Matrix rust components kotlin
This repository is used for distributing kotlin releases of the Matrix Rust SDK. It'll provide the corresponding aar and also publish them on maven.
You need to set GITHUB_API_TOKEN in your env to let the script be able to commit and push, with this configuration:
- Content: Read and Write;
- Metadata: Read only.
Make sures to also have setup the maven credentials and gpg key in your env
Whenever a new release of the underlying components is available, we need to tag a new release in this repo to make them available. This is done with the release script found in the scripts directory. It'll also push the release to the maven repository.
Usage :
python3 ./scripts/ --version 0.1.3 --ref main --module SDK
Testing locally
As the package vendors a pre-built binary of the SDK, all local development is done via the SDK's repo instead of this one. You can use the build script to generate the AAR file for testing. Be sure to have checkout the matrix-rust-sdk first.
./scripts/ -p matrix-rust-sdk-path -m sdk -t aarch64-linux-android
To build just the crypto crate, use this instead:
./scripts/ -p matrix-rust-sdk-path -m crypto -t aarch64-linux-android
Other useful flags:
: Writes the output AAR file to the dirOUTPUT_DIR
. -
: Produces a release build instead of a development one.
- Android NDK
- the Rust toolchain
- cargo-ndk
cargo install cargo-ndk
- protoc
brew install protobuf
or downloading here - android targets (e.g.
rustup target add \ aarch64-linux-android \ armv7-linux-androideabi \ x86_64-linux-android \ i686-linux-android