Draft: HTTP promises
2 unresolved threads
2 unresolved threads
This proves that we can easily add an async HTTP library and get a performance boost in not having to pause/resume the VM on every HTTP call. This is a complex operation that can be avoided and saves time and memory, on QuickJS especially.
This is still a draft because I haven't taken the time to convert our Pager's nextPage method to optionally return a promise.
Edited by Gabe Rogan
Merge request reports
111 112 @kotlinx.serialization.Serializable 113 class BridgeHttpResponse(val url: String, val code: Int, val body: String?, val headers: Map<String, List<String>>? = null) : IV8Convertable { 114 val isOk = code >= 200 && code < 300; 115 116 override fun toV8(runtime: V8Runtime): V8Value? { 117 val obj = runtime.createV8ValueObject(); 118 obj.set("url", url); 119 obj.set("code", code); 120 obj.set("body", body); 121 obj.set("headers", headers); 122 obj.set("isOk", isOk); 123 // return obj; 124 val v8ValuePromiseResolver = runtime.createV8ValuePromise() 125 v8ValuePromiseResolver.promise.resolve(obj); 126 return v8ValuePromiseResolver.promise 24 25 class PackageHttpPromises: V8Package { 26 @Transient 27 private val _config: IV8PluginConfig; 28 @Transient 29 private val _client: ManagedHttpClient 30 @Transient 31 private val _clientAuth: ManagedHttpClient 32 @Transient 33 private val _packageClient: PackageHttpClient; 34 @Transient 35 private val _packageClientAuth: PackageHttpClient 36 37 38 override val name: String get() = "HttpPromises"; 39 override val variableName: String get() = "httpx"; assigned to @gabe
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