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  • v0.4.0
    4bfaed30 · Update README for v0.4.0 ·
    Matrix.swift beta 0.4.0
    * Add support for encrypting and uploading files directly from the filesystem
    * Add support for sending `` messages
    * Updated default room version 
    * Add support for power levels override
    * Add fallback support for threads
    * Update MatrixSDKCrypto to v0.3.12
    * Add support for event redaction
    * Add support for event replacement
    * Add support for detecting `@` mentions in message events
    * Bug fixes in secret storage, room state management, avatars, and more
  • v0.3.0
    5d4a3034 · Update ·
    Matrix.swift alpha 0.3.0
    * Add support for deactivating the user's account, for GDPR compliance
    * Fix spec compliance of `` events
    * Better support for UIA sessions that fail, or are canceled
    * More robust parsing of receipts
    * More robust handling of events that we fail to or don't know how to parse
    * E2EE fixes - Generate proper CTR mode "iv"s and use unpadded base64
    * Allow redirect by default for media downloads
    * Use better paths to store things on the local device
    * Improvements to Secret Storage, especially for when another app has already created a default key
  • v0.2.0
    2e8ca47e · Added CHANGELOG ·
    First major bugfix release, which can run on real hardware iOS devices.  Also adds support for Matrix threads.
  • v0.1.0
    Initial alpha release 0.1.0