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Commit 1d50ae9f authored by Aleksandras Kostarevas's avatar Aleksandras Kostarevas
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Add TrainingDataGenerator

parent ee8a81f1
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1 merge request!7Merge model-metadata to master
package org.futo.inputmethod.latin.xlm
import kotlin.math.PI
import kotlin.math.ceil
import kotlin.math.cos
import kotlin.math.ln
import kotlin.math.pow
import kotlin.math.sqrt
import kotlin.random.Random
import kotlin.random.nextInt
class Vector2(val x: Float, val y: Float) {
operator fun plus(other: Vector2): Vector2 {
return Vector2(x + other.x, y + other.y)
operator fun minus(other: Vector2): Vector2 {
return Vector2(x - other.x, y - other.y)
fun magnitudeSquared(): Float {
return (x * x) + (y * y)
fun randomNormal(mean: Float, standardDeviation: Float): Float {
val u1 = Random.nextFloat()
val u2 = Random.nextFloat()
val randStdNormal = sqrt(-2.0 * ln(u1.toDouble())) * cos(2.0 * PI * u2.toDouble())
return (mean + standardDeviation * randStdNormal).toFloat()
private interface KeyboardLayout {
val tapSize: Vector2
fun getKeyPosition(character: Char): Vector2?
fun getClosestKey(position: Vector2): Char
const val SHIFT_KEY = '\u000f'
const val BACKSPACE_KEY = '\u0008'
object QWERTYKeyboardLayout : KeyboardLayout {
override val tapSize: Vector2 = Vector2(80.0f, 80.0f)
// Rough QWERTY positions based on eyeballing it
private val KEYBOARD_KEYS = hashMapOf(
'q' to Vector2(75.0f, 106.0f),
'w' to Vector2(214.0f, 106.0f),
'e' to Vector2(363.0f, 106.0f),
'r' to Vector2(499.0f, 106.0f),
't' to Vector2(645.0f, 106.0f),
'y' to Vector2(789.0f, 106.0f),
'u' to Vector2(928.0f, 106.0f),
'i' to Vector2(1073.0f, 106.0f),
'o' to Vector2(1216.0f, 106.0f),
'p' to Vector2(1357.0f, 106.0f),
'a' to Vector2(150.0f, 312.0f),
's' to Vector2(291.0f, 312.0f),
'd' to Vector2(434.0f, 312.0f),
'f' to Vector2(574.0f, 312.0f),
'g' to Vector2(717.0f, 312.0f),
'h' to Vector2(859.0f, 312.0f),
'j' to Vector2(1005.0f, 312.0f),
'k' to Vector2(1140.0f, 312.0f),
'l' to Vector2(1288.0f, 312.0f),
SHIFT_KEY to Vector2(113.0f, 515.0f),
'z' to Vector2(287.0f, 515.0f),
'x' to Vector2(434.0f, 515.0f),
'c' to Vector2(576.0f, 515.0f),
'v' to Vector2(718.0f, 515.0f),
'b' to Vector2(860.0f, 515.0f),
'n' to Vector2(1003.0f, 515.0f),
'm' to Vector2(1145.0f, 515.0f),
BACKSPACE_KEY to Vector2(1329.0f, 515.0f),
override fun getKeyPosition(character: Char): Vector2? {
return KEYBOARD_KEYS[character]
override fun getClosestKey(position: Vector2): Char {
return KEYBOARD_KEYS.minBy {
(it.value - position).magnitudeSquared()
private object WordMisspelling {
fun substituteKeyboardLetters(layout: KeyboardLayout, word: String, temperature: Float = 0.6f): String {
val keys = word.lowercase().toList()
val newKeys = mutableListOf<Char>()
keys.forEach { char ->
val position = layout.getKeyPosition(char) ?: return@forEach
val newPosition = Vector2(
randomNormal(position.x, temperature * layout.tapSize.x),
randomNormal(position.y, temperature * layout.tapSize.y)
val newKey = layout.getClosestKey(newPosition)
if(newKey == SHIFT_KEY) {
// next char should be uppercased, but it currently doesn't matter
}else if(newKey == BACKSPACE_KEY) {
if(newKeys.size > 0) newKeys.removeLast()
}else {
return String(newKeys.toCharArray())
fun misspellWord(word: String, correctness: Float = 0.8f): String {
var misspelledWord = word.trim().lowercase().replace("'", "")
val getRand = { Random.nextFloat().pow(correctness) }
// TODO: Random word transformations - substituting letters, deleting, repeating, adding, transposing
// Substitute the word's characters with nearby ones randomly
misspelledWord = substituteKeyboardLetters(QWERTYKeyboardLayout, misspelledWord, temperature = 1.0f * getRand())
// Trim word randomly as if the user hasn't finished writing the word yet
// This helps the model learn to complete partially-written words
if((getRand() > 0.33) && (misspelledWord.length >= 2)) {
val newLength = ceil((1.0 - (getRand() * getRand())) * misspelledWord.length).toInt().coerceAtLeast(2)
misspelledWord = misspelledWord.substring(0, newLength.coerceAtMost(misspelledWord.length))
return misspelledWord
private val TOKENIZER_LETTER_MAPPING = hashMapOf(
'a' to "<CHAR_A>",
'b' to "<CHAR_B>",
'c' to "<CHAR_C>",
'd' to "<CHAR_D>",
'e' to "<CHAR_E>",
'f' to "<CHAR_F>",
'g' to "<CHAR_G>",
'h' to "<CHAR_H>",
'i' to "<CHAR_I>",
'j' to "<CHAR_J>",
'k' to "<CHAR_K>",
'l' to "<CHAR_L>",
'm' to "<CHAR_M>",
'n' to "<CHAR_N>",
'o' to "<CHAR_O>",
'p' to "<CHAR_P>",
'q' to "<CHAR_Q>",
'r' to "<CHAR_R>",
's' to "<CHAR_S>",
't' to "<CHAR_T>",
'u' to "<CHAR_U>",
'v' to "<CHAR_V>",
'w' to "<CHAR_W>",
'x' to "<CHAR_X>",
'y' to "<CHAR_Y>",
'z' to "<CHAR_Z>",
private fun tokenizerFormatUserInput(misspelledWord: String): String {
return TOKENIZER_BEGIN_USER_INPUT + misspelledWord.mapNotNull { TOKENIZER_LETTER_MAPPING[it] }.joinToString(separator = "") + TOKENIZER_BEGIN_CORRECTION
object TrainingDataGenerator {
fun wordMisspelling(word: String): String {
val misspelled = WordMisspelling.misspellWord(word)
// Space after word is required for the tokenizer
return tokenizerFormatUserInput(misspelled) + word.trim() + " " + TOKENIZER_END_CORRECTION
private val permittedCharacters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'-".toHashSet()
fun suitableToMisspell(word: String): Boolean {
return permittedCharacters.containsAll(word.lowercase().toList())
fun randomlyMisspellWords(text: String, proportion: Float = 0.333f): String {
val words = text.split(" ").toMutableList()
val wordsToMisspell = mutableListOf<Int>()
for(i in 0 until (words.size * proportion).toInt()) {
val remainingIndices = words.indices.toSet().subtract(wordsToMisspell.toSet()).toList()
if(remainingIndices.isEmpty()) break;
val wordToMisspell = remainingIndices[Random.nextInt(remainingIndices.indices)]
if(suitableToMisspell(words[wordToMisspell])) {
wordsToMisspell.toSet().forEach { i ->
words[i] = wordMisspelling(words[i])
return words.joinToString(separator=" ").trim()
.replace(" ", " ")
.replace(" ", " ")
// Do not put spaces after these tokens, as it messes up tokenization
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