- Aug 19, 2023
Aleksandras Kostarevas authored
Aleksandras Kostarevas authored
Aleksandras Kostarevas authored
- Aug 18, 2023
Aleksandras Kostarevas authored
Aleksandras Kostarevas authored
Aleksandras Kostarevas authored
- Aug 15, 2023
abb128 authored
- Aug 14, 2023
Aleksandras Kostarevas authored
Aleksandras Kostarevas authored
Aleksandras Kostarevas authored
Aleksandras Kostarevas authored
Aleksandras Kostarevas authored
Aleksandras Kostarevas authored
Remove ICS and Holo themes. Remove most png keyboard resources, replacing with xml shapes and colors
- Jul 06, 2023
abb128 authored
- Oct 17, 2022
Cole Faust authored
This commit is part of a large scale change to fix errorprone errors that have been downgraded to warnings in the android source tree, so that they can be promoted to errors again. The full list of changes include the following, but not all will be present in any one individual commit: BadAnnotationImplementation BadShiftAmount BanJNDI BoxedPrimitiveEquality ComparableType ComplexBooleanConstant CollectionToArraySafeParameter ConditionalExpressionNumericPromotion DangerousLiteralNull DoubleBraceInitialization DurationFrom DurationTemporalUnit EmptyTopLevelDeclaration EqualsNull EqualsReference FormatString FromTemporalAccessor GetClassOnAnnotation GetClassOnClass HashtableContains IdentityBinaryExpression IdentityHashMapBoxing InstantTemporalUnit InvalidTimeZoneID InvalidZoneId IsInstanceIncompatibleType JUnitParameterMethodNotFound LockOnBoxedPrimitive MathRoundIntLong MislabeledAndroidString MisusedDayOfYear MissingSuperCall MisusedWeekYear ModifyingCollectionWithItself NoCanIgnoreReturnValueOnClasses NonRuntimeAnnotation NullableOnContainingClass NullTernary OverridesJavaxInjectableMethod ParcelableCreator PeriodFrom PreconditionsInvalidPlaceholder ProtoBuilderReturnValueIgnored ProtoFieldNullComparison RandomModInteger RectIntersectReturnValueIgnored ReturnValueIgnored SelfAssignment SelfComparison SelfEquals SizeGreaterThanOrEqualsZero StringBuilderInitWithChar TreeToString TryFailThrowable UnnecessaryCheckNotNull UnusedCollectionModifiedInPlace XorPower See https://errorprone.info/bugpatterns for more information on the checks. Bug: 253827323 Test: m RUN_ERROR_PRONE=true javac-check Change-Id: I454a105ae82484a2d19aff1808e8d9dd55ba64f4
- Aug 16, 2022
Cole Faust authored
The ArrayEquals, ArrayHashCode, ArrayToString, and ArraysAsListPrimitiveArray errorprone findings were demoted from errors to warnings. Fix existing occurrences of them so they can be made errors again. Bug: 242630963 Test: RUN_ERROR_PRONE=true m javac-check Change-Id: I689397a7196277de3fd301836e72f7555e2036cb
- Feb 23, 2022
Wilson Wu authored
Remove the showDictionaryAvailableNotification method since there is no module use it. Bug: 209479751 Test: presubmit Change-Id: I4c88b4a2d0cb36761d9102ce35260f93303625d9
- Jan 17, 2022
Lais Andrade authored
The keyboard key-press haptic feedback should follow the user settings for "Touch feedback". Bug: 185351540 Test: manual Change-Id: I718d3bf15b1ef841a869a898038d0eca1eca78f0
- Jan 12, 2022
Ming-Shin Lu authored
With CL[1],[2] to migrate InputMethodService as the subclass of the new introduced class WindowProviderService in S_V2, IME context resources can be managed by associating the window container of IME window when its display/window configuration changed. So we can get rid of createDisplayContext logic from S_V2 with gated by SDK version and refining the method of get IME context with documentation to make it clear. [1]: Ie565e30ed5dd3f2cfe27355a6dded76dc3adc14b [2]: I64a1614f32d097785915f6105b1813a929e0fe32 Bug: 213118079 Bug: 133825283 Test: manual with below steps 1) adb install -r EditTextVariations.apk 2) tapas LatinIME 3) make 4) adb install -r out/target/product/generic/system/app/LatinIME/\ LatinIME.apk 5) adb shell ime enable com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME 6) adb shell ime set com.android.inputmethod.latin/.LatinIME 5) Enable screen auto-rotation 7) Launch EditTextVariations from launcher's shortcut 8) Tap the first EditText field to show IME 9) Rotate the device to the landscape mode 10) Expect the IME should not be shrunk Change-Id: If2cc1c5bdb257a9c0af653fa7157cf781a90bf1d
- Jun 18, 2021
Ming-Shin Lu authored
As CL[1] introduces diplayContext to address IME service context's Resources / DisplayMetrics update when switching IME window to another display after onConfigurationChange. In LatinIME#onInitializeInterface, we only update keyboard theme context and displayContent when the displayId is changed, but overlooked even the displayId is the same, the display context's resource configuration might changed like the device orientation changd. It leads getDefaultKeyboardHeight will get wrong config_max_keyboard_height fraction value when rotating to landcape because the context resources didn't get updated. Add a check to update keyboard theme context when the current display configuation is changed accordingly. [1]: I0ed6a079af1ed90c75fee1d36d5ce3ef3c41f8ed Fix: 186507147 Test: manual as issue steps 1) Turn on auto-rotate 2) Open Settings 3) Rotating the device to landscape mode 4) Tap “Search settings", verify if the soft-keyboard shown and the size is expected. Change-Id: I288a31baf04fa2e63d6b4a14ad81b401cb36ece5 Merged-In: I288a31baf04fa2e63d6b4a14ad81b401cb36ece5
- May 28, 2021
Ming-Shin Lu authored
As CL[1] introduces diplayContext to address IME service context's Resources / DisplayMetrics update when switching IME window to another display after onConfigurationChange. In LatinIME#onInitializeInterface, we only update keyboard theme context and displayContent when the displayId is changed, but overlooked even the displayId is the same, the display context's resource configuration might changed like the device orientation changd. It leads getDefaultKeyboardHeight will get wrong config_max_keyboard_height fraction value when rotating to landcape because the context resources didn't get updated. Add a check to update keyboard theme context when the current display configuation is changed accordingly. [1]: I0ed6a079af1ed90c75fee1d36d5ce3ef3c41f8ed Fix: 186507147 Test: manual as issue steps 1) Turn on auto-rotate 2) Open Settings 3) Rotating the device to landscape mode 4) Tap “Search settings", verify if the soft-keyboard shown and the size is expected. Change-Id: I288a31baf04fa2e63d6b4a14ad81b401cb36ece5
- Aug 12, 2020
Adrian Roos authored
See https://source.android.com/setup/contribute/respectful-code for reference Bug: 162536543 Change-Id: I5df9e60ec6caa2e1e3253532c2b59b74adfc1749
- Jul 31, 2020
Jeff Sharkey authored
See https://source.android.com/setup/contribute/respectful-code for reference Bug: 161896447 Change-Id: I171bc299e660f96f20041a67a3052bd8a2ed781c
- Jul 22, 2020
Seigo Nonaka authored
See https://source.android.com/setup/contribute/respectful-code for reference Bug: 161896447 Test: tapas LatinIME && m Change-Id: I2ffb39ff70f61e579b62761d3da526a545dead1f
- Sep 17, 2019
ryanlwlin authored
From Android Q, Talkback supports lift-to-type feature if the node claims it is a text entry key via setTextEntryKey(). We implement this API to show how this API is applied. This CL uses AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat instead of AccessibilityNodeInfo so that the same functionality can be used even on pre-Q devices when the AccessibilityService supports it. With that, this CL removes the legacy code of lift-to-type feature, which was implemented in the AOSP Keyboard side. Bug: 131644969 Test: manual - enable Talkback suporting lift-to-type,check Talback perform click action when finger is lifted. Change-Id: I1ec2928f5a9ba0bde999b09d4c0b9c922f179a2a
- Sep 11, 2019
lumark authored
To address IME service context's Resources / DisplayMetrics update when switching IME window to another display after onConfigurationChange. We use Context#createDisplayContext to create display specific context when display changed, to ensure soft keyboard can re-layout with correct resources. Bug: 126930163 Test: manual with AOSP IME as below steps: 1) Settings > Developer options > enable "Simulated Display" & "Force desktop mode". 2) Reboot device 3) Launch app (i.e. Contacts) with bluetooth or usb mouse in Simulated display. 4) Tap EditText on app to see see if IME window layout correctly on simulated display. 5) Launch app (i.e Files) on primary display. 6) Tap EditText on app to see if IME window layout correctly on primary display. Change-Id: I0ed6a079af1ed90c75fee1d36d5ce3ef3c41f8ed Merged-In: I0ed6a079af1ed90c75fee1d36d5ce3ef3c41f8ed
- Jul 09, 2019
lumark authored
To address IME service context's Resources / DisplayMetrics update when switching IME window to another display after onConfigurationChange. We use Context#createDisplayContext to create display specific context when display changed, to ensure soft keyboard can re-layout with correct resources. Bug: 126930163 Test: manual with AOSP IME as below steps: 1) Settings > Developer options > enable "Simulated Display" & "Force desktop mode". 2) Reboot device 3) Launch app (i.e. Contacts) with bluetooth or usb mouse in Simulated display. 4) Tap EditText on app to see see if IME window layout correctly on simulated display. 5) Launch app (i.e Files) on primary display. 6) Tap EditText on app to see if IME window layout correctly on primary display. Change-Id: I0ed6a079af1ed90c75fee1d36d5ce3ef3c41f8ed
- Jul 05, 2019
lumark authored
Remove EXTENDED_TOUCHABLE_REGION_HEIGHT from LatinIME#onComputeInsets to prevent keyboard touch region covered navigation bar when in split-window mode with display density < 240 case. Fix: 134893742 Test: manual as below steps: 1) Set window density as 240 with "adb shell wm density 240" 2) Launch a app (i.e. Messages) from recents activity, set as split-screen mode. 3) Tap Search bar to show IME keyboard. 4) Press home / back / recents key if it works, expect it works. Change-Id: I596b7276041fecc50d2bc095c7e51664f632368d
- May 04, 2019
Yohei Yukawa authored
This CL demonstrates how an IME can show an Activity on the display where the IME is shown. The key points are: * The current display ID can be obtained as follows. final int curentDisplayId = inputMethodService .getSystemService(WindowManager.class) .getDefaultDisplay() .getDisplayId(); * When launching an Activity, specify the target display ID as follows. inputMethodService.startActivity(intent, ActivityOptions .makeBasic() .setLaunchDisplayId(curentDisplayId) .toBundle()); Fix: 131718879 Test: Manually verified as follows. 1. Build aosp_blueline-userdebug and flash it. 2. adb shell settings put global force_desktop_mode_on_external_displays 1 3. adb shell settings put global overlay_display_devices 1920x1080/320 4. adb reboot 5. With a mouse, launch any application that has input field in the secondary display. 6. Click that input field to bring up AOSP Keyboard. 7. Long click the comma key then select the gear icon. 8. Select "Android Keyboard Settings (AOSP)" 9. Make sure that the AOSP Keyboard Settings is launched in the secondary display, not in the default display. 10. Go back to the step 7. 11. Select "Languages" 12. Subtype Enabler for AOSP Keyboard is shown in the secondary display, not in the default display. Change-Id: I9f89f371c38d9a7b5a06d018d4b41aa09815ea24
- Oct 29, 2018
Tadashi G. Takaoka authored
This CL partially reverts - Id88b02b74bdfe4ca05b08181ceb6b34d5652fc0c - I05c7d8429e8d9a26139456763c77997340fea8c2 And followup (remove shortcut support) - I73b7dc008a5acaf75a31a36a2d332b5afabd82d0 Bug: 28255684 Test: make -j10 dicttool_aosp Change-Id: I2e01ed86b9517a1141aee35ea6d8ef39258981d1
- Jul 05, 2018
Yohei Yukawa authored
PersonalDictionaryLookup has never been used. Usually proguard can remove this class but it also makes it difficult to run unit tests. We should just remove this unused class. Bug: 111164993 Test: compile Test: No new test failure Change-Id: I732db94cb3aac4ed9c6b5954679b896334a12a9c
- Jun 24, 2018
Yohei Yukawa authored
This is a preparation to deprecate frameworks/opt/inputmethodcommon repository. Currently repository 'inputmethodcommon' is used only from LatinIME. Having such a repository only for one project is overkill. Also, to add gradle build support to LatinIME project, it would be much easier LatinIME didn't have such a dependency. This CL mechanically copies files in 'inputmethodcommon' repository to 'LatinIME' repository. In theory there should be no behavior change. Bug: 110741521 Test: tapas LatinIME && make -j Change-Id: I3fabb038be9a944dcd9ef79ffcc89800a5f0bf5a
- May 15, 2018
vineel sadineni authored
Bug: 76692459 Test: mmma packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/ Change-Id: Ib76af6f6db1a0dd5cf64a06a4ea56151712e9692
- May 07, 2018
Yohei Yukawa authored
This CL a logical revert of a previous CL [1], which separated Java files into common ones and overridable ones. Now that that overriding concept is no longer used, there is no need to keep having separate directory structure. [1]: Ic734bd4d20aa050c688a3158b1a382ae0ac18991 fb74ab15 Fix: 79323502 Test: make -j aosp_taimen-userdebug && make -j Test: tapas LatinIME && make -j Change-Id: I2090bc25d18e6d4f24e91c2cbfe832755cbb4e8f
- Sep 01, 2017
Yohei Yukawa authored
This CL introduces a custom intent action for apps to ask AOSP Keyboard to close its software keyboard with guarding it with a signature-protected permission. Any app that is signed with the same signature as AOSP Keyboard can have the following line in AndroidManifest.xml <uses-permission android:name="com.android.inputmethod.latin.HIDE_SOFT_INPUT"/> to request AOSP Keyboard to close its software keyboard as follows. sendBroadcast(new Intent("com.android.inputmethod.latin.HIDE_SOFT_INPUT") .setPackage("com.android.inputmethod.latin")); Test: Manually verified with a test app. Fixes: 65270710 Change-Id: I4fd2e3a7336ec66c70582a2f274a200cbf035a7f
- May 17, 2016
Yohei Yukawa authored
In order to avoid layering violation, LocaleList needs to be moved from android.util package to android.os package [1]. This CL follows up that package change. No behavior change is intended. [1]: Ia8de2ee9df3dd0a42b1fe84574439519b680fe18 Bug: 28819696 Change-Id: Ie795c191e299358c7c463693823f309ce61cc985
- May 10, 2016
Ian Rogers authored
Bug introduced in 5ac4638f. Bug found by error prone: Bug: 27723540 Change-Id: I4325f3bc1f1186bd24d4b0074f0c573cc5cb4e31
- Mar 15, 2016
Keisuke Kuroyanagi authored
LatinIME checks hardware keyboard presence and software keyboard visibility to decide whether to start full screen mode. This doesn't work well with the recent update on "Show input method" (Bug: 22517687, Id4d332e3909590c68345e). On the first tap, software keyboard is not shown and hardware keyboard is connected; so full screen mode is not started. However, onEvaluateInputViewShown may return true ant software keyboard may be brought up. In this care, on the second tap, software keyboard is visible so full screen mode will be started regardless of hardware keyboard presence. This CL checks onEvaluateInputViewShown to decide whether to start full screen mode. Bug: 27234709 Change-Id: I587262cc36e5fccc59620b4bd2d2c3c05c72232f
- Mar 04, 2016
Yohei Yukawa authored
We want to expose Serbian (Latin) layout as "sr-Latn" to the system, while our internal logic may not be ready to deal with "sr-Latn" yet. As a temporary workaround, we remap "sr-Latn" into "sr_ZZ" for our internal use. Bug: 27348943 Change-Id: I93ff0c75b3687bb1b913f451b9eb5f2820beefbc
- Mar 03, 2016
Yohei Yukawa authored
This reverts commit 3e267026. It turns out that the behavior change in libcore was unintentional, and it was already fixed [1]. Let's revert our workaround back to see if the existing code is compatible with N. [1]: Ibacb192abc37870c74a2500d65b94d68f9c2318e 5e7b572c2b494ab86ddd2baca3883a40a6064c1e Bug: 26239281 Change-Id: I6cd2340492d93251231e7ee37c3d4f82c1721293