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org_futo_inputmethod_latin_xlm_LanguageModel.cpp 46.7 KiB
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#define LOG_TAG "LatinIME: jni: LanguageModel"

#include "org_futo_inputmethod_latin_xlm_LanguageModel.h"

#include <cstring> // for memset()
#include <vector>

#include "jni.h"
#include "jni_common.h"
#include "ggml/LanguageModel.h"
#include "defines.h"
#include "suggest/core/layout/proximity_info.h"
#include "jni_utils.h"

#define EPS 0.0001
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#if false
#define TIME_START(name)  const int64_t start_##name = ggml_time_us();
#define TIME_END(name)    const int64_t end_##name = ggml_time_us(); \
                          const int64_t time_taken_##name = (end_##name - start_##name) / 1000L; \
                          AKLOGI("%s:     Time taken by %s: %d ms\n", __func__, #name, (int)time_taken_##name);
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Aleksandras Kostarevas committed
#define TIME_START(name)
#define TIME_END(name)

#define RETURNVAL_AUTOCORRECT "autocorrect"
#define RETURNVAL_UNCERTAIN "uncertain"
#define RETURNVAL_CLUELESS "clueless"

static std::string trim(const std::string &s) {
    auto start = s.begin();
    while (start != s.end() && std::isspace(*start)) {

    auto end = s.end();
    do {
    } while (std::distance(start, end) > 0 && std::isspace(*end));

    return {start, end + 1};

template<typename T>
bool sortProbabilityPairDescending(const std::pair<float, T>& a, const std::pair<float, T>& b) {
    return a.first > b.first;

template<typename T>
static inline void sortProbabilityPairVectorDescending(std::vector<std::pair<float, T>> &vec) {
    std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end(), sortProbabilityPairDescending<T>);

template<typename T>
static inline void sortProbabilityPairVectorDescending(std::vector<std::pair<float, T>> &vec, size_t partial) {
    if(partial > vec.size()) partial = vec.size();
    std::partial_sort(vec.begin(), vec.begin() + partial, vec.end(), sortProbabilityPairDescending<T>);

typedef struct potential_sequence_data {
    token_sequence tokens;
    llama_seq_id seq_id{};
} potential_sequence_data;

// P = P(tokens[0]) * P(tokens[1]) * [...]
typedef std::pair<float, potential_sequence_data> potential_sequence;

typedef struct banned_sequence {
    token_sequence sequence;
    int hash;
} banned_sequence;

int compute_sequence_hash(const token_sequence &seq) {
    int hash = 0;
    for(llama_token t : seq) {
        hash = (hash + t) % 999999999;
    return hash;

int append_sequence_hash(int hash, llama_token t) {
    return (hash + t) % 999999999;

static void softmax(float * input, size_t input_len) {
    float m = -INFINITY;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < input_len; i++) {
        if (input[i] > m) {
            m = input[i];

    float sum = 0.0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < input_len; i++) {
        sum += expf(input[i] - m);

    float offset = m + logf(sum);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < input_len; i++) {
        input[i] = expf(input[i] - offset);

#define NUM_TOKEN_MIX 4
struct TokenMix {
    struct {
        float weight;
        llama_token token;
    } mixes[NUM_TOKEN_MIX];

struct DecodeResult {
    int logits_head;
    int size;

enum WordCapitalizeMode {
    IgnoredCapitals, // partialWord = "t"  or partialWord = "test"
    FirstCapital,    // partialWord = "T"  or partialWord = "Test"
    AllCapitals      // partialWord = "TE" or partialWord = "TEST"

bool isLowercase(unsigned char c, bool strict) {
    if(strict) {
        return islower(c);
    } else {
        return isupper(c) == 0;
bool isFirstCharLowercase(const char* str, bool strict) {
    if (str == nullptr || str[0] == '\0')
        return false;
    return isLowercase(static_cast<unsigned char>(str[0]), strict);
bool hasLowercase(const char* str, bool strict) {
    if (str == nullptr)
        return false;

    for (; *str != '\0'; ++str) {
        if (isLowercase(static_cast<unsigned char>(*str), strict))
            return true;
    return false;

bool isExactMatch(const std::string &a, const std::string &b){
    auto preprocess = [](const std::string &str) -> std::string {
        std::string result;
        for(char c : str) {
            if(c != '\'' && c != '-' && c != ' ') {
                result += (char)tolower(c);
        return result;

    return preprocess(a) == preprocess(b);

bool isTokenMixRoughlyEqual(const TokenMix &a, const TokenMix &b) {
    return (a.mixes[0].token == b.mixes[0].token) && std::abs(a.mixes[0].weight - b.mixes[0].weight) < EPS &&
            (a.mixes[1].token == b.mixes[1].token) && std::abs(a.mixes[1].weight - b.mixes[1].weight) < EPS &&
            (a.mixes[2].token == b.mixes[2].token) && std::abs(a.mixes[2].weight - b.mixes[2].weight) < EPS &&
            (a.mixes[3].token == b.mixes[3].token) && std::abs(a.mixes[3].weight - b.mixes[3].weight) < EPS;

struct LanguageModelState {
    std::unique_ptr<LanguageModel> model;
        int SPACE = 0;
        int XBU = 0;
        int XBC = 0;
        int XEC = 0;
        int XC0_SWIPE_MODE = 0;
        int DASH = 0;
        int STAR = 0;
        int LETTERS_TO_IDS[26] = { 0 };

        std::vector<int> banned_start_of_word_tokens;
        std::vector<int> banned_tokens_for_first_capital;
        std::vector<int> banned_tokens_for_all_capitals;
        std::vector<int> banned_tokens_word_separators; // probabilities add to space token
        std::vector<int> general_banned_tokens;
    } specialTokens;

    bool Initialize(const std::string &paths){
        model = std::unique_ptr<LanguageModel>(LlamaAdapter::createLanguageModel(paths));

        if(!model) {
            AKLOGE("GGMLDict: Could not load model");
            return false;

        specialTokens.SPACE = model->tokenToId("▁"); // ▁
        specialTokens.DASH = model->tokenToId("-");
        specialTokens.STAR = model->tokenToId("*");

        if(model->adapter->hasFeature(FEATURE_AUTOCORRECT)) {
            specialTokens.XBU = model->tokenToId("<XBU>");
            specialTokens.XBC = model->tokenToId("<XBC>");
            specialTokens.XEC = model->tokenToId("<XEC>");

            specialTokens.LETTERS_TO_IDS[0] = model->tokenToId("<CHAR_A>");

            ASSERT(specialTokens.XBU != 0);
            ASSERT(specialTokens.XBC != 0);
            ASSERT(specialTokens.XEC != 0);
            ASSERT(specialTokens.LETTERS_TO_IDS[0] != 0);

            for(int i = 1; i < 26; i++) {
                specialTokens.LETTERS_TO_IDS[i] = specialTokens.LETTERS_TO_IDS[0] + i;

            if(model->adapter->hasFeature(FEATURE_SWIPE_TYPING)) {
                specialTokens.XC0_SWIPE_MODE = model->tokenToId("<XC0>");
                ASSERT(specialTokens.XC0_SWIPE_MODE != 0);
        } else {
            specialTokens.XBU = -1;
            specialTokens.XBC = -1;
            specialTokens.XEC = -1;
        specialTokens.banned_tokens_word_separators = { };
        specialTokens.general_banned_tokens = { model->tokenToId("-▁") };
        //int permitted_period_token = model->tokenToId(".");
        const char *blacklist_symbols = ".!@#$%^&*()_=?/,\\][{};:\"><+`~|\r\n\t\x0b\x0c";
        for(int i = 0; i < model->getVocabSize(); i++) {
            //if(i == permitted_period_token) continue;
            const char *token = model->getToken(i);
            bool has_symbol = false;
            for(char c : std::string(token)){
                if(strchr(blacklist_symbols, c) != nullptr) {
                    has_symbol = true;
        size_t n_vocab = llama_n_vocab(model->model());
        for(int i=0; i < (int)n_vocab; i++) {
            const char *text = model->adapter->getToken(i);

            if(text[0] == '\'' || text[0] == '-') {

    bool transform_logits(float *logits, size_t n_vocab, bool is_first_token, bool allow_correction_token, WordCapitalizeMode capitals, llama_token prev_token){
        for(size_t i = 0; i < n_vocab; i++) {
                return false;

        for(int x : specialTokens.banned_tokens_word_separators) {
            if(allow_correction_token && x == specialTokens.XEC) continue;

            logits[specialTokens.SPACE] += std::max(0.0f, logits[x]);
        if(is_first_token) {
            logits[specialTokens.SPACE] = -999.0f;

            for(int i : specialTokens.banned_start_of_word_tokens) {
                logits[i] = -999.0f;

        for(int i : specialTokens.general_banned_tokens) {
            logits[i] = -999.0f;

        if(prev_token == specialTokens.DASH) {
            logits[specialTokens.DASH] = -999.0f;

        if(capitals == WordCapitalizeMode::FirstCapital && is_first_token) {
            for(int i : specialTokens.banned_tokens_for_first_capital) {
                logits[i] = -999.0f;
        }else if(capitals == WordCapitalizeMode::AllCapitals) {
            // Note: In case the word is something like "AMD's" we may not wish to ban lowercase completely
            for(int i : specialTokens.banned_tokens_for_all_capitals) {
                logits[i] = -999.0f;
    std::vector<TokenMix> past_mixes = { };
    int GetCachedMixAmount(const std::vector<TokenMix> &mixes) {
        size_t i;
        for(i = 0; i < std::min(past_mixes.size(), mixes.size()); i++) {
            if(!isTokenMixRoughlyEqual(past_mixes[i], mixes[i])) break;

        return (int)i;

    DecodeResult DecodePromptAndMixes(const token_sequence &prompt, const std::vector<TokenMix> &mixes) {
        llama_context *ctx = model->context();
        llama_batch batch = model->adapter->batch;
        LlamaAdapter *llamaAdapter = model->adapter.get();
        size_t n_embd = llama_n_embd(llama_get_model(ctx));
        size_t n_vocab = llama_n_vocab(llama_get_model(ctx));

        auto prompt_ff = transformer_context_fastforward(model->transformerContext, prompt, !mixes.empty());
        int n_batch = llamaAdapter->n_batch;

        int head = -1;
        if(!prompt_ff.first.empty()) {
            for (size_t b = 0; b < (prompt_ff.first.size() + n_batch - 1) / n_batch; b++) {
                batch.n_tokens = std::min((int)n_batch, (int)(prompt_ff.first.size() - b*n_batch));
                for (int i = 0; i < batch.n_tokens; i++) {
                    batch.token[i] = prompt_ff.first[n_batch*b + i];
                    batch.pos[i] = (llama_pos)(prompt_ff.second + n_batch*b + i);
                    batch.seq_id[i][0] = 0;
                    batch.n_seq_id[i] = 1;
                    batch.logits[i] = false;
                batch.logits[batch.n_tokens - 1] = (int8_t)(mixes.empty());
                if(mixes.empty()) head = batch.n_tokens - 1;
                llama_kv_cache_seq_rm(ctx, 0, (llama_pos)prompt_ff.second, -1);
                if (llama_decode(ctx, batch) != 0) {
                    AKLOGE("llama_decode() failed");
                    return {};
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            //AKLOGI("No need to recompute prompt, proceeding to mixes");

        transformer_context_apply(model->transformerContext, prompt_ff);

        size_t size = prompt.size();

        std::vector<float> embeds;

        bool useEncoder = !llamaAdapter->encoder_weight.empty();
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        //AKLOGI("DecodePromptAndMixes: useEncoder=%d", useEncoder);
        for(auto &mix : mixes) {

            int num_added = 0;

            std::vector<float> mix_f(n_embd, 0.0f);

            if(useEncoder && mix.x >= 0.0f && mix.y >= 0.0f) {
                for(size_t i=0; i<n_embd; i++) {
                    mix_f[i] = llamaAdapter->encoder_bias[i]
                            + llamaAdapter->encoder_weight[i*2]*mix.x
                            + llamaAdapter->encoder_weight[i*2 + 1]*mix.y;
                //AKLOGI("DEBUG: pos %.4f %.4f got this: [%.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f ...",
                //       mix.x, mix.y,
                //             mix_f[0], mix_f[1], mix_f[2], mix_f[3], mix_f[4], mix_f[5], mix_f[6]);
            } else {
                for (auto &t: mix.mixes) {
                    if (t.weight < EPS) continue;
                    if (t.token < 0 || t.token >= (int)n_vocab) continue;
                    float *src = llamaAdapter-> +
                                 (t.token * n_embd);
                    float weight = t.weight;

                    for (size_t i = 0; i < n_embd; i++) {
                        mix_f[i] += src[i] * weight;


            if(num_added == 0){
                AKLOGE("Somehow a token mix had 0 weight for everything");

            embeds.insert(embeds.end(), mix_f.begin(), mix_f.end());

        int n_tokens = int32_t(mixes.size());
        int n_past = GetCachedMixAmount(mixes);
        past_mixes = mixes;

        if(!prompt_ff.first.empty()) n_past = 0; // We have to recompute embeds completely if prompt changed
        llama_kv_cache_seq_rm(ctx, 0, (llama_pos)prompt.size() + n_past, -1);

        if(!embeds.empty()) {
            // TODO: This is only processing one embd at a time, increasing n_tokens doesn't seem to work
            for(int h = n_past; h < n_tokens; h++ ) {
                llama_batch embd_batch = {

               + h*n_embd,

                batch.pos[0] = (llama_pos)(prompt.size() + h);
                batch.seq_id[0][0] = 0;
                batch.n_seq_id[0] = 1;
                batch.logits[0] = false;

                if (llama_decode(ctx, embd_batch) != 0) {
                    AKLOGE("llama_decode() with embeds failed");
                    return {};


            // We always force an XBC token after
            size += 1;
            batch.n_tokens = 1;
            batch.token[0] = specialTokens.XBC;
            batch.seq_id[0][0] = 0;
            batch.n_seq_id[0] = 1;
            batch.logits[0] = true;
            batch.pos[0] = (llama_pos)(prompt.size() + n_tokens);
            head = 0;

            if (llama_decode(ctx, batch) != 0) {
                AKLOGE("llama_decode() for XBC failed");
                return {};


            ASSERT(size == prompt.size() + n_tokens + 1);
            ASSERT(size == prompt.size() + (embeds.size() / n_embd) + 1);
            ASSERT(size == prompt.size());
            //ASSERT(head == prompt_ff.first.size() - 1);
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        //AKLOGI("-- Decode");
        //AKLOGI("First we processed the prompt (%d):", prompt_ff.first.size());
        //for(auto t : prompt) {
        //    AKLOGI(" - [%s]", model->getToken(t));
        //AKLOGI("Then %d embeds (cached %d)", embeds.size(), n_past);
        //AKLOGI("The final size is %d and head is %d", size, head);


        llama_kv_cache_seq_rm(ctx, 0, (llama_pos)size, -1);

        return {
    bool MatchesBanned(const token_sequence &prior, int prior_hash, llama_token next, const std::vector<banned_sequence> &banned_sequences) const {
        int new_hash = append_sequence_hash(prior_hash, next);
        for(const auto &banned_sequence : banned_sequences) {
            if(banned_sequence.sequence.back() == specialTokens.STAR && (prior.size() >= banned_sequence.sequence.size() - 1)) {
                bool matches = true;
                for(size_t i = 0; i < banned_sequence.sequence.size() - 1; i++) {
                    if(prior[i] != banned_sequence.sequence[i]) {
                        matches = false;

                    auto priorTxt = model->decode(prior);
                    auto nextTxt = model->decode({next});
                    auto bannedTxt = model->decode(banned_sequence.sequence);
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                    //AKLOGI("Tokens [%s] + [%s] matches banned wildcard [%s]", priorTxt.c_str(), nextTxt.c_str(), bannedTxt.c_str());
                    return true;
            }else if((banned_sequence.sequence.size() == prior.size() + 1) && (banned_sequence.hash == new_hash)) {
                if(banned_sequence.sequence.back() == next) {
                    bool matches = true;
                    for(size_t i = 0; i < prior.size(); i++) {
                        if(prior[i] != banned_sequence.sequence[i]) {
                            matches = false;

                    if(matches) {
                        auto priorTxt = model->decode(prior);
                        auto nextTxt = model->decode({next});
                        auto bannedTxt = model->decode(banned_sequence.sequence);
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                        //AKLOGI("Tokens [%s] + [%s] matches banned [%s]", priorTxt.c_str(), nextTxt.c_str(), bannedTxt.c_str());
                        return true;

        return false;

    std::vector<std::pair<float, token_sequence>> Sample(DecodeResult decodeResult, int n_results, WordCapitalizeMode capitals, const std::vector<banned_sequence> &banned_sequences) {
        llama_context *ctx = model->context();
        llama_batch batch = model->adapter->batch;

        size_t n_vocab = llama_n_vocab(llama_get_model(ctx));

        std::vector<potential_sequence> sequences;

        bool allow_correction_token = decodeResult.logits_head == 0;

        float *logits = llama_get_logits_ith(ctx, decodeResult.logits_head);
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Aleksandras Kostarevas committed
        //AKLOGI("Value of [the ] before transform: %f", logits[561]);
        bool is_bugged = logits[561] == 0.0f;

        if(!transform_logits(logits, n_vocab, true, allow_correction_token, capitals, 0)) {
            AKLOGE("logits have NaN!");
            return { };

        // TODO: This should really not be here
        is_bugged = is_bugged && logits[561] < -990.0f && logits[561] > -1100.0f;
        if(is_bugged) {
            AKLOGE("Detected bug!!!! Trying to mitigate. Let's just reset cache and exit");
            llama_kv_cache_seq_rm(ctx, -1, -1, -1);
            model->transformerContext.active_context = { };
            return { };
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Aleksandras Kostarevas committed
        //AKLOGI("Value of [the ] after transform: %f", logits[561]);

        std::vector<std::pair<float, int>> index_value;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vocab; i++) {
            index_value.emplace_back(logits[i], i);

        sortProbabilityPairVectorDescending(index_value, n_results * 2);
        const token_sequence blank = {};
        for(int i = 0; i < n_results * 2; i++) {
            if(MatchesBanned(blank, 0, index_value[i].second, banned_sequences)) {
                index_value[i].first = 0.0f;
        sortProbabilityPairVectorDescending(index_value, n_results);

        for (int i = 0; i < n_results; i++) {
                    potential_sequence_data {
        // TODO: This should really not be here
        is_bugged = true;
        for(const auto &seq : sequences) {
            if(seq.second.tokens.front() > 48 || seq.first != sequences[0].first) {
                is_bugged = false;
        if(is_bugged) {
            AKLOGE("Detected bug2!!!! Trying to mitigate. Let's just reset cache and exit");
            llama_kv_cache_seq_rm(ctx, -1, -1, -1);
            model->transformerContext.active_context = { };
            return { };
        for (auto &sequence: sequences) {
            if (sequence.second.seq_id == 0) continue;

            llama_kv_cache_seq_cp(ctx, 0, sequence.second.seq_id, 0, decodeResult.size);
        std::vector<potential_sequence> next_sequences;

        std::vector<std::pair<float, token_sequence>> outputs;

        for(int tok=0; tok<10; tok++) {
            for (auto sequence: std::move(sequences)) {
                int next_token = sequence.second.tokens[sequence.second.tokens.size() - 1];

                // Check if this is the end of correction
                if (next_token == specialTokens.XEC) {
                    token_sequence resulting_tokens = std::move(sequence.second.tokens);
                    resulting_tokens.resize(resulting_tokens.size() - 1);
                    outputs.emplace_back(sequence.first, resulting_tokens);

                // Check if this is the end of a word
                std::string token = model->getToken(next_token);
                if (token.size() >= 3 && (token[token.size() - 1] == '\x81') &&
                    (token[token.size() - 2] == '\x96') && token[token.size() - 3] == '\xe2') {
                    outputs.emplace_back(sequence.first, std::move(sequence.second.tokens));


            sequences = next_sequences;

            size_t remaining_count = n_results - outputs.size();
            batch.n_tokens = 0;

            //for(int i=0; i<batch.n_tokens; i++) batch.logits[i] = false;
            for (auto &sequence: sequences) {
                batch.token[batch.n_tokens] = sequence.second.tokens[sequence.second.tokens.size() - 1];
                batch.pos[batch.n_tokens] = (llama_pos)(decodeResult.size + (sequence.second.tokens.size() - 1));
                batch.seq_id[batch.n_tokens][0] = sequence.second.seq_id;
                batch.n_seq_id[batch.n_tokens] = 1;
                batch.logits[batch.n_tokens] = true;

                batch.n_tokens += 1;

            ASSERT(batch.n_tokens == (int)remaining_count); // usually 3

            if (batch.n_tokens == 0) {

            llama_decode(ctx, batch);

            for (int seq = 0; seq < (int)remaining_count; seq++) {
                const potential_sequence &parent_seq = sequences[seq];
                auto hash = compute_sequence_hash(parent_seq.second.tokens);

                llama_token prev_token = 0;
                if(!parent_seq.second.tokens.empty()) prev_token = parent_seq.second.tokens.back();
                logits = llama_get_logits_ith(ctx, seq);
                if(!transform_logits(logits, n_vocab, false, allow_correction_token, capitals, prev_token)) {
                    AKLOGE("Logits have NaN!");
                    return { };

                for (size_t i = 0; i < n_vocab; i++) {
                    index_value.emplace_back(logits[i], i);

                sortProbabilityPairVectorDescending(index_value, remaining_count * 2);
                for(size_t i = 0; i < remaining_count * 2; i++) {
                    if(MatchesBanned(parent_seq.second.tokens, hash, index_value[i].second, banned_sequences)) {
                        index_value[i].first = 0.0f;
                sortProbabilityPairVectorDescending(index_value, remaining_count);

                for (size_t i = 0; i < remaining_count; i++) {
                    token_sequence new_sequence = parent_seq.second.tokens;

                    if (index_value[i].first > 1.0f || index_value[i].first < 0.0f) {
                        AKLOGE("Expected index_value to be probability [%.2f]",

                    if (sequences[i].first > 1.0f || sequences[i].first < 0.0f) {
                        AKLOGE("Expected sequences value to be probability [%.2f]",

                            index_value[i].first * sequences[i].first,

            sortProbabilityPairVectorDescending(next_sequences, remaining_count);

            // In some cases we may have picked a sequence from the same parent sequence
            // We must re-assign the seq_id
            int seq_id_use_count[n_results];
            for (int i = 0; i < n_results; i++) seq_id_use_count[i] = 0;

            for (auto &seq: next_sequences) seq_id_use_count[seq.second.seq_id] += 1;

            for (auto &seq: next_sequences) {
                if (seq_id_use_count[seq.second.seq_id] > 1) {
                    int old_seq_id = seq.second.seq_id;

                    int new_seq_id = -1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < n_results; i++) {
                        if (seq_id_use_count[i] == 0) {
                            new_seq_id = i;

                    if (new_seq_id == -1) {
                        AKLOGE("Couldn't find an empty sequence id to use. This should never happen.");
                        return {};


                            0, // could start from prompt.size()
                            (llama_pos)(decodeResult.size + (seq.second.tokens.size() - 1))

                    seq.second.seq_id = new_seq_id;

            sequences = next_sequences;

        for (int i = 1; i < n_results; i++) {
            llama_kv_cache_seq_rm(ctx, i, 0, -1);

        return outputs;

    std::vector<std::pair<float, std::string>> PredictNextWord(const std::string &context, const std::vector<std::string> &banned_words) {
        std::vector<banned_sequence> banned_sequences;
        for(const std::string &bw : banned_words) {
            auto tokenized = model->tokenize(trim(bw) + " ");
            banned_sequences.push_back({ tokenized, compute_sequence_hash(tokenized) });

            auto tokenized2 = model->tokenize(trim(bw));
            banned_sequences.push_back({ tokenized2, compute_sequence_hash(tokenized2) });

        token_sequence next_context = model->tokenize(trim(context) + " ");
        next_context.insert(next_context.begin(), 1); // BOS
        auto decoding_result = DecodePromptAndMixes(next_context, { });
        auto results = Sample(decoding_result, 3, WordCapitalizeMode::IgnoredCapitals, banned_sequences);
        std::vector<std::pair<float, std::string>> str_results;
        for(const auto& result : results) {
            str_results.emplace_back(result.first, model->decode(result.second));

        return str_results;
    std::vector<std::pair<float, std::string>> PredictCorrection(const std::string &context, const std::vector<TokenMix> &mixes, bool swipe_mode, WordCapitalizeMode capitals, const std::vector<std::string> &banned_words) {
        if(specialTokens.XBU == -1) return { };

        std::vector<banned_sequence> banned_sequences;
        for(const std::string &bw : banned_words) {
            auto tokenized = model->tokenize(trim(bw) + " ");
            banned_sequences.push_back({ tokenized, compute_sequence_hash(tokenized) });

            auto tokenized2 = model->tokenize(trim(bw));
            banned_sequences.push_back({ tokenized2, compute_sequence_hash(tokenized2) });

        token_sequence next_context;
        if(!context.empty()) {
            next_context = model->tokenize(trim(context) + " ");

        next_context.insert(next_context.begin(), 1); // BOS

        if(swipe_mode) {

        auto decoding_result = DecodePromptAndMixes(next_context, mixes);
        auto results = Sample(decoding_result, 3, capitals, banned_sequences);
        std::vector<std::pair<float, std::string>> str_results;
        for(const auto& result : results) {
            str_results.emplace_back(result.first, model->decode(result.second));

        return str_results;
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Aleksandras Kostarevas committed
struct SuggestionItemToRescore {
    int index;

    int originalScore;
    float transformedScore;

    std::string word;
    token_sequence tokens;

namespace latinime {
    static jlong xlm_LanguageModel_open(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jstring modelDir) {

        AKLOGI("open LM");
        const jsize sourceDirUtf8Length = env->GetStringUTFLength(modelDir);
        if (sourceDirUtf8Length <= 0) {
            AKLOGE("DICT: Can't get sourceDir string");
            return 0;
        char sourceDirChars[sourceDirUtf8Length + 1];
        env->GetStringUTFRegion(modelDir, 0, env->GetStringLength(modelDir), sourceDirChars);
        sourceDirChars[sourceDirUtf8Length] = '\0';

        auto *state = new LanguageModelState();

        if(!state->Initialize(sourceDirChars)) {
            delete state;
            return 0;

        return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(state);

    static void xlm_LanguageModel_close(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jlong statePtr) {

        AKLOGI("LanguageModel_close called!");
        auto *state = reinterpret_cast<LanguageModelState *>(statePtr);
        if(state == nullptr) return;
        delete state;

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    // (JLjava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;[I[I)V
    // TODO: This will also need caching to not make things extremely slow by recomputing every time
    static void xlm_LanguageModel_rescoreSuggestions(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz,
        jlong dict,
        jstring context,
        jobjectArray inWords,
        jintArray inScores,

        jintArray outScores
    ) {
        auto *state = reinterpret_cast<LanguageModelState *>(dict);
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        std::string contextString = jstring2string(env, context);

        jsize inputSize = env->GetArrayLength(inScores);
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        int scores[inputSize];
        env->GetIntArrayRegion(inScores, 0, inputSize, scores);

        float maxScore = -INFINITY;
        float minScore = INFINITY;
        for(int score : scores) {
            auto scoref = (float)score;

            if(scoref > maxScore) maxScore = scoref;
            if(scoref < minScore) minScore = scoref;
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        minScore -= (maxScore - minScore) * 0.33f;

        std::vector<SuggestionItemToRescore> words;
        jsize numWords = env->GetArrayLength(inWords);
        for(jsize i=0; i<numWords; i++) {
            auto jstr = (jstring)env->GetObjectArrayElement(inWords, i);
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            SuggestionItemToRescore item = {
                (int) i,
                ((float)scores[i] - minScore) / (maxScore - minScore),
                jstring2string(env, jstr),

            item.tokens = state->model->tokenize(trim(item.word) + " ");
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        // TODO: Transform here
        llama_context *ctx = state->model->context();
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        size_t n_vocab = llama_n_vocab(llama_get_model(ctx));

        token_sequence next_context = state->model->tokenize(trim(contextString) + " ");
        next_context.insert(next_context.begin(), 1); // BOS

        auto decoding_result = state->DecodePromptAndMixes(next_context, { });
        float *logits = llama_get_logits_ith(ctx, decoding_result.logits_head);

        softmax(logits, n_vocab);

        for(auto &entry : words) {
            float pseudoScore = logits[entry.tokens[0]] / (float)entry.tokens.size();
            AKLOGI("Word [%s], %d tokens, prob[0] = %.8f", entry.word.c_str(), entry.tokens.size(), pseudoScore);
            entry.transformedScore *= pseudoScore * 1000.0f;
        // TODO: Transform here

        // Output scores
        jint *outArray = env->GetIntArrayElements(outScores, nullptr);

        for(const auto &entry : words) {
            outArray[entry.index] = (jint)(entry.transformedScore * (maxScore - minScore) + minScore);
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        env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(outScores, outArray, 0);

    static void xlm_LanguageModel_getSuggestions(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz,
         // inputs
         jlong dict,
         jlong proximityInfo,
         jstring context,
         jstring partialWord,
         jintArray inComposeX,
         jintArray inComposeY,
         jfloat autocorrectThreshold,
         jobjectArray bannedWordsArray,

         // outputs
         jobjectArray outPredictions,
         jfloatArray outProbabilities
    ) {