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Commit 1e75860e authored by Koen's avatar Koen
Browse files

Initial commit.

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- deploy
stage: deploy
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- main
\ No newline at end of file
"name": "Twitch (Beta)",
"description": "One of the biggest livestreaming platforms, owned by Amazon.",
"author": "FUTO",
"authorUrl": "",
"sourceUrl": "",
"repositoryUrl": "",
"scriptUrl": "./TwitchScript.js",
"version": 6,
"iconUrl": "./twitch.png",
"id": "c0f315f9-0992-4508-a061-f2738724c331",
"scriptSignature": "",
"scriptPublicKey": "",
"packages": ["Http"],
"allowEval": false,
"allowUrls": [
"authentication": {
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.3",
"loginUrl": "",
"headersToFind": ["Authorization"]
This diff is collapsed.
# Take site offline
echo "Taking site offline..."
touch $DOCUMENT_ROOT/maintenance.file
# Swap over the content
echo "Deploying content..."
cp twitch.png $DOCUMENT_ROOT/
cp TwitchConfig.json $DOCUMENT_ROOT/
cp TwitchScript.js $DOCUMENT_ROOT/
# Notify Cloudflare to wipe the CDN cache
echo "Purging Cloudflare cache..."
curl -X POST "$CLOUDFLARE_ZONE_ID/purge_cache" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data '{"purge_everything":true}'
# Take site back online
echo "Bringing site back online..."
rm $DOCUMENT_ROOT/maintenance.file
\ No newline at end of file
//Reference Scriptfile
//Intended exclusively for auto-complete in your IDE, not for execution
declare class ScriptException extends Error {
constructor(type: string, msg: string);
declare class TimeoutException extends ScriptException {
constructor(msg: string);
declare class Thumbnails {
constructor(thumbnails: Thumbnail[])
declare class Thumbnail {
constructor(url, quality) {
this.url = url ?? ""; //string
this.quality = quality ?? 0; //integer
declare class PlatformID {
constructor(platform: string, id: string, pluginId: string);
declare class ResultCapabilities {
constructor(types: string[], sorts: string[], filters: FilterGroup[])
declare class FilterGroup {
constructor(name: string, filters: string[], isMultiSelect: boolean, id: string);
declare class FilterCapability {
constructor(name: string, value: string, id: string);
declare class PlatformAuthorLink {
constructor(id: PlatformID, name: string, url: string, thumbnail: string, subscribers: integer?);
declare interface PlatformContentDef {
id: PlatformID,
name: string,
author: PlatformAuthorLink,
datetime: integer,
url: string
declare interface PlatformVideoDef extends PlatformContentDef {
thumbnails: Thumbnails,
author: PlatformAuthorLink,
duration: int,
viewCount: long,
isLive: boolean
declare interface PlatformContent {}
declare class PlatformVideo implements PlatformContent {
constructor(obj: PlatformVideoDef);
declare interface PlatformVideoDetailsDef extends PlatformVideoDef {
description: string,
video: VideoSourceDescriptor,
dash: DashSource?,
hls: HLSSource?,
live: SubtitleSource[]
declare class PlatformVideoDetails extends PlatformVideo {
constructor(obj: PlatformVideoDetailsDef);
declare interface IVideoSourceDescriptor {}
declare interface MuxVideoSourceDescriptorDef {
isUnMuxed: boolean,
videoSources: VideoSource[]
declare class MuxVideoSourceDescriptor implements IVideoSourceDescriptor {
constructor(obj: VideoSourceDescriptorDef);
declare interface UnMuxVideoSourceDescriptorDef {
isUnMuxed: boolean,
videoSources: VideoSource[]
class UnMuxVideoSourceDescriptor implements IVideoSourceDescriptor {
constructor(videoSourcesOrObj: VideoSource[], audioSources: AudioSource[]);
constructor(videoSourcesOrObj: UnMuxVideoSourceDescriptorDef);
declare interface IVideoSource {
declare interface IAudioSource {
interface VideoUrlSourceDef implements IVideoSource {
width: integer,
height: integer,
container: string,
codec: string,
name: string,
bitrate: integer,
duration: integer,
url: string
class VideoUrlSource {
constructor(obj: VideoUrlSourceDef);
interface YTVideoSourceDef extends VideoUrlSource {
itagId: integer,
initStart: integer,
initEnd: integer,
indexStart: integer,
indexEnd: integer,
class YTVideoSource extends VideoUrlSource {
constructor(obj: YTVideoSourceDef);
interface AudioUrlSourceDef {
name: string,
bitrate: integer,
container: string,
codecs: string,
duration: integer,
url: string,
language: string
class AudioUrlSource implements IAudioSource {
constructor(obj: AudioUrlSourceDef);
interface YTAudioSourceDef extends AudioUrlSource {
itagId: integer,
initStart: integer,
initEnd: integer,
indexStart: integer,
indexEnd: integer,
audioChannels: integer
class YTAudioSource extends AudioUrlSource {
constructor(obj: YTAudioSourceDef);
interface HLSSourceDef {
name: string,
duration: integer,
url: string
class HLSSource implements IVideoSource {
constructor(obj: HLSSourceDef);
interface DashSourceDef {
name: string,
duration: integer,
url: string
class DashSource implements IVideoSource {
constructor(obj: DashSourceDef)
interface PlatformChannelDef {
id: string,
name: string,
thumbnail: string,
banner: string,
subscribers: integer,
description: string,
url: string,
links: Map<string>?
class PlatformChannel {
constructor(obj: PlatformChannelDef);
interface IRating {
type: integer
declare class RatingLikes implements IRating {
constructor(likes: integer);
declare class RatingLikesDislikes implements IRating {
constructor(likes: integer, dislikes: integer);
declare class RatingScaler implements IRating {
constructor(value: double);
declare interface CommentDef {
contextUrl: string,
author: PlatformAuthorLink,
message: string,
rating: IRating,
date: long,
replyCount: int,
context: any
declare class Comment {
constructor(obj: CommentDef);
declare class LiveEventPager {
nextRequest = 4000;
constructor(results: LiveEvent[], hasMore: boolean, context: any);
hasMorePagers(): boolean
nextPage(): LiveEventPager; //Could be self
class LiveEvent {
type: String
declare class LiveEventComment extends LiveEvent {
constructor(name: string, message: string, thumbnail: string?);
declare class LiveEventEmojis extends LiveEvent {
constructor(name: Map<string>);
declare class LiveEventDonation extends LiveEvent {
constructor(amount: integer, name: string, message: string, thumbnail: string?);
declare class LiveEventViewCount extends LiveEvent {
constructor(viewCount: integer);
declare class LiveEventRaid extends LiveEvent {
constructor(targetUrl: string, targetName: string, targetThumbnail: string);
declare class VideoPager {
constructor(results: PlatformVideo[], hasMore: boolean, context: any);
hasMorePagers(): boolean
nextPage(): VideoPager; //Could be self
declare class ChannelPager {
constructor(results: PlatformChannel[], hasMore: boolean, context: any);
hasMorePagers(): boolean;
nextPage(): ChannelPager; //Could be self
declare class CommentPager {
constructor(results: Comment[], hasMore: boolean, context: any);
hasMorePagers(): boolean
nextPage(): CommentPager; //Could be self
interface Map<T> {
[Key: string]: T;
//To override by plugin
interface Source {
getHome(): VideoPager;
enable(config: SourceConfig);
searchSuggestions(query: string): string[];
search(query: string, type: string, order: string, filters): VideoPager;
getSearchCapabilities(): ResultCapabilities
searchChannelContents(channelUrl: string, query: string, type: string, order: string, filters): VideoPager;
getSearchChannelContentsCapabilities(): ResultCapabilities;
isChannelUrl(url: string): boolean;
getChannel(url: string): PlatformChannel;
getChannelContents(url: string, type: string, order: string, filters): VideoPager;
getChannelCapabilities(): ResultCapabilities;
isContentDetailsUrl(url: string): boolean;
getContentDetails(url: string): PlatformVideoDetails;
getLiveEvents(url: string): LiveEventPager;
getComments(url: string): CommentPager;
getSubComments(comment: Comment): CommentPager;
getUserSubscriptions(): string[];
getUserPlaylists(): string[];
isPlaylistUrl(url: string): boolean;
getPlaylist(url): string[];
const source: Source;
ref.js 0 → 100644
//Reference Scriptfile
//Intended exclusively for auto-complete in your IDE, not for execution
var IS_TESTING = false;
let Type = {
Source: {
Dash: "DASH",
STATIC: "Static"
Feed: {
Videos: "VIDEOS",
Streams: "STREAMS",
Mixed: "MIXED",
Live: "LIVE"
Order: {
Chronological: "CHRONOLOGICAL"
Date: {
LastHour: "LAST_HOUR",
Today: "TODAY",
LastWeek: "LAST_WEEK",
LastMonth: "LAST_MONTH",
LastYear: "LAST_YEAR"
Duration: {
Short: "SHORT",
Medium: "MEDIUM",
Long: "LONG"
let Language = {
UNKNOWN: "Unknown",
ARABIC: "Arabic",
SPANISH: "Spanish",
FRENCH: "French",
HINDI: "Hindi",
INDONESIAN: "Indonesian",
KOREAN: "Korean",
PORTBRAZIL: "Portuguese Brazilian",
RUSSIAN: "Russian",
THAI: "Thai",
TURKISH: "Turkish",
VIETNAMESE: "Vietnamese",
ENGLISH: "English"
class ScriptException extends Error {
constructor(type, msg) {
if(arguments.length == 1) {
this.plugin_type = "ScriptException";
this.message = arguments[0];
else {
this.plugin_type = type ?? ""; //string
this.msg = msg ?? ""; //string
class UnavailableException extends ScriptException {
constructor(msg) {
super("UnavailableException", msg);
class AgeException extends ScriptException {
constructor(msg) {
super("AgeException", msg);
class TimeoutException extends ScriptException {
constructor(msg) {
this.plugin_type = "ScriptTimeoutException";
class Thumbnails {
constructor(thumbnails) {
this.sources = thumbnails ?? []; // Thumbnail[]
class Thumbnail {
constructor(url, quality) {
this.url = url ?? ""; //string
this.quality = quality ?? 0; //integer
class PlatformID {
constructor(platform, id, pluginId) {
this.platform = platform ?? ""; //string
this.pluginId = pluginId; //string
this.value = id; //string
class ResultCapabilities {
constructor(types, sorts, filters) {
this.types = types ?? [];
this.sorts = sorts ?? [];
this.filters = filters ?? [];
class FilterGroup {
constructor(name, filters, isMultiSelect, id) {
if(!name) throw new ScriptException("No name for filter group");
if(!filters) throw new ScriptException("No filter provided"); = name
this.filters = filters
this.isMultiSelect = isMultiSelect; = id;
class FilterCapability {
constructor(name, value, id) {
if(!name) throw new ScriptException("No name for filter");
if(!value) throw new ScriptException("No filter value"); = name;
this.value = value; = id;
class PlatformAuthorLink {
constructor(id, name, url, thumbnail, subscribers) { = id ?? PlatformID(); //PlatformID = name ?? ""; //string
this.url = url ?? ""; //string
this.thumbnail = thumbnail; //string
this.subscribers = subscribers;
class Content {
constructor(type) {
this.contentType = type;
class ContentDetails {
constructor(type) {
this.contentType = type;
class PlatformVideo extends Content {
constructor(obj) {
obj = obj ?? {};
this.plugin_type = "PlatformVideo"; = ?? PlatformID(); //PlatformID = ?? ""; //string
this.thumbnails = obj.thumbnails; //Thumbnail[] =; //PlatformAuthorLink
this.datetime = obj.datetime ?? obj.uploadDate ?? 0; //OffsetDateTime (Long)
this.url = obj.url ?? ""; //String
this.duration = obj.duration ?? -1; //Long
this.viewCount = obj.viewCount ?? -1; //Long
this.isLive = obj.isLive ?? false; //Boolean
class PlatformVideoDetails extends PlatformVideo {
constructor(obj) {
obj = obj ?? {};
this.plugin_type = "PlatformVideoDetails";
this.description = obj.description ?? "";//String = ?? {}; //VideoSourceDescriptor
this.dash = obj.dash ?? null; //DashSource
this.hls = obj.hls ?? null; //HLSSource = ?? null; //VideoSource
this.rating = obj.rating ?? null; //IRating
this.subtitles = obj.subtitles ?? [];
class VideoSourceDescriptor {
constructor(obj) {
obj = obj ?? {};
this.plugin_type = "MuxVideoSourceDescriptor";
this.isUnMuxed = false;
if(obj.constructor === Array)
this.videoSources = obj;
this.videoSources = obj.videoSources ?? [];
class UnMuxVideoSourceDescriptor {
constructor(videoSourcesOrObj, audioSources) {
videoSourcesOrObj = videoSourcesOrObj ?? {};
this.plugin_type = "UnMuxVideoSourceDescriptor";
this.isUnMuxed = true;
if(videoSourcesOrObj.constructor === Array) {
this.videoSources = videoSourcesOrObj;
this.audioSources = audioSources;
else {
this.videoSources = videoSourcesOrObj.videoSources ?? [];
this.audioSources = videoSourcesOrObj.audioSources ?? [];
class VideoUrlSource {
constructor(obj) {
obj = obj ?? {};
this.plugin_type = "VideoUrlSource";
this.width = obj.width ?? 0;
this.height = obj.height ?? 0;
this.container = obj.container ?? "";
this.codec = obj.codec ?? ""; = ?? "";
this.bitrate = obj.bitrate ?? 0;
this.duration = obj.duration ?? 0;
this.url = obj.url;
class YTVideoSource extends VideoUrlSource {
constructor(obj) {
this.plugin_type = "VideoYTSource";
this.itagId = obj.itagId ?? null;
this.initStart = obj.initStart ?? null;
this.initEnd = obj.initEnd ?? null;
this.indexStart = obj.indexStart ?? null;
this.indexEnd = obj.indexEnd ?? null;
class AudioUrlSource {
constructor(obj) {
obj = obj ?? {};
this.plugin_type = "AudioUrlSource"; = ?? "";
this.bitrate = obj.bitrate ?? 0;
this.container = obj.container ?? "";
this.codec = obj.codec ?? "";
this.duration = obj.duration ?? 0;
this.url = obj.url;
this.language = obj.language ?? Language.UNKNOWN;
class YTAudioSource extends AudioUrlSource {
constructor(obj) {
this.plugin_type = "AudioYTSource";
this.itagId = obj.itagId ?? null;
this.initStart = obj.initStart ?? null;
this.initEnd = obj.initEnd ?? null;
this.indexStart = obj.indexStart ?? null;
this.indexEnd = obj.indexEnd ?? null;
this.audioChannels = obj.audioChannels ?? 2;
class HLSSource {
constructor(obj) {
obj = obj ?? {};
this.plugin_type = "HLSSource"; = ?? "HLS";
this.duration = obj.duration ?? 0;
this.url = obj.url;
class DashSource {
constructor(obj) {
obj = obj ?? {};
this.plugin_type = "DashSource"; = ?? "Dash";
this.duration = obj.duration ?? 0;
this.url = obj.url;
class PlatformChannel {
constructor(obj) {
obj = obj ?? {};
this.plugin_type = "PlatformChannel"; = ?? ""; //string = ?? ""; //string
this.thumbnail = obj.thumbnail; //string
this.banner = obj.banner; //string
this.subscribers = obj.subscribers ?? 0; //integer
this.description = obj.description; //string
this.url = obj.url ?? ""; //string
this.links = obj.links ?? { } //Map<string,string>
class PlatformPlaylist {
constructor(obj) {
obj = obj ?? {};
this.plugin_type = "PlatformPlaylist"; = ?? null;
this.url = obj.url; = ?? "";
this.videoCount = obj.videoCount ?? 0;
this.thumbnail = obj.thumbnail;
class PlatformPlaylistDetails extends PlatformPlaylist {
constructor(obj) {
this.plugin_type = "PlatformPlaylistDetails";
this.contents = obj.contents;
class RatingLikes {
constructor(likes) {
this.type = 1;
this.likes = likes;
class RatingLikesDislikes {
constructor(likes,dislikes) {
this.type = 2;
this.likes = likes;
this.dislikes = dislikes;
class RatingScaler {
constructor(value) {
this.type = 3;
this.value = value;
class Comment {
constructor(obj) {
this.plugin_type = "Comment";
this.contextUrl = obj.contextUrl ?? ""; = ?? new PlatformAuthorLink(null, "", "", null);
this.message = obj.message ?? "";
this.rating = obj.rating ?? new RatingLikes(0); = ?? 0;
this.replyCount = obj.replyCount ?? 0;
this.context = obj.context ?? {};
class LiveEventPager {
constructor(results, hasMore, context) {
this.plugin_type = "LiveEventPager";
this.results = results ?? [];
this.hasMore = hasMore ?? false;
this.context = context ?? {};
this.nextRequest = 4000;
hasMorePagers() { return this.hasMore; }
nextPage() { return new Pager([], false, this.context) }
class LiveEvent {
constructor(type) {
this.type = type;
class LiveEventComment extends LiveEvent {
constructor(name, message, thumbnail) {
super(1); = name;
this.message = message;
this.thumbnail = thumbnail;
class LiveEventEmojis extends LiveEvent {
constructor(emojis) {
this.emojis = emojis;
class LiveEventDonation extends LiveEvent {
constructor(amount, name, message, thumbnail) {
this.amount = amount; = name;
this.message = message ?? "";
this.thumbnail = thumbnail;
class LiveEventViewCount extends LiveEvent {
constructor(viewCount) {
this.viewCount = viewCount;
class LiveEventRaid extends LiveEvent {
constructor(targetUrl, targetName, targetThumbnail) {
this.targetUrl = targetUrl;
this.targetName = targetName;
this.targetThumbnail = targetThumbnail;
class ContentPager {
constructor(results, hasMore, context) {
this.plugin_type = "ContentPager";
this.results = results ?? [];
this.hasMore = hasMore ?? false;
this.context = context ?? {};
hasMorePagers() { return this.hasMore; }
nextPage() { return new ContentPager([], false, this.context) }
class VideoPager {
constructor(results, hasMore, context) {
this.plugin_type = "VideoPager";
this.results = results ?? [];
this.hasMore = hasMore ?? false;
this.context = context ?? {};
hasMorePagers() { return this.hasMore; }
nextPage() { return new VideoPager([], false, this.context) }
class ChannelPager {
constructor(results, hasMore, context) {
this.plugin_type = "ChannelPager";
this.results = results ?? [];
this.hasMore = hasMore ?? false;
this.context = context ?? {};
hasMorePagers() { return this.hasMore; }
nextPage() { return new Pager([], false, this.context) }
class PlaylistPager {
constructor(results, hasMore, context) {
this.plugin_type = "PlaylistPager";
this.results = results ?? [];
this.hasMore = hasMore ?? false;
this.context = context ?? {};
hasMorePagers() { return this.hasMore; }
nextPage() { return new Pager([], false, this.context) }
class CommentPager {
constructor(results, hasMore, context) {
this.plugin_type = "CommentPager";
this.results = results ?? [];
this.hasMore = hasMore ?? false;
this.context = context ?? {};
hasMorePagers() { return this.hasMore; }
nextPage() { return new Pager([], false, this.context) }
function throwException(type, message) {
throw new Error("V8EXCEPTION:" + type + "-" + message);
//To override by plugin
const source = {
getHome() { return new ContentPager([], false, {}); },
enable(config){ },
disable() {},
searchSuggestions(query){ return []; },
getSearchCapabilities(){ return { types: [], sorts: [] }; },
search(query, type, order, filters){ return new ContentPager([], false, {}); }, //TODO
//OPTIONAL getSearchChannelContentsCapabilities(){ return { types: [], sorts: [] }; },
//OPTIONAL searchChannelContents(channelUrl, query, type, order, filters){ return new Pager([], false, {}); }, //TODO
isChannelUrl(url){ return false; },
getChannel(url){ return null; },
getChannelCapabilities(){ return { types: [], sorts: [] }; },
getChannelContents(url, type, order, filters) { return new ContentPager([], false, {}); },
isContentDetailsUrl(url){ return false; },
getContentDetails(url){ }, //TODO
//OPTIONAL getComments(url){ return new Pager([], false, {}); }, //TODO
//OPTIONAL getSubComments(comment){ return new Pager([], false, {}); }, //TODO
//OPTIONAL getSubscriptionsUser(){ return []; },
//OPTIONAL getPlaylistsUser(){ return []; }
function parseSettings(settings) {
return {};
let newSettings = {};
for(let key in settings) {
if(typeof settings[key] == "string")
newSettings[key] = JSON.parse(settings[key]);
newSettings[key] = settings[key];
return newSettings;
function log(str) {
if(str) {
if(typeof str == "string")
bridge.log(JSON.stringify(str, null, 4));
//Package Bridge (variable: bridge)
let bridge = {
* @return {Boolean}
isLoggedIn: function() {},
* @param {String} str
* @return {Unit}
log: function(str) {},
* @param {String} str
* @return {Unit}
throwTest: function(str) {},
* @param {String} str
* @return {Unit}
toast: function(str) {},
//Package Http (variable: http)
let http = {
* @param {String} url
* @param {Map} headers
* @param {Boolean} useAuth
* @return {BridgeHttpResponse}
GET: function(url, headers, useAuth) {},
* @param {String} url
* @param {String} body
* @param {Map} headers
* @param {Boolean} useAuth
* @return {BridgeHttpResponse}
POST: function(url, body, headers, useAuth) {},
* @return {BatchBuilder}
batch: function() {},
* @param {String} method
* @param {String} url
* @param {Map} headers
* @param {Boolean} useAuth
* @return {BridgeHttpResponse}
request: function(method, url, headers, useAuth) {},
* @param {String} method
* @param {String} url
* @param {String} body
* @param {Map} headers
* @param {Boolean} useAuth
* @return {BridgeHttpResponse}
requestWithBody: function(method, url, body, headers, useAuth) {},
* @param {V8ValueObject} socketObj
* @param {Boolean} useAuth
* @return {SocketResponse}
socket: function(socketObj, useAuth) {},

35.5 KiB

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