{ "name": "Youtube (Unstable)", "description": "One of the biggest video platforms owned by Google", "author": "FUTO", "authorUrl": "https://futo.org", "platformUrl": "https://youtube.com", "sourceUrl": "https://plugins.grayjay.app/YoutubeUnstable/YoutubeConfig.json", "repositoryUrl": "https://futo.org", "scriptUrl": "./YoutubeScript.js", "version": 226, "iconUrl": "./youtube.png", "id": "35ae969a-a7db-11ed-afa1-0242ac120003", "scriptSignature": "", "scriptPublicKey": "", "packages": ["Http", "Utilities", "DOMParser"], "subscriptionRateLimit": 140, "reduceFunctionsInLimitedVersion": true, "allowEval": false, "allowUrls": [ "youtube.com", "m.youtube.com", "www.youtube.com", "youtu.be", "www.youtu.be", "m.youtu.be", "s.youtube.com", "consent.youtube.com", "suggestqueries-clients6.youtube.com", "youtubei.googleapis.com", "www.google.com", "google.com", "returnyoutubedislikeapi.com", "sponsor.ajay.app", ".googlevideo.com", "jnn-pa.googleapis.com" ], "settings": [ { "variable": "authChannels", "name": "Use Login for Channels", "description": "Use authenticated client for channel (videos) requests. (eg. for member videos)", "type": "Boolean", "default": "false", "warningDialog": "Only enable this if you need it for channel membership content.\n\nTry disabling if you have issues when loading channels." }, { "variable": "authDetails", "name": "Use Login for video details", "description": "Use authenticated client for video requests. (eg. for member videos)", "type": "Boolean", "default": "false", "warningDialog": "Only enable this if you need it for channel membership content.\n\nTry disabling if you have issues when loading videos and comments." }, { "variable": "allowLoginFallback", "name": "Allow Loginfallback", "description": "Allow usage of login in case where login required (eg. bot check)", "type": "Boolean", "default": "true" }, { "variable": "youtubeActivity", "name": "Provide Youtube Activity", "description": "Use authenticated client for playback, telling Youtube what you watched.", "type": "Boolean", "default": "false" }, { "variable": "channelRssOnly", "name": "Only Use Channel RSS Feeds (Inferior)", "description": "Exclusively use channel RSS feeds for channel content, may result in inferior results, and only recent videos. But may be faster and reduce rate limiting.", "type": "Boolean", "default": "false", "warningDialog": "Using RSS feeds will have inferior results, and may add shorts in the channel videos and subscriptions.\n\nOld videos may also be unavailable." }, { "variable": "allowAgeRestricted", "name": "Allow Age Restricted", "description": "Allow watching of age restricted videos", "type": "Boolean", "default": "false" }, { "variable": "allowControversialRestricted", "name": "Allow Controversial Restricted", "description": "Allow watching of controversial restricted videos", "type": "Boolean", "default": "false" }, { "variable": "useUMP", "name": "Force Experimental UMP Streams", "description": "Force usage of experimental implementation of UMP. May be unstable and cost more performance.", "type": "Boolean", "default": "false" }, { "variable": "useAggressiveUMPRecovery", "name": "Use Aggressive UMP Recovery", "description": "This feature allows UMP to refetch the entire page to recover from ip changes and such.", "type": "Boolean", "default": "true" }, { "variable": "showVerboseToasts", "name": "Show Verbose Messages", "description": "Show messages that give more information about what is happening, might be considered annoying for some.", "type": "Boolean", "default": "false" }, { "variable": "youtubeDislikerHeader", "name": "Return Youtube Dislike", "description": "This is a third-party database of video dislikes that combines historic data, crowd-sourced data, and estimations, and may not be accurate.\n\n(Using https://returnyoutubedislike.com)", "type": "Header" }, { "variable": "youtubeDislikes", "name": "Enable", "description": "Use Return YoutubeDislike to provide dislikes for videos", "type": "Boolean", "default": "false" }, { "variable": "sponsorBlockHeader", "name": "SponsorBlock", "description": "This is NOT Adblock. SponsorBlock allows you to (automatically) skip in-video sponsor segments.\nIt will harm creators.\n\n(Using https://sponsor.ajay.app)\n\nFUTO respects your decision to use SponsorBlock. But only if you're supporting creators in other ways.", "type": "Header" }, { "variable": "sponsorBlock", "name": "Enable", "description": "If enabled support creators in other ways.\nDo not freeload.", "type": "Boolean", "default": "false", "warningDialog": "SponsorBlock will harm creators.\nDo not freeload, support creators in other ways." }, { "variable": "sponsorBlockNoVotes", "name": "Allow No Vote Segments", "description": "Allow segments without votes, this may cause questionable video skips.", "type": "Boolean", "default": "false", "dependency": "sponsorBlock" }, { "variable": "sponsorBlockCat_Sponsor", "name": "Skip Sponsors", "description": "Skip segments labeled as sponsors", "type": "Dropdown", "default": "1", "dependency": "sponsorBlock", "options": ["No skip", "Manual", "Automatic"] }, { "variable": "sponsorBlockCat_Intro", "name": "Skip Intros", "description": "Skip segments labeled as intros", "type": "Dropdown", "default": "0", "dependency": "sponsorBlock", "options": ["No skip", "Manual", "Automatic"] }, { "variable": "sponsorBlockCat_Outro", "name": "Skip Outros", "description": "Skip segments labeled as outros", "type": "Dropdown", "default": "0", "dependency": "sponsorBlock", "options": ["No skip", "Manual", "Automatic"] }, { "variable": "sponsorBlockCat_Self", "name": "Skip Self-Promos", "description": "Skip segments labeled as self-promos", "type": "Dropdown", "default": "0", "dependency": "sponsorBlock", "options": ["No skip", "Manual", "Automatic"] }, { "variable": "sponsorBlockCat_Offtopic", "name": "Skip Music-Offtopic", "description": "Skip segments labeled as music-offtopic", "type": "Dropdown", "default": "0", "dependency": "sponsorBlock", "options": ["No skip", "Manual", "Automatic"] }, { "variable": "sponsorBlockCat_Preview", "name": "Skip Preview", "description": "Skip segments labeled as previews", "type": "Dropdown", "default": "0", "dependency": "sponsorBlock", "options": ["No skip", "Manual", "Automatic"] }, { "variable": "sponsorBlockCat_Filler", "name": "Skip Fillers", "description": "Skip segments labeled as fillers", "type": "Dropdown", "default": "0", "dependency": "sponsorBlock", "options": ["No skip", "Manual", "Automatic"] }, { "variable": "advanced", "name": "Advanced", "description": "These are settings not intended for most users, but may help development or power users.", "type": "Header" }, { "variable": "notify_cipher", "name": "Show Cipher every Video", "description": "Shows a toast with the cipher when loading a video", "type": "Boolean", "default": "false" }, { "variable": "notify_bg", "name": "Show every new Botguard Token", "description": "Shows a toast with the botguard token used changed", "type": "Boolean", "default": "false" } ], "developerSubmitUrl": "https://dev.grayjay.app/api/Dev/Submit", "captcha": { "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/110.0.5481.153 Mobile Safari/537.36", "captchaUrl": null, "cookiesToFind": ["GOOGLE_ABUSE_EXEMPTION"] }, "authentication": { "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/120.0.6099.230 Mobile Safari/537.36", "completionUrl": "https://m.youtube.com/youtubei/v1/guide?*", "loginUrl": "https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=youtube&uilel=3&passive=true&continue=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fsignin%3Faction_handle_signin%3Dtrue%26app%3Ddesktop%26hl%3Den%26next%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.youtube.com%252Fchannel_switcher&hl=en&ec=65620", "headersToFind": ["authorization"], "domainHeadersToFind": { ".youtube.com": ["authorization"] }, "cookiesToFind": ["SIDCC"], "cookiesExclOthers": false, "loginWarning": "You must select a profile after login for authentication to complete." }, "supportedClaimTypes": [2], "primaryClaimFieldType": 1 }