.
* This is triggered upon pressing backspace just after a commit with auto-correction.
* @param inputTransaction The transaction in progress.
* @param settingsValues the current values of the settings.
private void revertCommit(final InputTransaction inputTransaction,
final SettingsValues settingsValues) {
final CharSequence originallyTypedWord = mLastComposedWord.mTypedWord;
final String originallyTypedWordString =
originallyTypedWord != null ? originallyTypedWord.toString() : "";
final CharSequence committedWord = mLastComposedWord.mCommittedWord;
final String committedWordString = committedWord.toString();
final int cancelLength = committedWord.length();
final String separatorString = mLastComposedWord.mSeparatorString;
// If our separator is a space, we won't actually commit it,
// but set the space state to PHANTOM so that a space will be inserted
// on the next keypress
final boolean usePhantomSpace = separatorString.equals(Constants.STRING_SPACE);
// We want java chars, not codepoints for the following.
final int separatorLength = separatorString.length();
// TODO: should we check our saved separator against the actual contents of the text view?
final int deleteLength = cancelLength + separatorLength;
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