To add remote upstream git remote add upstream
To update upstream from origin sdk repo: git pull upstream develop --allow-unrelated-histories
To publish new build on Jitpack:
- change version in
- run
- create tag
- build new artifact on
MavenLocal testing:
in circles-rust-components-kotlin project:
- change publishing version in module level build.gradle (at very bottom of build.gradle file in
scope. Version could be any string, should be different than published on Jitpack) ./gradlew :crypto-android:publishReleasePublicationToMavenLocal
in matrix-android-sdk project:
- switch release/test dependencies in module level build.gradle file:
//api("org.futo.gitlab.circles:circles-rust-components-kotlin:v0.3.15.8@aar") { // transitive = true // } api "org.futo.gitlab.circles:crypto-android:0.1"
(use version you set in crypto module before instead of 0.1) - change publishing version in module level build.gradle (same way as for crypto module before)
./gradlew :matrix-sdk-android:publishReleasePublicationToMavenLocal
in circles-android project:
- switch release/test dependencies in build.gradle file for module core:
//api('org.futo.gitlab.circles:matrix-android-sdk:v1.6.10.35@aar') { //transitive = true //} api "org.futo.gitlab.circles:matrix-android-sdk:0.1"
(use version you set in matrix-sdk module before instead of 0.1)