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  • videostreaming/futopayclientlibraries
  • alex/futopayclientlibraries
2 results
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Commits on Source (7)
with 71 additions and 563 deletions
# Default ignored files
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package com.futo.futopay
import android.content.Context
import android.util.Log
import android.view.ViewGroup
import androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleCoroutineScope
import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope
......@@ -11,50 +14,53 @@ import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
interface PaymentStatusListener {
fun onSuccess();
fun onCancel();
fun onFailure(error: Throwable);
class PaymentManager {
private val _fragment: Fragment;
private val _overlayContainer: ViewGroup;
private val _sheet: PaymentSheet;
private val _paymentState: PaymentState;
private val _listener: PaymentStatusListener;
constructor(paymentState: PaymentState, fragment: Fragment, overlayContainer: ViewGroup, onCompleted: (success: Boolean, exception: Throwable?)->Unit) {
constructor(paymentState: PaymentState, fragment: Fragment, overlayContainer: ViewGroup, listener: PaymentStatusListener) {
_fragment = fragment;
_paymentState = paymentState;
_overlayContainer = overlayContainer;
_listener = listener;
_sheet = PaymentSheet(_fragment) { paymentSheetResult ->
when(paymentSheetResult) {
is PaymentSheetResult.Canceled -> {
is PaymentSheetResult.Failed -> {
onCompleted(false, paymentSheetResult.error)
is PaymentSheetResult.Completed -> {
onCompleted(true, null);
fun startPayment(paymentState: PaymentState, scope: CoroutineScope, productId: String) {
val availableCurrencies = _paymentState.getAvailableCurrencies(productId);
val country = paymentState.getPaymentCountryFromIP()?.let { c -> PaymentConfigurations.COUNTRIES.find {, ignoreCase = true) } };
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
SlideUpPayment.startPayment(paymentState, _overlayContainer, productId, country, availableCurrencies) { method, request ->
SlideUpPayment.startPayment(paymentState, _overlayContainer, productId, country, availableCurrencies, { method, request ->
when(method) {
"stripe" -> startPaymentStripe(productId, request.currency, request.mail,, request.zipcode);
}, { _listener.onCancel() });
catch(ex: Throwable) {
......@@ -61,10 +61,13 @@ abstract class PaymentState {
fun setPaymentLicenseUrl(url: String): Boolean {
var urlToUse = if(url.startsWith("grayjay://", true))
val protocolIndex = url.indexOf("://");
var urlToUse = if(protocolIndex == -1) {
} else {
url.substring(protocolIndex + "://".length);
if(urlToUse.startsWith("license/", true))
urlToUse = urlToUse.substring("license/".length);
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class SlideUpPayment : RelativeLayout {
private var _isVisible = false;
var onOK: (() -> Unit)? = null;
var onCancel: (() -> Unit)? = null;
var onCancel: (() -> Unit)? = SlideUpPayment._onCancel;
constructor(paymentState: PaymentState, context: Context, parent: ViewGroup, titleText: String, okText: String?, vararg items: View): super(context){
init(paymentState, okText);
......@@ -86,7 +86,9 @@ class SlideUpPayment : RelativeLayout {
private var _currentSlideUpPayment: SlideUpPayment? = null;
private val _animationDuration = 300L;
fun startPayment(paymentState: PaymentState, overlayContainer: ViewGroup, productId: String, country: PaymentConfigurations.CountryDescriptor?, currencies: List<String>? = null, onSelected: (String, PaymentManager.PaymentRequest)->Unit) {
private var _onCancel: (() -> Unit)? = null;
fun startPayment(paymentState: PaymentState, overlayContainer: ViewGroup, productId: String, country: PaymentConfigurations.CountryDescriptor?, currencies: List<String>? = null, onSelected: (String, PaymentManager.PaymentRequest)->Unit, onCancel: () -> Unit) {
_productId = productId;
_paymentMethod = null;
_country = country;
......@@ -94,6 +96,7 @@ class SlideUpPayment : RelativeLayout {
_currency = country?.let { c -> PaymentConfigurations.CURRENCIES.find { == c.defaultCurrencyId && (_currencies?.contains( ?: true) } };
_postalCode = null;
_onSelected = onSelected;
_onCancel = onCancel;
_currentSlideUpPayment = null;
requestNext(paymentState, overlayContainer);
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import android.widget.EditText
import android.widget.FrameLayout
import android.widget.ImageView
import android.widget.LinearLayout
import android.widget.ProgressBar
import android.widget.TextView
import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout
import com.futo.futopay.PaymentBreakdown
......@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ class PaymentCheckoutView : ConstraintLayout {
private val editEmail: EditText
private val layoutBreakdown: LinearLayout
private val layoutLoader: FrameLayout
private val imageLoader: ImageView
private val imageLoader: View
private val textError: TextView
private val textEmailSubtext: TextView
private val textPostalCodeHeader: TextView
......@@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ class PaymentCheckoutView : ConstraintLayout {
_isValid = emailRegex.matches(text);
if (_isValid) {
textEmailSubtext.setTextColor(Color.rgb(0x99, 0x99, 0x99));
textEmailSubtext.setText("Required to accurately calculate the applicable sales tax");
textEmailSubtext.setText("Required to send the license key");
buttonPay.alpha = 1.0f;
} else {
textEmailSubtext.setTextColor(Color.rgb(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00));
......@@ -134,14 +135,14 @@ class PaymentCheckoutView : ConstraintLayout {
textError.visibility = View.GONE
layoutBreakdown.visibility = View.GONE
layoutLoader.visibility = View.VISIBLE
(imageLoader.drawable as Animatable?)?.start()
imageLoader.visibility = View.VISIBLE
val currency = PaymentConfigurations.CURRENCIES.find { == paymentBreakdown.currency };
val symbol = currency?.symbol ?: "";
(imageLoader.drawable as Animatable?)?.stop()
imageLoader.visibility = View.GONE
layoutLoader.visibility = View.GONE
textError.visibility = View.GONE
layoutBreakdown.visibility = View.VISIBLE
......@@ -156,7 +157,7 @@ class PaymentCheckoutView : ConstraintLayout {
fun setError(error: String) {
buttonPay.alpha = 0.4f
(imageLoader.drawable as Animatable?)?.stop()
imageLoader.visibility = View.GONE
layoutLoader.visibility = View.GONE
layoutBreakdown.visibility = View.GONE
textError.visibility = View.VISIBLE
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