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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Feb 07, 2012
  2. Feb 01, 2012
  3. Jan 31, 2012
    • alanv's avatar
      Refactored shift key spoken description into separate method. · 7ca12497
      alanv authored
      Change-Id: I183462a68fdfd339404740fa1564f737430d73d9
    • alanv's avatar
      Removed spoken descriptions for characters supported by TTS or TalkBack. · f3e951b2
      alanv authored
      Change-Id: Iddef18559bc6af9487e536a33607b0a0b07df282
    • Tadashi G. Takaoka's avatar
      Auto generate various shift states alphabet keyboard automatically · ca2f051c
      Tadashi G. Takaoka authored
      If any shift state variants of alphabet keyboard layout is not
      specified in KeyboardSet.Element, it will be automatically generated
      from base alphabet keyboard definition.
      This change also
        * Eliminates KeyboardShiftState object from Keyboard.
        * Removes various set shift state methods from Keyboard.
        * Removes KeyboardSet.Element.elementAutoGenerate attribute.
        * Separates "sticky" Key.backgroundType to "stickyOff" and "stickyOn"
        * Add preserveCase flag to smiley, .com, and labeled special keys.
        * Rename KeyboardShiftState class to AlphabetShiftState.
        * Rename some attributes from *UppercaseLetter* to *ShiftedLetterHint*.
        * Introduce shiftedLetterActivated to Key.keyLabelFlags
      Change-Id: I01a0a8efeeaa76820ae728a5bdfa8d02b6ce74b7
  4. Jan 10, 2012
  5. Dec 15, 2011
  6. Nov 22, 2011
  7. Aug 08, 2011
  8. Jul 27, 2011
  9. Jun 29, 2011
  10. Jun 27, 2011
    • Tadashi G. Takaoka's avatar
      Draw phone/number keyboard layout witout icon · 520a297a
      Tadashi G. Takaoka authored
      This change introduces:
      * New KeyboardView attribute
        * keyLargeLetterRatio to specify large letter text size.
        * keyHintLabelRatio to specify hint label text size.
        * keyHintLabelColor to specify hint label text color.
        * keyPreviewTextRatio to specify key preview text size.
      * New Key.keyLabelOption flags
        * alignLeftOfCenter, align the key label slightly left of the key center.
        * largeLetter, use keyLargeLetterRatio to draw key letter.
        * hasHintLabel, draw keyHintLabel at the right of key letter.
        * followKeyHintLabelRatio, draw the key label following keyHintLabelRatio size.
      * Renames
        * Key.keyHintLetter to keyHintLabel.
        * Key.keylLabelOption fontFixedWidth to fontMonoSpace.
        * Key.keylLabelOption popupHint to hasPopupHint.
      * Removes
        * number icon releted attributes and declarations.
      Change-Id: I2f456737e3a46209e5f48b5155951b2b21a33859
  11. Jun 23, 2011
  12. Jun 22, 2011