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TwitchScript.js 58.9 KiB
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//* Constants
const BASE_URL = ''
const CLIENT_ID = 'ue6666qo983tsx6so1t0vnawi233wa' // old: kimne78kx3ncx6brgo4mv6wki5h1ko
const GQL_URL = ''
const PLATFORM = 'Twitch'
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const USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36'

//* Global Variables
let INTEGRITY = ''

var config = {}

//* Source
 * The enable endpoint gets an integrity token. These integrity tokens must be passed into the stream playback access token endpoint. The integrity endpoint always returns a token but it is not always valid. Valid tokens work for 16 hours. Valid tokens are generated through a kasada challenge. The way to tell if a token is invalid is to try an endpoint and see if it fails.
source.enable = function (conf) {
    config = conf ?? {}
    CLIENT_VERSION = `3e62b6e7-8e71-47f1-a2b3-0d661abad039`

    const resp = http.POST('', '', {
        'User-Agent': USER_AGENT,
        Accept: '*/*',
        DNT: '1',
        Host: '',
        Origin: '',
        Referer: '',
        'Client-Id': CLIENT_ID,
        'Client-Version': '3e62b6e7-8e71-47f1-a2b3-0d661abad039',
        'Client-Session-Id': '',
        'Client-Request-Id': '',
        'X-Device-Id': '',

    const json = JSON.parse(resp.body)

    INTEGRITY = json.token

    return INTEGRITY
source.getHome = function () {
    return getHomePagerPopular({ cursor: null, page_size: 20 })
source.searchSuggestions = function (query) {
    const gql = {
        extensions: {
            persistedQuery: {
                sha256Hash: 'b71566f2c593dd906493b0ab2012e5626c7f277d3e435504d4454de2ff15788a',
                version: 1,
        query: 'query SearchTray_SearchSuggestions($queryFragment: String! $requestID: ID $withOfflineChannelContent: Boolean) { searchSuggestions(queryFragment: $queryFragment requestID: $requestID withOfflineChannelContent: $withOfflineChannelContent){ edges { ...searchSuggestionNode } tracking { modelTrackingID responseID } } } fragment searchSuggestionNode on SearchSuggestionEdge { node { content { __typename ... on SearchSuggestionChannel { id isLive isVerified login profileImageURL(width: 50) user { id stream { id game { id } } } } ... on SearchSuggestionCategory { id boxArtURL(width: 30 height: 40) } } matchingCharacters { start end } id text } }',
        operationName: 'SearchTray_SearchSuggestions',
        variables: {
            queryFragment: query,
            requestID: '',
            skipSchedule: false,

    /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").SearchSuggestionsResponse} */
    const json = callGQL(gql)

    return => edge.node.text)
source.getSearchCapabilities = () => {
    return { types: [Type.Feed.Mixed], sorts: [], filters: [] }
} = function (query, type, order, filters) {
    return getSearchPagerAll({ q: query })
source.getSearchChannelContentsCapabilities = function () {
    return { types: [Type.Feed.Mixed], sorts: [Type.Order.Chronological], filters: [] }
// not in twitch
source.searchChannelContents = function (channelUrl, query, type, order, filters) {
    return []
source.searchChannels = function (query) {
    return getSearchPagerChannels({ q: query, page_size: 20, results_returned: 0, cursor: null })
source.isChannelUrl = function (url) {
    return /twitch\.tv\/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\/?/.test(url) || /twitch\.tv\/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\/videos\/?/.test(url)
source.getChannel = function (url) {
    const login = url.split('/').pop()

    const gql = [
            query: 'query ChannelRoot_AboutPanel($channelLogin: String! $skipSchedule: Boolean!) { currentUser { id login } user(login: $channelLogin) { id description displayName isPartner primaryColorHex profileImageURL(width: 300) followers { totalCount } channel { id socialMedias { ...SocialMedia } schedule @skip(if: $skipSchedule) { id nextSegment { id startAt hasReminder } } } lastBroadcast { id game { id displayName } } primaryTeam { id name displayName } videos(first: 30 sort: TIME type: ARCHIVE) { edges { ...userBioVideo } } } } fragment userBioVideo on VideoEdge { node { id game { id displayName } status } } fragment SocialMedia on SocialMedia { id name title url }',
            operationName: 'ChannelRoot_AboutPanel',
            variables: {
                channelLogin: login,
                skipSchedule: false,
            extensions: {
                persistedQuery: {
                    sha256Hash: '6089531acef6c09ece01b440c41978f4c8dc60cb4fa0124c9a9d3f896709b6c6',
                    version: 1,
            query: '#import "./query-channel-with-home-prefs-fragment.gql" query ChannelShell($login: String!) { userOrError: userResultByLogin(login: $login) { ...coreChannelWithHomePrefsFragment ... on UserDoesNotExist { userDoesNotExist: key reason } ... on UserError { userError: key } } }',
            operationName: 'ChannelShell',
            variables: {
                login: login,
            extensions: {
                persistedQuery: {
                    sha256Hash: '580ab410bcd0c1ad194224957ae2241e5d252b2c5173d8e0cce9d32d5bb14efe',
                    version: 1,

    const json = callGQL(gql)

    /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").ChannelAboutResponse} */
    const user_resp = json[0]
    const user =

    /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").ChannelShellResponse} */
    const shell_resp = json[1]
    const shell =

    return new PlatformChannel({
        id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM,,, PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE),
Koen's avatar
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        name: user.displayName,
        thumbnail: user.profileImageURL,
        banner: shell.bannerImageURL,
        subscribers: user.followers.totalCount,
        description: user.description,
        url: BASE_URL + login,
        links: => social.url),
source.getChannelContents = function (url) {
    return getChannelPager({ url, page_size: 20, cursor: null })
source.isContentDetailsUrl = function (url) {
    // or
    return /twitch\.tv\/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\/?/.test(url) || /twitch\.tv\/videos\/[0-9]+\/?/.test(url)
source.getContentDetails = function (url) {
    if (url.includes('/video/') || url.includes('/videos/')) {
        return getSavedVideo(url)
    } else {
        return getLiveVideo(url)
source.getUserSubscriptions = function () {
    const gql = {
        query: 'query PersonalSections( $input: PersonalSectionInput! $creatorAnniversariesFeature: Boolean! ) { personalSections(input: $input) { type title { ...personalSectionTitle } items { ...personalSectionItem } } } fragment personalSectionTitle on PersonalSectionTitle { localizedFallback localizedTokens { ... on PersonalSectionTextToken { value } ... on User { id login displayName } } } fragment personalSectionItem on PersonalSectionChannel { trackingID promotionsCampaignID user { ...personalSectionItemUser } label content { ...personalSectionsStream } } fragment personalSectionItemUser on User { id login displayName profileImageURL(width: 70) primaryColorHex broadcastSettings { id title } channel @include(if: $creatorAnniversariesFeature) { id activeCreatorEventCelebration { id } } } fragment personalSectionsStream on Stream { id previewImageURL(width: 320 height: 180) broadcaster { id broadcastSettings { id title } } viewersCount game { id displayName name } type }',
        extensions: {
            persistedQuery: {
                sha256Hash: '807e3cce07a1cef5c772bbc46c12ead2898edd043ad4dd2236707f6f7995769c',
                version: 1,
        operationName: 'PersonalSections',
        variables: {
            creatorAnniversariesFeature: false,
            input: {
                recommendationContext: {
                    categoryName: null,
                    channelName: null,
                    clientApp: 'twilight',
                    lastCategoryName: null,
                    lastChannelName: null,
                    pageviewContent: null,
                    pageviewContentType: null,
                    pageviewLocation: null,
                    pageviewMedium: null,
                    platform: 'web',
                    previousPageviewContent: null,
                    previousPageviewContentType: null,
                    previousPageviewLocation: null,
                    previousPageviewMedium: null,
                sectionInputs: ['RECS_FOLLOWED_SECTION'],

    /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").PersonalSectionsFollowedResponse} */
    const json = callGQL(gql, true)

    const sections =[0]

    if (sections.type !== 'RECS_FOLLOWED_SECTION') throw new ScriptException('Authentication Failed')

    return => BASE_URL + section.user.login)

 * Returns a saved video
 * @param {string} url
 * @returns {PlatformVideoDetails}
function getSavedVideo(url) {
    // get whatever is after the last slash in
    const id = url.split('/').pop()

    // query as written: '# This query name is VERY IMPORTANT. # # There is code in twilight-apollo to split links such that # this query is NOT batched in an effort to retain snappy TTV. query PlaybackAccessToken($login: String! $isLive: Boolean! $vodID: ID! $isVod: Boolean! $playerType: String!) { streamPlaybackAccessToken(channelName: $login params: {platform: "web" playerBackend: "mediaplayer" playerType: $playerType}) @include(if: $isLive) { value signature } videoPlaybackAccessToken(id: $vodID params: {platform: "web" playerBackend: "mediaplayer" playerType: $playerType}) @include(if: $isVod) { value signature } }'
    const gql1 = [
            extensions: {
                persistedQuery: {
                    sha256Hash: '0828119ded1c13477966434e15800ff57ddacf13ba1911c129dc2200705b0712',
                    version: 1,
            operationName: 'PlaybackAccessToken',
            variables: {
                isLive: false,
                isVod: true,
                login: '',
                playerType: 'site',
                vodID: id,
            query: 'query PlaybackAccessToken($login: String! $isLive: Boolean! $vodID: ID! $isVod: Boolean! $playerType: String!) { streamPlaybackAccessToken(channelName: $login params: {platform: "web" playerBackend: "mediaplayer" playerType: $playerType}) @include(if: $isLive) { value signature } videoPlaybackAccessToken(id: $vodID params: {platform: "web" playerBackend: "mediaplayer" playerType: $playerType}) @include(if: $isVod) { value signature } }',
            extensions: {
                persistedQuery: {
                    sha256Hash: 'cf1ccf6f5b94c94d662efec5223dfb260c9f8bf053239a76125a58118769e8e2',
                    version: 1,
            operationName: 'ChannelVideoCore',
            variables: {
                videoID: id,
            query: '#import "./query-channel-fragment.gql" query ChannelVideoCore($videoID: ID!) { video(id: $videoID) { id owner { ...coreChannelFragment } } }',

    const json1 = callGQL(gql1)

    /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").PlaybackAccessTokenResponse} */
    const hls_json = json1[0]

    /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").ChannelVideoCoreResponse} */
    const channel_video_core = json1[1]
    const cvc =

    const spat =

    const hls_url = `${id}.m3u8?acmb=e30=&allow_source=true&fast_bread=true&p=&play_session_id=&player_backend=mediaplayer&playlist_include_framerate=true&reassignments_supported=true&sig=${spat.signature}&supported_codecs=avc1&token=${spat.value}&transcode_mode=vbr_v1&cdm=wv&player_version=1.20.0`


    const sources = [new HLSSource({ name: 'source', duration: 0, url: hls_url })]

    const gql2 = [
            extensions: {
                persistedQuery: {
                    sha256Hash: '49b5b8f268cdeb259d75b58dcb0c1a748e3b575003448a2333dc5cdafd49adad',
                    version: 1,
            operationName: 'VideoMetadata',
            variables: {
                channelLogin: cvc.owner.login,
                videoID: id,
            query: 'fragment videoMetadataUser on User { id } fragment videoMetadataVideo on Video { id title description previewThumbnailURL(height: 240 width: 360) createdAt viewCount publishedAt lengthSeconds broadcastType owner { id login displayName } game { id boxArtURL name displayName } } query VideoMetadata($channelLogin: String! $videoID: ID!) { user(login: $channelLogin) { id primaryColorHex isPartner profileImageURL(width: 140) lastBroadcast { id startedAt } } currentUser { ...videoMetadataUser } video(id: $videoID) { ...videoMetadataVideo } }',

    const json2 = callGQL(gql2)

    /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").VideoMetadataResponse}*/
    const video_metadata = json2[0]

    const vm =

    return new PlatformVideoDetails({
        id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM, id,,
        thumbnails: new Thumbnails([new Thumbnail(, 0)]),
        author: new PlatformAuthorLink(
            new PlatformID(PLATFORM,,, PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE),
Koen's avatar
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            BASE_URL + cvc.owner.login,
        uploadDate: parseInt(new Date( / 1000),
        url: url,
        isLive: false,
        description: !== null ? : '',
        video: new VideoSourceDescriptor(sources),

 * Returns a live video
 * @param {string} url
 * @param {boolean} video_details
 * @returns {PlatformVideoDetails | PlatformVideo}
function getLiveVideo(url, video_details = true) {
    // get whatever is after the last slash in
    const login = url.split('/').pop()
    const gql_for_metadata = [
            operationName: 'StreamMetadata',
            query: 'query StreamMetadata($channelLogin: String!) { user(login: $channelLogin) { id primaryColorHex isPartner profileImageURL(width: 70) primaryTeam { id name displayName } squadStream { id members { id } status } channel { id chanlets { id } } lastBroadcast { id title } stream { id type createdAt game { id name } } } }',
            variables: {
                channelLogin: login,
            extensions: {
                persistedQuery: {
                    version: 1,
                    sha256Hash: 'a647c2a13599e5991e175155f798ca7f1ecddde73f7f341f39009c14dbf59962',
            query: 'query UseViewCount($channelLogin: String!) { user(login: $channelLogin) { id stream { id viewersCount } } }',
            operationName: 'UseViewCount',
            variables: {
                channelLogin: login,
            extensions: {
                persistedQuery: {
                    sha256Hash: '00b11c9c428f79ae228f30080a06ffd8226a1f068d6f52fbc057cbde66e994c2',
                    version: 1,
            extensions: {
                persistedQuery: {
                    sha256Hash: '639d5f11bfb8bf3053b424d9ef650d04c4ebb7d94711d644afb08fe9a0fad5d9',
                    version: 1,
            query: 'query UseLive($channelLogin: String!) { user(login: $channelLogin) { id login stream { id createdAt } }',
            operationName: 'UseLive',
            variables: {
                channelLogin: login,
            extensions: {
                persistedQuery: {
                    sha256Hash: '0828119ded1c13477966434e15800ff57ddacf13ba1911c129dc2200705b0712',
                    version: 1,
            operationName: 'PlaybackAccessToken',
            variables: {
                isLive: true,
                isVod: false,
                login: login,
                playerType: 'frontpage',
                vodID: '',
            query: 'query PlaybackAccessToken($login: String! $isLive: Boolean! $vodID: ID! $isVod: Boolean! $playerType: String!) { streamPlaybackAccessToken(channelName: $login params: {platform: "web" playerBackend: "mediaplayer" playerType: $playerType}) @include(if: $isLive) { value signature } videoPlaybackAccessToken(id: $vodID params: {platform: "web" playerBackend: "mediaplayer" playerType: $playerType}) @include(if: $isVod) { value signature } }',
    const json = callGQL(gql_for_metadata)

    /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").StreamMetadataResponse}*/
    const stream_metadata = json[0]
    /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").ViewCountResponse}*/
    const view_count = json[1]
    /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").UseLiveResponse}*/
    const use_live = json[2]
    /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").PlaybackAccessTokenResponse} */
    const playback_access_token = json[3]

    const sm =
    const vc =
    const ul =

    if (ul?.stream === null) {
        // log('Channel is not live:' + JSON.stringify(use_live, null, 2))
        throw new UnavailableException('Channel is not live')

    const spat =

    const hls_url = `${login}.m3u8?acmb=e30=&allow_source=true&fast_bread=true&p=&play_session_id=&player_backend=mediaplayer&playlist_include_framerate=true&reassignments_supported=true&sig=${spat.signature}&supported_codecs=avc1&token=${spat.value}&transcode_mode=vbr_v1&cdm=wv&player_version=1.20.0`


    const hls_source = new HLSSource({ name: 'live', duration: 0, url: hls_url })

    const pv = new PlatformVideo({
        id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM,,,
        name: sm.lastBroadcast.title,
        thumbnails: new Thumbnails([
            new Thumbnail(`${login}-1280x720.jpg`, 720),
            new Thumbnail(`${login}-854x480.jpg`, 480),
        author: new PlatformAuthorLink(new PlatformID(PLATFORM,,, PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE), login, url, sm.profileImageURL),
Koen's avatar
Koen committed
407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791
        uploadDate: parseInt(new Date( / 1000),
        // uploadDate: parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000),
        duration: 0,
        url: url,
        isLive: true,

    if (video_details) {
        return new PlatformVideoDetails({
            description: '',
            video: new VideoSourceDescriptor([]),
            live: hls_source,
    } else {
        return pv
source.getComments = function (url) {
    return getCommentPager({ url: url, page: 1, page_size: 20 })
source.getSubComments = function (comment) {
    return new CommentPager([], false, {}) //Not implemented
source.getLiveEvents = function (url) {
    //TODO: Make this more robust, easy to break, expect query parameters.
    const login = url.split('/').pop()

    const gql = [
            query: '#import "./query-channel-with-home-prefs-fragment.gql" query ChannelShell($login: String!) { userOrError: userResultByLogin(login: $login) { ...coreChannelWithHomePrefsFragment ... on UserDoesNotExist { userDoesNotExist: key reason } ... on UserError { userError: key } } }',
            operationName: 'ChannelShell',
            variables: {
                login: login,
            extensions: {
                persistedQuery: {
                    sha256Hash: '580ab410bcd0c1ad194224957ae2241e5d252b2c5173d8e0cce9d32d5bb14efe',
                    version: 1,
            query: '#import "twilight/features/message/fragments/message-content-fragment.gql" query MessageBufferChatHistory($channelLogin: String! $channelID: ID) { channel(name: $channelLogin) { id recentChatMessages { ...historicalMessage } } } fragment chatHistoryParentMessage on Message { id content { text } deletedAt sender { id login displayName } } fragment historicalMessage on Message { id deletedAt sentAt content { ...messageContent } parentMessage { ...chatHistoryParentMessage } sender { id login chatColor displayName __typename } senderBadges(channelID: $channelID) { setID version id } }',
            extensions: {
                persistedQuery: {
                    sha256Hash: '432ef3ec504a750d797297630052ec7c775f571f6634fdbda255af9ad84325ae',
                    version: 1,
            operationName: 'MessageBufferChatHistory',
            variables: {
                channelLogin: login,
            query: '#import "twilight/features/badges/models/badge-fragment.gql" #import "twilight/features/squad-stream/models/squad-stream-fragment.gql" query ChatList_Badges($channelLogin: String!) { badges { ...badge } user(login: $channelLogin) { id primaryColorHex broadcastBadges { ...badge } self { selectedBadge { ...badge } displayBadges { ...badge } } squadStream { ...squadStreamData } } }',
            extensions: {
                persistedQuery: {
                    sha256Hash: '86f43113c04606e6476e39dcd432dee47c994d77a83e54b732e11d4935f0cd08',
                    version: 1,
            operationName: 'ChatList_Badges',
            variables: {
                channelLogin: login,

    const json = callGQL(gql)

    /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").ChannelShellResponse} */
    const ChannelShellResponse = json[0]
    const userOrError =

    /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").RecentChatsResponse} */
    const RecentChatsResponse = json[1]
    const chats =
        (chat) => new LiveEventComment(chat.sender.login, chat.content.text, '', chat.sender.chatColor)

    /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").BadgeListResponse} */
    const BadgeListResponse = json[2]

    let badge_url_map = {} => {
        badge_url_map[badge.setID] = badge.image2x

    return new TwitchLiveEventPager(, login, chats, badge_url_map)

class TwitchLiveEventPager extends LiveEventPager {
     * @param {string} channelId
     * @param {string} channelName
     * @param {LiveEventComment[]} chats
     * @param {{[key: string]: string}} badge_url_map
    constructor(channelId, channelName, chats, badge_url_map) {
        super([], true)
        const me = this

        this.channelId = channelId
        this.channelName = channelName = [...chats]
        this.emojis = {}
        this.lastFetch = new Date().getTime()

        let socket_irc = http.socket('wss://', {}, false)
                open() {
                    const justin_fan_number = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9999)
                    const jf = `justinfan${justin_fan_number}`
                    socket_irc.send('CAP REQ')
                    socket_irc.send('PASS SCHMOOPIIE')
                    socket_irc.send(`NICK ${jf}`)
                    socket_irc.send(`USER ${jf} 8 * :${jf}`)
                    socket_irc.send(`JOIN #${me.channelName}`)

                    if (IS_TESTING) console.log(`Sent JOIN #${me.channelName}`)
                message(msg) {
                    if(((new Date()).getTime() - me.lastFetch) / 1000 > 10)socket_irc.close()

                    if (!msg.startsWith('@badge-info')) return

                    if (msg.includes(';msg-id=')) {
                        const msg_id = msg.match(/;msg-id=([^;]+);/)[1]
                        let months_param, display_name_param
                        if (msg_id === 'sub' || msg_id === 'resub') {
                            months_param = 'msg-param-cumulative-months'
                            display_name_param = 'display-name'
                        } else {
                            months_param = 'msg-param-gift-months'
                            display_name_param = 'msg-param-recipient-display-name'
                        const regex = new RegExp(`;${months_param}=(\\d+);.*;${display_name_param}=([^;]+);.*;system-msg=([^;]+);`)
                        const result = regex.exec(msg)
                        const months = parseInt(result[1])
                        const display_name = result[2]
                        const system_message = result[3].replace(/\\s/g, ' ')
               LiveEventDonation(months + ' Months', display_name, system_message, ''))

                    //TODO: Make this a separate function
                    const parsedMessage = parseEmojiMessage(me.channelName, msg)
                    let newEmojis = {}
                    for (let key of Object.keys(parsedMessage.emojis)) {
                        if (!me.emojis[key]) {
                            me.emojis[key] = parsedMessage.emojis[key]
                            newEmojis[key] = parsedMessage.emojis[key]

                    const name = msg.match(/;display-name=([^;]+);/)[1]
                    const color = msg.match(/;color=([^;]+);/)[1]
                    const badges = msg.match(/;badges=([^;]+);/)[1]
                    const badge_array = badges.split(',')
                    badge_array.forEach((badge) => {
                        newEmojis[badge] = badge_url_map[badge]
                    if (Object.keys(newEmojis).length > 0) LiveEventEmojis(newEmojis))

           LiveEventComment(name, parsedMessage.msg, '', color, badge_array))
        let socket_pub_sub = http.socket('wss://', {}, false)
            open() {
                socket_pub_sub.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'LISTEN', nonce: '', data: { topics: [`video-playback-by-id.${me.channelId}`] } }))
                // socket_pub_sub.send(JSON.stringify({"type":"LISTEN","nonce":"","data":{"topics":[`channel-bits-events-v2.${context.channel_id}`]}}))
                socket_pub_sub.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'LISTEN', nonce: '', data: { topics: [`raid.${me.channelId}`] } }))
                // socket_pub_sub.send(JSON.stringify({"type":"LISTEN","nonce":"","data":{"topics":[`channel-subscribe-events-v1.${context.channel_id}`]}}))
                if (IS_TESTING) console.log(`Sent LISTEN to ${me.channelId}`)
            message(msg) {
                if(((new Date()).getTime() - me.lastFetch) / 1000 > 10)socket_pub_sub.close()

                const json = JSON.parse(msg)
                if (json.type === 'MESSAGE') {
                    // {"type":"MESSAGE","data":{"topic":"video-playback-by-id.156037856","message":"{\"type\":\"viewcount\",\"server_time\":1686777651.803572,\"viewers\":40549}"}}
                    const data = JSON.parse(
                    const messageType ='.')[0]
                    switch (messageType) {
                        case 'video-playback-by-id':
                        case 'channel-bits-events-v2':
                   LiveEventDonation(parseFloat(data.badge_tier) + ' Bits', data.user_name, data.chat_message, null))
                        case 'raid':
                   LiveEventRaid(data.display_name, data.viewer_count))
                        case 'channel-subscribe-events-v1':
                                new LiveEventDonation(parseFloat(data.cumulative_months) + ' Months', data.display_name, data.sub_message.message, null)
            closed() {
                this.hasMore = false

    nextPage() {
        this.lastFetch = new Date().getTime()
        this.results = [] = []
        return this

// @badge-info=;badges=glitchcon2020/1;client-nonce=4aaf7de413ec6cd4ca3cfd342590c53b;color=#0053D5;display-name=bungerlove;emotes=25:10-14;first-msg=0;flags=;id=dd35695a-20f6-430e-a8fa-6ec284c5a02c;mod=0;returning-chatter=0;room-id=21841789;subscriber=0;tmi-sent-ts=1689265271382;turbo=0;user-id=161748597;user-type= :bungerlove! PRIVMSG #nmplol :prime sub Kappa
// @badge-info=;badges=moments/1;color=#FF0000;display-name=blob___fish;emotes=33:36-43,45-52,67-74/133468:54-65,76-87,89-100/emotesv2_e02650251d204198923de93a0c62f5f5:102-110;first-msg=0;flags=;id=fdd7aafe-2f3a-4600-b5da-a8441e83f682;mod=0;returning-chatter=0;room-id=71092938;subscriber=0;tmi-sent-ts=1689266506402;turbo=0;user-id=737776278;user-type= :blob___fish! PRIVMSG #xqc :@xqc WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR GAMESHOW? DansGame DansGame ItsBoshyTime DansGame ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime PotFriend
function parseEmojiMessage(channelName, msg) {
    //TODO: Remove redundant channelName
    // write a regex to select the message content
    const regex = new RegExp(`PRIVMSG #${channelName} :(.*)`)
    const content = msg.match(regex)[1]
    const newEmojis = {}
    let reconstructed = ''
    if (!msg.includes(';emotes=;')) {
        const regex = /;emotes=([^;]+);/
        const result = msg.match(regex)[1]
        const emote_ranges = result.split('/').map((e) => {
            const split = e.split(':')
            return {
                id: split[0],
                ranges: split[1].split(',').map((r) => {
                    const split = r.split('-')
                    return {
                        start: parseInt(split[0]),
                        end: parseInt(split[1]),
        /** @type {{id: string, start: number, end: number}[]} */
        const ranges = emote_ranges.flatMap((emote) => => ({ emote:, ...range }))).sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start)
        for (let i = 0; i < content.length; i++) {
            if (ranges.length > 0 && ranges[0].start === i) {
                newEmojis['emote_' + ranges[0].emote] = `${ranges[0].emote}/default/dark/2.0`
                reconstructed += `__${'emote_' + ranges[0].emote}__`
                i = ranges[0].end
            } else {
                reconstructed += content[i]
    } else {
        reconstructed = content
    return {
        emojis: newEmojis,
        msg: reconstructed.trim(),

//* Internals
 * Posts to GQL_URL with the gql query. Includes relevant headers.
 * @param {Object} gql the gql query object to be stringified and sent
 * @param {boolean} use_authenticated if true, will use the authenticated headers
 * @param {boolean} parse if true, will parse the response as json and check for errors
 * @returns {string | Object} the response body as a string or the parsed json object
 * @throws {ScriptException}
function callGQL(gql, use_authenticated = false, parse = true) {
    // log("Integrity: " + INTEGRITY)
    const resp = http.POST(
            'User-Agent': USER_AGENT,
            Accept: '*/*',
            DNT: '1',
            Host: '',
            Origin: '',
            Referer: '',
            'Client-Id': CLIENT_ID,
            // "Client-Version": CLIENT_VERSION,
            // "Client-Session-Id": CLIENT_SESSION_ID,
            'Client-Integrity': INTEGRITY,
            // "X-Device-Id": '',
            // "Device-Id": '',

    if (resp.code !== 200) {
        throw new ScriptException(`GQL returned ${resp.code}: ${resp.body}`)

    if (!parse) return resp.body

    const json = JSON.parse(resp.body)

    // check for errors in the case of different lengths cause json can be array or single object
    if (!json.length && json.errors) {
        throw new ScriptException(`GQL returned errors: ${JSON.stringify(json.errors)}`)

    if (json.length) {
        for (const obj of json) {
            if (obj.errors) {
                throw new ScriptException(`GQL returned errors: ${JSON.stringify(obj.errors)}`)

    return json

 * Checks if the HLS stream is available
 * @param {string} url
 * @returns {void}
 * @throws {UnavailableException}
function checkHLS(url) {
    const resp = http.GET(url, { 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT })
    if (!resp.isOk) {
        throw new UnavailableException('This content is restricted to subscribers')

//* Pagers
 * Gets a pager for the home pager
 * @param {import("./types.d.ts").HomeContext} context
 * @returns {HomePagerPopular}
function getHomePagerPopular(context) {
    let gql = {
        extensions: {
            persistedQuery: {
                sha256Hash: 'b32fa28ffd43e370b42de7d9e6e3b8a7ca310035fdbb83932150443d6b693e4d',
                version: 1,
        query: '#import "twilight/pages/directory-popular/queries/popular-streams-edge.gql" query BrowsePage_Popular( $limit: Int $cursor: Cursor $platformType: PlatformType $options: StreamOptions $sortTypeIsRecency: Boolean! $imageWidth: Int = 50 ) { streams( first: $limit after: $cursor platformType: $platformType options: $options ) { edges { ...browsePagePopularStreamsWithTagsEdge } pageInfo { hasNextPage } } }',
        operationName: 'BrowsePage_Popular',
        variables: {
            imageWidth: 50,
            limit: context.page_size,
            options: {
                broadcasterLanguages: ['EN'],
                freeformTags: null,
                includeRestricted: ['SUB_ONLY_LIVE'],
                recommendationsContext: {
                    platform: 'web',
                requestID: 'JIRA-VXP-2397',
                sort: 'RELEVANCE',
                tags: [],
            platformType: 'all',
            sortTypeIsRecency: false,
    if (context.cursor) gql.variables.cursor = context.cursor

    /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").BrowsePopularResponse}*/
    const json = callGQL(gql) //! to use authentication, requires valid integrity
    // const json = callGQL(gql, true)

    const streams = => {
        let n = s.node
        return new PlatformVideo({
            id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM,,,
            name: n.title,
            thumbnails: new Thumbnails([new Thumbnail(n.previewImageURL, 0)]),
            author: new PlatformAuthorLink(
                new PlatformID(PLATFORM,,, PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE),
Koen's avatar
Koen committed
                BASE_URL + n.broadcaster.login,
            uploadDate: parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000),
            duration: 0,
            viewCount: n.viewersCount,
            url: BASE_URL + n.broadcaster.login,
            isLive: true,

    context.cursor =[ - 1].cursor

    return new HomePagerPopular(streams,, context)

 * Gets a pager for the homepage
 * @param {import("./types.d.ts").HomeContext} context the context params
 * @returns {HomePagerPersonalSections} returns the homepage pager
function getHomePagerPersonalSections(context) {
    const gql = {
        query: 'query PersonalSections( $input: PersonalSectionInput! $creatorAnniversariesFeature: Boolean! ) { personalSections(input: $input) { type title { ...personalSectionTitle } items { ...personalSectionItem } } } fragment personalSectionTitle on PersonalSectionTitle { localizedFallback localizedTokens { ... on PersonalSectionTextToken { value } ... on User { id login displayName } } } fragment personalSectionItem on PersonalSectionChannel { trackingID promotionsCampaignID user { ...personalSectionItemUser } label content { ...personalSectionsStream } } fragment personalSectionItemUser on User { id login displayName profileImageURL(width: 70) primaryColorHex broadcastSettings { id title } channel @include(if: $creatorAnniversariesFeature) { id activeCreatorEventCelebration { id } } } fragment personalSectionsStream on Stream { id previewImageURL(width: 320 height: 180) broadcaster { id broadcastSettings { id title } } viewersCount game { id displayName name } type }',
        operationName: 'PersonalSections',
        variables: {
            creatorAnniversariesFeature: false,
            input: {
                recommendationContext: {
                    categoryName: null,
                    channelName: null,
                    clientApp: 'twilight',
                    lastCategoryName: null,
                    lastChannelName: null,
                    location: 'home',
                    pageviewContent: null,
                    pageviewContentType: null,
                    pageviewLocation: 'home',
                    pageviewMedium: null,
                    platform: 'web',
                    previousPageviewContent: null,
                    previousPageviewContentType: null,
                    previousPageviewLocation: null,
                    previousPageviewMedium: null,
                    referrerDomain: null,
                    viewportHeight: 640,
                    viewportWidth: 640,
                sectionInputs: ['RECOMMENDED_SECTION'],
        extensions: {
            persistedQuery: {
                sha256Hash: '807e3cce07a1cef5c772bbc46c12ead2898edd043ad4dd2236707f6f7995769c',
                version: 1,

    /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").PersonalSectionsResponse}*/
    const json = callGQL(gql, true)

    const initialStreams =[0] => personalSectionToPlatformVideo(item))

    return new HomePagerPersonalSections(context, initialStreams)

 * Converts a twitch node to a platform video
 * @param {import("./types.d.ts").PersonalSection} ps the twitch stream node
 * @returns {PlatformVideo} returns the platform video
 * @throws {ScriptException}
function personalSectionToPlatformVideo(ps) {
    return new PlatformVideo({
        id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM,,,
        name: ps.content.broadcaster.broadcastSettings.title,
        thumbnails: new Thumbnails([new Thumbnail(ps.content.previewImageURL, 0)]),
        author: new PlatformAuthorLink(new PlatformID(PLATFORM,,, PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE), ps.user.displayName, BASE_URL + ps.user.login, ps.user.profileImageURL),
Koen's avatar
Koen committed
        uploadDate: parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000),
        duration: 0,
        viewCount: ps.content.viewersCount,
        url: BASE_URL + ps.user.login,
        isLive: true,

 * Gets a comment pager
 * @param {import("./types").HomeContext & {url: string; id: number|null}} context the comment context
 * @returns {ExtendableCommentPager} returns the comment pager
 * @throws {ScriptException}
function getCommentPager(context) {
    return new ExtendableCommentPager(context, [])

 * Gets a channel pager
 * @param {import("./types.d.ts").URLContext} context the channel context
 * @returns {ChannelVideoPager} returns the channel pager
 * @throws {ScriptException}
function getChannelPager(context) {
    // url format (query params may or may not be there)
    const url = context.url

    const split = url.split('/')

    /** @type {string} */
    let login

    if (url.includes('/videos')) {
        login = split[split.length - 2]
    } else {
        login = split[split.length - 1]

    const gql = {
        extensions: {
            persistedQuery: {
                sha256Hash: 'a937f1d22e269e39a03b509f65a7490f9fc247d7f83d6ac1421523e3b68042cb',
                version: 1,
        operationName: 'FilterableVideoTower_Videos',
        variables: {
            broadcastType: null,
            channelOwnerLogin: login,
            cursor: context.cursor,
            limit: context.page_size,
            videoSort: 'TIME',
        query: '#import "twilight/features/video-preview-card/models/video-edge-fragment.gql" query FilterableVideoTower_Videos($channelOwnerLogin: String! $limit: Int $cursor: Cursor $broadcastType: BroadcastType $videoSort: VideoSort $options: VideoConnectionOptionsInput) { user(login: $channelOwnerLogin) { id videos(first: $limit after: $cursor type: $broadcastType sort: $videoSort options: $options) { edges { ...VideoEdge } pageInfo { hasNextPage } } } }',

    /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").VideoTowerResponse}*/
    const json = callGQL(gql)

    const edges =

    const videos = => {
        return new PlatformVideo({
            id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM,,,
            name: edge.node.title,
            thumbnails: new Thumbnails([new Thumbnail(edge.node.previewThumbnailURL, 0)]),
            author: new PlatformAuthorLink(
                new PlatformID(PLATFORM,,, PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE),
Koen's avatar
Koen committed
                BASE_URL + edge.node.owner.login,
            uploadDate: parseInt(new Date(edge.node.publishedAt).getTime() / 1000),
            url: BASE_URL + 'videos/' +,
            duration: edge.node.lengthSeconds,
            viewCount: edge.node.viewCount,
            isLive: false,

    if (context.cursor === null) {
        // get the currently live stream
        try {
            const current_stream = getLiveVideo(BASE_URL + login, false)
            // remove first video
            videos = videos.slice(1)
        } catch (e) {

    if (edges.length > 0) {
        context.cursor = edges[edges.length - 1].cursor

    return new ChannelVideoPager(context, videos,

 * Gets a search pager
 * @param {import("./types.d.ts").SearchContext} context the query params
 * @returns {(PlatformVideo | PlatformChannel)[]} returns the search pager
 * @throws {ScriptException}
function getSearchPagerAll(context) {
    const gql = {
        extensions: {
            persistedQuery: {
                sha256Hash: '6ea6e6f66006485e41dbe3ebd69d5674c5b22896ce7b595d7fce6411a3790138',
                version: 1,
        operationName: 'SearchResultsPage_SearchResults',
        variables: {
            query: context.q,
            options: null,
            requestID: '',
        query: '#import "twilight/features/tags/models/freeform-tag-fragment.gql" #import "twilight/features/tags/models/tag-fragment.gql" query SearchResultsPage_SearchResults( $query: String! $options: SearchForOptions $requestID: ID ) { searchFor( userQuery: $query platform: "web" options: $options requestID: $requestID ) { channels { ...searchForChannelsFragment } channelsWithTag { ...searchForChannelsWithTagFragment } games { ...searchForGamesFragment } videos { ...searchForVideosFragment } relatedLiveChannels { ...relatedLiveChannelsFragment } } } fragment relatedLiveChannelsFragment on SearchForResultRelatedLiveChannels { edges { trackingID item { ...searchRelatedLiveChannelFragment } } score } fragment searchForGamesFragment on SearchForResultGames { cursor edges { trackingID item { ...searchForGameFragment ...searchForVideoFragment ...searchForUserFragment } } score totalMatches } fragment searchForChannelsFragment on SearchForResultUsers { cursor edges { trackingID item { ...searchForUserFragment ...searchForVideoFragment ...searchForGameFragment } } score totalMatches } fragment searchForChannelsWithTagFragment on SearchForResultUsers { cursor edges { trackingID item { ...searchForUserFragment ...searchForVideoFragment ...searchForGameFragment } } score totalMatches } fragment searchForVideosFragment on SearchForResultVideos { cursor edges { trackingID item { ...searchForVideoFragment ...searchForUserFragment ...searchForGameFragment } } score totalMatches } fragment searchRelatedLiveChannelFragment on User { id stream { id viewersCount previewImageURL(height: 112 width: 200) game { name id } broadcaster { id primaryColorHex login displayName broadcastSettings { id title } roles { isPartner } } } watchParty { session { id contentRestriction } } } fragment searchForGameFragment on Game { id name displayName boxArtURL(height: 120 width: 90) tags(tagType: CONTENT) { ...tagFragment } viewersCount } fragment searchForScheduleSegmentFragment on ScheduleSegment { id startAt endAt title hasReminder categories { id name } } fragment searchForUserFragment on User { broadcastSettings { id title } displayName followers { totalCount } id lastBroadcast { id startedAt } login profileImageURL(width: 150) description channel { id schedule { id nextSegment { ...searchForScheduleSegmentFragment } } } self { canFollow follower { disableNotifications } } latestVideo: videos(first: 1 sort: TIME type: ARCHIVE) { edges { node { ...searchForFeaturedVideoFragment } } } topClip: clips(first: 1 criteria: { sort: VIEWS_DESC }) { edges { node { ...searchForFeaturedClipFragment } } } roles { isPartner } stream { game { id name displayName } id previewImageURL(height: 120 width: 214) freeformTags { ...freeformTagFragment } type viewersCount } watchParty { session { id contentRestriction } } } fragment searchForFeaturedVideoFragment on Video { id lengthSeconds title previewThumbnailURL(width: 100 height: 56) } fragment searchForFeaturedClipFragment on Clip { id title durationSeconds thumbnailURL slug } fragment searchForVideoFragment on Video { createdAt owner { id displayName login roles { isPartner } } id game { id name displayName } lengthSeconds previewThumbnailURL(height: 120 width: 214) title viewCount }',

    /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").AllSearchResponse} */
    const json = callGQL(gql)

    const sf =