//* Constants const BASE_URL = 'https://www.twitch.tv/' const CLIENT_ID = 'ue6666qo983tsx6so1t0vnawi233wa' // old: kimne78kx3ncx6brgo4mv6wki5h1ko const GQL_URL = 'https://gql.twitch.tv/gql#origin=twilight' const PLATFORM = 'Twitch' const PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE = 14; const USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' //* Global Variables let CLIENT_SESSION_ID = '' let CLIENT_VERSION = '' let INTEGRITY = '' var config = {} //* Source /** * The enable endpoint gets an integrity token. These integrity tokens must be passed into the stream playback access token endpoint. The integrity endpoint always returns a token but it is not always valid. Valid tokens work for 16 hours. Valid tokens are generated through a kasada challenge. The way to tell if a token is invalid is to try an endpoint and see if it fails. */ source.enable = function (conf) { config = conf ?? {} CLIENT_VERSION = `3e62b6e7-8e71-47f1-a2b3-0d661abad039` const resp = http.POST('https://gql.twitch.tv/integrity', '', { 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT, Accept: '*/*', DNT: '1', Host: 'gql.twitch.tv', Origin: 'https://www.twitch.tv', Referer: 'https://www.twitch.tv/', 'Client-Id': CLIENT_ID, 'Client-Version': '3e62b6e7-8e71-47f1-a2b3-0d661abad039', 'Client-Session-Id': '', 'Client-Request-Id': '', 'X-Device-Id': '', }) const json = JSON.parse(resp.body) INTEGRITY = json.token return INTEGRITY } source.getHome = function () { return getHomePagerPopular({ cursor: null, page_size: 20 }) } source.searchSuggestions = function (query) { const gql = { extensions: { persistedQuery: { sha256Hash: 'b71566f2c593dd906493b0ab2012e5626c7f277d3e435504d4454de2ff15788a', version: 1, }, }, query: 'query SearchTray_SearchSuggestions($queryFragment: String! $requestID: ID $withOfflineChannelContent: Boolean) { searchSuggestions(queryFragment: $queryFragment requestID: $requestID withOfflineChannelContent: $withOfflineChannelContent){ edges { ...searchSuggestionNode } tracking { modelTrackingID responseID } } } fragment searchSuggestionNode on SearchSuggestionEdge { node { content { __typename ... on SearchSuggestionChannel { id isLive isVerified login profileImageURL(width: 50) user { id stream { id game { id } } } } ... on SearchSuggestionCategory { id boxArtURL(width: 30 height: 40) } } matchingCharacters { start end } id text } }', operationName: 'SearchTray_SearchSuggestions', variables: { queryFragment: query, requestID: '', skipSchedule: false, }, } /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").SearchSuggestionsResponse} */ const json = callGQL(gql) return json.data.searchSuggestions.edges.map((edge) => edge.node.text) } source.getSearchCapabilities = () => { return { types: [Type.Feed.Mixed], sorts: [], filters: [] } } source.search = function (query, type, order, filters) { return getSearchPagerAll({ q: query }) } source.getSearchChannelContentsCapabilities = function () { return { types: [Type.Feed.Mixed], sorts: [Type.Order.Chronological], filters: [] } } // not in twitch source.searchChannelContents = function (channelUrl, query, type, order, filters) { return [] } source.searchChannels = function (query) { return getSearchPagerChannels({ q: query, page_size: 20, results_returned: 0, cursor: null }) } source.isChannelUrl = function (url) { return /twitch\.tv\/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\/?/.test(url) || /twitch\.tv\/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\/videos\/?/.test(url) } source.getChannel = function (url) { const login = url.split('/').pop() const gql = [ { query: 'query ChannelRoot_AboutPanel($channelLogin: String! $skipSchedule: Boolean!) { currentUser { id login } user(login: $channelLogin) { id description displayName isPartner primaryColorHex profileImageURL(width: 300) followers { totalCount } channel { id socialMedias { ...SocialMedia } schedule @skip(if: $skipSchedule) { id nextSegment { id startAt hasReminder } } } lastBroadcast { id game { id displayName } } primaryTeam { id name displayName } videos(first: 30 sort: TIME type: ARCHIVE) { edges { ...userBioVideo } } } } fragment userBioVideo on VideoEdge { node { id game { id displayName } status } } fragment SocialMedia on SocialMedia { id name title url }', operationName: 'ChannelRoot_AboutPanel', variables: { channelLogin: login, skipSchedule: false, }, extensions: { persistedQuery: { sha256Hash: '6089531acef6c09ece01b440c41978f4c8dc60cb4fa0124c9a9d3f896709b6c6', version: 1, }, }, }, { query: '#import "./query-channel-with-home-prefs-fragment.gql" query ChannelShell($login: String!) { userOrError: userResultByLogin(login: $login) { ...coreChannelWithHomePrefsFragment ... on UserDoesNotExist { userDoesNotExist: key reason } ... on UserError { userError: key } } }', operationName: 'ChannelShell', variables: { login: login, }, extensions: { persistedQuery: { sha256Hash: '580ab410bcd0c1ad194224957ae2241e5d252b2c5173d8e0cce9d32d5bb14efe', version: 1, }, }, }, ] const json = callGQL(gql) /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").ChannelAboutResponse} */ const user_resp = json[0] const user = user_resp.data.user /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").ChannelShellResponse} */ const shell_resp = json[1] const shell = shell_resp.data.userOrError return new PlatformChannel({ id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM, user.id, config.id, PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE), name: user.displayName, thumbnail: user.profileImageURL, banner: shell.bannerImageURL, subscribers: user.followers.totalCount, description: user.description, url: BASE_URL + login, links: user.channel.socialMedias.map((social) => social.url), }) } source.getChannelContents = function (url) { return getChannelPager({ url, page_size: 20, cursor: null }) } source.isContentDetailsUrl = function (url) { // https://www.twitch.tv/user or https://www.twitch.tv/videos/123456789 return /twitch\.tv\/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\/?/.test(url) || /twitch\.tv\/videos\/[0-9]+\/?/.test(url) } source.getContentDetails = function (url) { if (url.includes('/video/') || url.includes('/videos/')) { return getSavedVideo(url) } else { return getLiveVideo(url) } } source.getUserSubscriptions = function () { const gql = { query: 'query PersonalSections( $input: PersonalSectionInput! $creatorAnniversariesFeature: Boolean! ) { personalSections(input: $input) { type title { ...personalSectionTitle } items { ...personalSectionItem } } } fragment personalSectionTitle on PersonalSectionTitle { localizedFallback localizedTokens { ... on PersonalSectionTextToken { value } ... on User { id login displayName } } } fragment personalSectionItem on PersonalSectionChannel { trackingID promotionsCampaignID user { ...personalSectionItemUser } label content { ...personalSectionsStream } } fragment personalSectionItemUser on User { id login displayName profileImageURL(width: 70) primaryColorHex broadcastSettings { id title } channel @include(if: $creatorAnniversariesFeature) { id activeCreatorEventCelebration { id } } } fragment personalSectionsStream on Stream { id previewImageURL(width: 320 height: 180) broadcaster { id broadcastSettings { id title } } viewersCount game { id displayName name } type }', extensions: { persistedQuery: { sha256Hash: '807e3cce07a1cef5c772bbc46c12ead2898edd043ad4dd2236707f6f7995769c', version: 1, }, }, operationName: 'PersonalSections', variables: { creatorAnniversariesFeature: false, input: { recommendationContext: { categoryName: null, channelName: null, clientApp: 'twilight', lastCategoryName: null, lastChannelName: null, pageviewContent: null, pageviewContentType: null, pageviewLocation: null, pageviewMedium: null, platform: 'web', previousPageviewContent: null, previousPageviewContentType: null, previousPageviewLocation: null, previousPageviewMedium: null, }, sectionInputs: ['RECS_FOLLOWED_SECTION'], }, }, } /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").PersonalSectionsFollowedResponse} */ const json = callGQL(gql, true) const sections = json.data.personalSections[0] if (sections.type !== 'RECS_FOLLOWED_SECTION') throw new ScriptException('Authentication Failed') return sections.items.map((section) => BASE_URL + section.user.login) } /** * Returns a saved video * @param {string} url * @returns {PlatformVideoDetails} */ function getSavedVideo(url) { // get whatever is after the last slash in twitch.tv/videos/____/ const id = url.split('/').pop() // query as written: '# This query name is VERY IMPORTANT. # # There is code in twilight-apollo to split links such that # this query is NOT batched in an effort to retain snappy TTV. query PlaybackAccessToken($login: String! $isLive: Boolean! $vodID: ID! $isVod: Boolean! $playerType: String!) { streamPlaybackAccessToken(channelName: $login params: {platform: "web" playerBackend: "mediaplayer" playerType: $playerType}) @include(if: $isLive) { value signature } videoPlaybackAccessToken(id: $vodID params: {platform: "web" playerBackend: "mediaplayer" playerType: $playerType}) @include(if: $isVod) { value signature } }' const gql1 = [ { extensions: { persistedQuery: { sha256Hash: '0828119ded1c13477966434e15800ff57ddacf13ba1911c129dc2200705b0712', version: 1, }, }, operationName: 'PlaybackAccessToken', variables: { isLive: false, isVod: true, login: '', playerType: 'site', vodID: id, }, query: 'query PlaybackAccessToken($login: String! $isLive: Boolean! $vodID: ID! $isVod: Boolean! $playerType: String!) { streamPlaybackAccessToken(channelName: $login params: {platform: "web" playerBackend: "mediaplayer" playerType: $playerType}) @include(if: $isLive) { value signature } videoPlaybackAccessToken(id: $vodID params: {platform: "web" playerBackend: "mediaplayer" playerType: $playerType}) @include(if: $isVod) { value signature } }', }, { extensions: { persistedQuery: { sha256Hash: 'cf1ccf6f5b94c94d662efec5223dfb260c9f8bf053239a76125a58118769e8e2', version: 1, }, }, operationName: 'ChannelVideoCore', variables: { videoID: id, }, query: '#import "./query-channel-fragment.gql" query ChannelVideoCore($videoID: ID!) { video(id: $videoID) { id owner { ...coreChannelFragment } } }', }, ] const json1 = callGQL(gql1) /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").PlaybackAccessTokenResponse} */ const hls_json = json1[0] /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").ChannelVideoCoreResponse} */ const channel_video_core = json1[1] const cvc = channel_video_core.data.video const spat = hls_json.data.videoPlaybackAccessToken const hls_url = `https://usher.ttvnw.net/vod/${id}.m3u8?acmb=e30=&allow_source=true&fast_bread=true&p=&play_session_id=&player_backend=mediaplayer&playlist_include_framerate=true&reassignments_supported=true&sig=${spat.signature}&supported_codecs=avc1&token=${spat.value}&transcode_mode=vbr_v1&cdm=wv&player_version=1.20.0` checkHLS(hls_url) const sources = [new HLSSource({ name: 'source', duration: 0, url: hls_url })] const gql2 = [ { extensions: { persistedQuery: { sha256Hash: '49b5b8f268cdeb259d75b58dcb0c1a748e3b575003448a2333dc5cdafd49adad', version: 1, }, }, operationName: 'VideoMetadata', variables: { channelLogin: cvc.owner.login, videoID: id, }, query: 'fragment videoMetadataUser on User { id } fragment videoMetadataVideo on Video { id title description previewThumbnailURL(height: 240 width: 360) createdAt viewCount publishedAt lengthSeconds broadcastType owner { id login displayName } game { id boxArtURL name displayName } } query VideoMetadata($channelLogin: String! $videoID: ID!) { user(login: $channelLogin) { id primaryColorHex isPartner profileImageURL(width: 140) lastBroadcast { id startedAt } } currentUser { ...videoMetadataUser } video(id: $videoID) { ...videoMetadataVideo } }', }, ] const json2 = callGQL(gql2) /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").VideoMetadataResponse}*/ const video_metadata = json2[0] const vm = video_metadata.data return new PlatformVideoDetails({ id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM, id, config.id), name: vm.video.title, thumbnails: new Thumbnails([new Thumbnail(vm.video.previewThumbnailURL, 0)]), author: new PlatformAuthorLink( new PlatformID(PLATFORM, cvc.owner.id, config.id, PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE), cvc.owner.login, BASE_URL + cvc.owner.login, cvc.owner.profileImageURL ), uploadDate: parseInt(new Date(vm.video.publishedAt).getTime() / 1000), duration: vm.video.lengthSeconds, viewCount: vm.video.viewCount, url: url, isLive: false, description: vm.video.description !== null ? vm.video.description : '', video: new VideoSourceDescriptor(sources), }) } /** * Returns a live video * @param {string} url * @param {boolean} video_details * @returns {PlatformVideoDetails | PlatformVideo} */ function getLiveVideo(url, video_details = true) { // get whatever is after the last slash in twitch.tv/_____/ const login = url.split('/').pop() const gql_for_metadata = [ { operationName: 'StreamMetadata', query: 'query StreamMetadata($channelLogin: String!) { user(login: $channelLogin) { id primaryColorHex isPartner profileImageURL(width: 70) primaryTeam { id name displayName } squadStream { id members { id } status } channel { id chanlets { id } } lastBroadcast { id title } stream { id type createdAt game { id name } } } }', variables: { channelLogin: login, }, extensions: { persistedQuery: { version: 1, sha256Hash: 'a647c2a13599e5991e175155f798ca7f1ecddde73f7f341f39009c14dbf59962', }, }, }, { query: 'query UseViewCount($channelLogin: String!) { user(login: $channelLogin) { id stream { id viewersCount } } }', operationName: 'UseViewCount', variables: { channelLogin: login, }, extensions: { persistedQuery: { sha256Hash: '00b11c9c428f79ae228f30080a06ffd8226a1f068d6f52fbc057cbde66e994c2', version: 1, }, }, }, { extensions: { persistedQuery: { sha256Hash: '639d5f11bfb8bf3053b424d9ef650d04c4ebb7d94711d644afb08fe9a0fad5d9', version: 1, }, }, query: 'query UseLive($channelLogin: String!) { user(login: $channelLogin) { id login stream { id createdAt } }', operationName: 'UseLive', variables: { channelLogin: login, }, }, { extensions: { persistedQuery: { sha256Hash: '0828119ded1c13477966434e15800ff57ddacf13ba1911c129dc2200705b0712', version: 1, }, }, operationName: 'PlaybackAccessToken', variables: { isLive: true, isVod: false, login: login, playerType: 'frontpage', vodID: '', }, query: 'query PlaybackAccessToken($login: String! $isLive: Boolean! $vodID: ID! $isVod: Boolean! $playerType: String!) { streamPlaybackAccessToken(channelName: $login params: {platform: "web" playerBackend: "mediaplayer" playerType: $playerType}) @include(if: $isLive) { value signature } videoPlaybackAccessToken(id: $vodID params: {platform: "web" playerBackend: "mediaplayer" playerType: $playerType}) @include(if: $isVod) { value signature } }', }, ] const json = callGQL(gql_for_metadata) /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").StreamMetadataResponse}*/ const stream_metadata = json[0] /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").ViewCountResponse}*/ const view_count = json[1] /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").UseLiveResponse}*/ const use_live = json[2] /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").PlaybackAccessTokenResponse} */ const playback_access_token = json[3] const sm = stream_metadata.data.user const vc = view_count.data.user const ul = use_live.data.user if (ul?.stream === null) { // log('Channel is not live:' + JSON.stringify(use_live, null, 2)) throw new UnavailableException('Channel is not live') } const spat = playback_access_token.data.streamPlaybackAccessToken const hls_url = `https://usher.ttvnw.net/api/channel/hls/${login}.m3u8?acmb=e30=&allow_source=true&fast_bread=true&p=&play_session_id=&player_backend=mediaplayer&playlist_include_framerate=true&reassignments_supported=true&sig=${spat.signature}&supported_codecs=avc1&token=${spat.value}&transcode_mode=vbr_v1&cdm=wv&player_version=1.20.0` checkHLS(hls_url) const hls_source = new HLSSource({ name: 'live', duration: 0, url: hls_url }) const pv = new PlatformVideo({ id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM, sm.id, config.id), name: sm.lastBroadcast.title, thumbnails: new Thumbnails([ new Thumbnail(`https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/previews-ttv/live_user_${login}-1280x720.jpg`, 720), new Thumbnail(`https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/previews-ttv/live_user_${login}-854x480.jpg`, 480), ]), author: new PlatformAuthorLink(new PlatformID(PLATFORM, sm.channel.id, config.id, PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE), login, url, sm.profileImageURL), uploadDate: parseInt(new Date(ul.stream.createdAt).getTime() / 1000), // uploadDate: parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000), duration: 0, viewCount: vc.stream.viewersCount, url: url, isLive: true, }) if (video_details) { return new PlatformVideoDetails({ ...pv, description: '', video: new VideoSourceDescriptor([]), live: hls_source, }) } else { return pv } } source.getComments = function (url) { return getCommentPager({ url: url, page: 1, page_size: 20 }) } source.getSubComments = function (comment) { return new CommentPager([], false, {}) //Not implemented } source.getLiveEvents = function (url) { //TODO: Make this more robust, easy to break, expect query parameters. const login = url.split('/').pop() const gql = [ { query: '#import "./query-channel-with-home-prefs-fragment.gql" query ChannelShell($login: String!) { userOrError: userResultByLogin(login: $login) { ...coreChannelWithHomePrefsFragment ... on UserDoesNotExist { userDoesNotExist: key reason } ... on UserError { userError: key } } }', operationName: 'ChannelShell', variables: { login: login, }, extensions: { persistedQuery: { sha256Hash: '580ab410bcd0c1ad194224957ae2241e5d252b2c5173d8e0cce9d32d5bb14efe', version: 1, }, }, }, { query: '#import "twilight/features/message/fragments/message-content-fragment.gql" query MessageBufferChatHistory($channelLogin: String! $channelID: ID) { channel(name: $channelLogin) { id recentChatMessages { ...historicalMessage } } } fragment chatHistoryParentMessage on Message { id content { text } deletedAt sender { id login displayName } } fragment historicalMessage on Message { id deletedAt sentAt content { ...messageContent } parentMessage { ...chatHistoryParentMessage } sender { id login chatColor displayName __typename } senderBadges(channelID: $channelID) { setID version id } }', extensions: { persistedQuery: { sha256Hash: '432ef3ec504a750d797297630052ec7c775f571f6634fdbda255af9ad84325ae', version: 1, }, }, operationName: 'MessageBufferChatHistory', variables: { channelLogin: login, }, }, { query: '#import "twilight/features/badges/models/badge-fragment.gql" #import "twilight/features/squad-stream/models/squad-stream-fragment.gql" query ChatList_Badges($channelLogin: String!) { badges { ...badge } user(login: $channelLogin) { id primaryColorHex broadcastBadges { ...badge } self { selectedBadge { ...badge } displayBadges { ...badge } } squadStream { ...squadStreamData } } }', extensions: { persistedQuery: { sha256Hash: '86f43113c04606e6476e39dcd432dee47c994d77a83e54b732e11d4935f0cd08', version: 1, }, }, operationName: 'ChatList_Badges', variables: { channelLogin: login, }, }, ] const json = callGQL(gql) /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").ChannelShellResponse} */ const ChannelShellResponse = json[0] const userOrError = ChannelShellResponse.data.userOrError /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").RecentChatsResponse} */ const RecentChatsResponse = json[1] const chats = RecentChatsResponse.data.channel.recentChatMessages.map( (chat) => new LiveEventComment(chat.sender.login, chat.content.text, '', chat.sender.chatColor) ) /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").BadgeListResponse} */ const BadgeListResponse = json[2] let badge_url_map = {} BadgeListResponse.data.badges.forEach((badge) => { badge_url_map[badge.setID] = badge.image2x }) return new TwitchLiveEventPager(userOrError.id, login, chats, badge_url_map) } class TwitchLiveEventPager extends LiveEventPager { /** * @param {string} channelId * @param {string} channelName * @param {LiveEventComment[]} chats * @param {{[key: string]: string}} badge_url_map */ constructor(channelId, channelName, chats, badge_url_map) { super([], true) const me = this this.channelId = channelId this.channelName = channelName this.events = [...chats] this.emojis = {} this.lastFetch = new Date().getTime() let socket_irc = http.socket('wss://irc-ws.chat.twitch.tv', {}, false) socket_irc.connect( { open() { const justin_fan_number = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9999) const jf = `justinfan${justin_fan_number}` socket_irc.send('CAP REQ :twitch.tv/tags') socket_irc.send('PASS SCHMOOPIIE') socket_irc.send(`NICK ${jf}`) socket_irc.send(`USER ${jf} 8 * :${jf}`) socket_irc.send(`JOIN #${me.channelName}`) if (IS_TESTING) console.log(`Sent JOIN #${me.channelName}`) }, message(msg) { if(((new Date()).getTime() - me.lastFetch) / 1000 > 10)socket_irc.close() if (!msg.startsWith('@badge-info')) return if (msg.includes(';msg-id=')) { const msg_id = msg.match(/;msg-id=([^;]+);/)[1] let months_param, display_name_param if (msg_id === 'sub' || msg_id === 'resub') { months_param = 'msg-param-cumulative-months' display_name_param = 'display-name' } else { months_param = 'msg-param-gift-months' display_name_param = 'msg-param-recipient-display-name' } const regex = new RegExp(`;${months_param}=(\\d+);.*;${display_name_param}=([^;]+);.*;system-msg=([^;]+);`) const result = regex.exec(msg) const months = parseInt(result[1]) const display_name = result[2] const system_message = result[3].replace(/\\s/g, ' ') me.events.push(new LiveEventDonation(months + ' Months', display_name, system_message, '')) return } //TODO: Make this a separate function const parsedMessage = parseEmojiMessage(me.channelName, msg) let newEmojis = {} for (let key of Object.keys(parsedMessage.emojis)) { if (!me.emojis[key]) { me.emojis[key] = parsedMessage.emojis[key] newEmojis[key] = parsedMessage.emojis[key] } } const name = msg.match(/;display-name=([^;]+);/)[1] const color = msg.match(/;color=([^;]+);/)[1] const badges = msg.match(/;badges=([^;]+);/)[1] const badge_array = badges.split(',') badge_array.forEach((badge) => { newEmojis[badge] = badge_url_map[badge] }) if (Object.keys(newEmojis).length > 0) me.events.push(new LiveEventEmojis(newEmojis)) me.events.push(new LiveEventComment(name, parsedMessage.msg, '', color, badge_array)) }, }, false ) let socket_pub_sub = http.socket('wss://pubsub-edge.twitch.tv/v1', {}, false) socket_pub_sub.connect({ open() { socket_pub_sub.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'LISTEN', nonce: '', data: { topics: [`video-playback-by-id.${me.channelId}`] } })) // socket_pub_sub.send(JSON.stringify({"type":"LISTEN","nonce":"","data":{"topics":[`channel-bits-events-v2.${context.channel_id}`]}})) socket_pub_sub.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'LISTEN', nonce: '', data: { topics: [`raid.${me.channelId}`] } })) // socket_pub_sub.send(JSON.stringify({"type":"LISTEN","nonce":"","data":{"topics":[`channel-subscribe-events-v1.${context.channel_id}`]}})) if (IS_TESTING) console.log(`Sent LISTEN to ${me.channelId}`) }, message(msg) { if(((new Date()).getTime() - me.lastFetch) / 1000 > 10)socket_pub_sub.close() const json = JSON.parse(msg) if (json.type === 'MESSAGE') { // {"type":"MESSAGE","data":{"topic":"video-playback-by-id.156037856","message":"{\"type\":\"viewcount\",\"server_time\":1686777651.803572,\"viewers\":40549}"}} const data = JSON.parse(json.data.message) const messageType = json.data.topic.split('.')[0] switch (messageType) { case 'video-playback-by-id': me.events.push(new LiveEventViewCount(data.viewers)) break case 'channel-bits-events-v2': me.events.push(new LiveEventDonation(parseFloat(data.badge_tier) + ' Bits', data.user_name, data.chat_message, null)) break case 'raid': me.events.push(new LiveEventRaid(data.display_name, data.viewer_count)) break case 'channel-subscribe-events-v1': me.events.push( new LiveEventDonation(parseFloat(data.cumulative_months) + ' Months', data.display_name, data.sub_message.message, null) ) break } } }, closed() { this.hasMore = false }, }) } nextPage() { this.lastFetch = new Date().getTime() this.results = [...this.events] this.events = [] return this } } // @badge-info=;badges=glitchcon2020/1;client-nonce=4aaf7de413ec6cd4ca3cfd342590c53b;color=#0053D5;display-name=bungerlove;emotes=25:10-14;first-msg=0;flags=;id=dd35695a-20f6-430e-a8fa-6ec284c5a02c;mod=0;returning-chatter=0;room-id=21841789;subscriber=0;tmi-sent-ts=1689265271382;turbo=0;user-id=161748597;user-type= :bungerlove!bungerlove@bungerlove.tmi.twitch.tv PRIVMSG #nmplol :prime sub Kappa // @badge-info=;badges=moments/1;color=#FF0000;display-name=blob___fish;emotes=33:36-43,45-52,67-74/133468:54-65,76-87,89-100/emotesv2_e02650251d204198923de93a0c62f5f5:102-110;first-msg=0;flags=;id=fdd7aafe-2f3a-4600-b5da-a8441e83f682;mod=0;returning-chatter=0;room-id=71092938;subscriber=0;tmi-sent-ts=1689266506402;turbo=0;user-id=737776278;user-type= :blob___fish!blob___fish@blob___fish.tmi.twitch.tv PRIVMSG #xqc :@xqc WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR GAMESHOW? DansGame DansGame ItsBoshyTime DansGame ItsBoshyTime ItsBoshyTime PotFriend function parseEmojiMessage(channelName, msg) { //TODO: Remove redundant channelName // write a regex to select the message content const regex = new RegExp(`PRIVMSG #${channelName} :(.*)`) const content = msg.match(regex)[1] const newEmojis = {} let reconstructed = '' if (!msg.includes(';emotes=;')) { const regex = /;emotes=([^;]+);/ const result = msg.match(regex)[1] const emote_ranges = result.split('/').map((e) => { const split = e.split(':') return { id: split[0], ranges: split[1].split(',').map((r) => { const split = r.split('-') return { start: parseInt(split[0]), end: parseInt(split[1]), } }), } }) /** @type {{id: string, start: number, end: number}[]} */ const ranges = emote_ranges.flatMap((emote) => emote.ranges.map((range) => ({ emote: emote.id, ...range }))).sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start) for (let i = 0; i < content.length; i++) { if (ranges.length > 0 && ranges[0].start === i) { newEmojis['emote_' + ranges[0].emote] = `https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v2/${ranges[0].emote}/default/dark/2.0` reconstructed += `__${'emote_' + ranges[0].emote}__` i = ranges[0].end ranges.shift() } else { reconstructed += content[i] } } } else { reconstructed = content } return { emojis: newEmojis, msg: reconstructed.trim(), } } //* Internals /** * Posts to GQL_URL with the gql query. Includes relevant headers. * @param {Object} gql the gql query object to be stringified and sent * @param {boolean} use_authenticated if true, will use the authenticated headers * @param {boolean} parse if true, will parse the response as json and check for errors * @returns {string | Object} the response body as a string or the parsed json object * @throws {ScriptException} */ function callGQL(gql, use_authenticated = false, parse = true) { // log("Integrity: " + INTEGRITY) const resp = http.POST( GQL_URL, JSON.stringify(gql), { 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT, Accept: '*/*', DNT: '1', Host: 'gql.twitch.tv', Origin: 'https://www.twitch.tv', Referer: 'https://www.twitch.tv/', 'Client-Id': CLIENT_ID, // "Client-Version": CLIENT_VERSION, // "Client-Session-Id": CLIENT_SESSION_ID, 'Client-Integrity': INTEGRITY, // "X-Device-Id": '', // "Device-Id": '', }, use_authenticated ) if (resp.code !== 200) { throw new ScriptException(`GQL returned ${resp.code}: ${resp.body}`) } if (!parse) return resp.body const json = JSON.parse(resp.body) // check for errors in the case of different lengths cause json can be array or single object if (!json.length && json.errors) { throw new ScriptException(`GQL returned errors: ${JSON.stringify(json.errors)}`) } if (json.length) { for (const obj of json) { if (obj.errors) { throw new ScriptException(`GQL returned errors: ${JSON.stringify(obj.errors)}`) } } } return json } /** * Checks if the HLS stream is available * @param {string} url * @returns {void} * @throws {UnavailableException} */ function checkHLS(url) { const resp = http.GET(url, { 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT }) if (!resp.isOk) { throw new UnavailableException('This content is restricted to subscribers') } } //* Pagers /** * Gets a pager for the home pager * @param {import("./types.d.ts").HomeContext} context * @returns {HomePagerPopular} */ function getHomePagerPopular(context) { let gql = { extensions: { persistedQuery: { sha256Hash: 'b32fa28ffd43e370b42de7d9e6e3b8a7ca310035fdbb83932150443d6b693e4d', version: 1, }, }, query: '#import "twilight/pages/directory-popular/queries/popular-streams-edge.gql" query BrowsePage_Popular( $limit: Int $cursor: Cursor $platformType: PlatformType $options: StreamOptions $sortTypeIsRecency: Boolean! $imageWidth: Int = 50 ) { streams( first: $limit after: $cursor platformType: $platformType options: $options ) { edges { ...browsePagePopularStreamsWithTagsEdge } pageInfo { hasNextPage } } }', operationName: 'BrowsePage_Popular', variables: { imageWidth: 50, limit: context.page_size, options: { broadcasterLanguages: ['EN'], freeformTags: null, includeRestricted: ['SUB_ONLY_LIVE'], recommendationsContext: { platform: 'web', }, requestID: 'JIRA-VXP-2397', sort: 'RELEVANCE', tags: [], }, platformType: 'all', sortTypeIsRecency: false, }, } if (context.cursor) gql.variables.cursor = context.cursor /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").BrowsePopularResponse}*/ const json = callGQL(gql) //! to use authentication, requires valid integrity // const json = callGQL(gql, true) const streams = json.data.streams.edges.map((s) => { let n = s.node return new PlatformVideo({ id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM, n.id, config.id), name: n.title, thumbnails: new Thumbnails([new Thumbnail(n.previewImageURL, 0)]), author: new PlatformAuthorLink( new PlatformID(PLATFORM, n.broadcaster.id, config.id, PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE), n.broadcaster.login, BASE_URL + n.broadcaster.login, n.broadcaster.profileImageURL ), uploadDate: parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000), duration: 0, viewCount: n.viewersCount, url: BASE_URL + n.broadcaster.login, isLive: true, }) }) context.cursor = json.data.streams.edges[json.data.streams.edges.length - 1].cursor return new HomePagerPopular(streams, json.data.streams.pageInfo.hasNextPage, context) } /** * Gets a pager for the homepage * @param {import("./types.d.ts").HomeContext} context the context params * @returns {HomePagerPersonalSections} returns the homepage pager */ function getHomePagerPersonalSections(context) { const gql = { query: 'query PersonalSections( $input: PersonalSectionInput! $creatorAnniversariesFeature: Boolean! ) { personalSections(input: $input) { type title { ...personalSectionTitle } items { ...personalSectionItem } } } fragment personalSectionTitle on PersonalSectionTitle { localizedFallback localizedTokens { ... on PersonalSectionTextToken { value } ... on User { id login displayName } } } fragment personalSectionItem on PersonalSectionChannel { trackingID promotionsCampaignID user { ...personalSectionItemUser } label content { ...personalSectionsStream } } fragment personalSectionItemUser on User { id login displayName profileImageURL(width: 70) primaryColorHex broadcastSettings { id title } channel @include(if: $creatorAnniversariesFeature) { id activeCreatorEventCelebration { id } } } fragment personalSectionsStream on Stream { id previewImageURL(width: 320 height: 180) broadcaster { id broadcastSettings { id title } } viewersCount game { id displayName name } type }', operationName: 'PersonalSections', variables: { creatorAnniversariesFeature: false, input: { recommendationContext: { categoryName: null, channelName: null, clientApp: 'twilight', lastCategoryName: null, lastChannelName: null, location: 'home', pageviewContent: null, pageviewContentType: null, pageviewLocation: 'home', pageviewMedium: null, platform: 'web', previousPageviewContent: null, previousPageviewContentType: null, previousPageviewLocation: null, previousPageviewMedium: null, referrerDomain: null, viewportHeight: 640, viewportWidth: 640, }, sectionInputs: ['RECOMMENDED_SECTION'], }, }, extensions: { persistedQuery: { sha256Hash: '807e3cce07a1cef5c772bbc46c12ead2898edd043ad4dd2236707f6f7995769c', version: 1, }, }, } /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").PersonalSectionsResponse}*/ const json = callGQL(gql, true) const initialStreams = json.data.personalSections[0].items.map((item) => personalSectionToPlatformVideo(item)) return new HomePagerPersonalSections(context, initialStreams) } /** * Converts a twitch node to a platform video * @param {import("./types.d.ts").PersonalSection} ps the twitch stream node * @returns {PlatformVideo} returns the platform video * @throws {ScriptException} */ function personalSectionToPlatformVideo(ps) { return new PlatformVideo({ id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM, ps.content.id, config.id), name: ps.content.broadcaster.broadcastSettings.title, thumbnails: new Thumbnails([new Thumbnail(ps.content.previewImageURL, 0)]), author: new PlatformAuthorLink(new PlatformID(PLATFORM, ps.user.id, config.id, PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE), ps.user.displayName, BASE_URL + ps.user.login, ps.user.profileImageURL), uploadDate: parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000), duration: 0, viewCount: ps.content.viewersCount, url: BASE_URL + ps.user.login, isLive: true, }) } /** * Gets a comment pager * @param {import("./types").HomeContext & {url: string; id: number|null}} context the comment context * @returns {ExtendableCommentPager} returns the comment pager * @throws {ScriptException} */ function getCommentPager(context) { return new ExtendableCommentPager(context, []) } /** * Gets a channel pager * @param {import("./types.d.ts").URLContext} context the channel context * @returns {ChannelVideoPager} returns the channel pager * @throws {ScriptException} */ function getChannelPager(context) { // url format https://www.twitch.tv/qtcinderella/videos?filter=all&sort=time (query params may or may not be there) const url = context.url const split = url.split('/') /** @type {string} */ let login if (url.includes('/videos')) { login = split[split.length - 2] } else { login = split[split.length - 1] } const gql = { extensions: { persistedQuery: { sha256Hash: 'a937f1d22e269e39a03b509f65a7490f9fc247d7f83d6ac1421523e3b68042cb', version: 1, }, }, operationName: 'FilterableVideoTower_Videos', variables: { broadcastType: null, channelOwnerLogin: login, cursor: context.cursor, limit: context.page_size, videoSort: 'TIME', }, query: '#import "twilight/features/video-preview-card/models/video-edge-fragment.gql" query FilterableVideoTower_Videos($channelOwnerLogin: String! $limit: Int $cursor: Cursor $broadcastType: BroadcastType $videoSort: VideoSort $options: VideoConnectionOptionsInput) { user(login: $channelOwnerLogin) { id videos(first: $limit after: $cursor type: $broadcastType sort: $videoSort options: $options) { edges { ...VideoEdge } pageInfo { hasNextPage } } } }', } /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").VideoTowerResponse}*/ const json = callGQL(gql) const edges = json.data.user.videos.edges const videos = edges.map((edge) => { return new PlatformVideo({ id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM, edge.node.id, config.id), name: edge.node.title, thumbnails: new Thumbnails([new Thumbnail(edge.node.previewThumbnailURL, 0)]), author: new PlatformAuthorLink( new PlatformID(PLATFORM, edge.node.owner.id, config.id, PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE), edge.node.owner.displayName, BASE_URL + edge.node.owner.login, edge.node.owner.profileImageURL ), uploadDate: parseInt(new Date(edge.node.publishedAt).getTime() / 1000), url: BASE_URL + 'videos/' + edge.node.id, duration: edge.node.lengthSeconds, viewCount: edge.node.viewCount, isLive: false, }) }) if (context.cursor === null) { // get the currently live stream try { const current_stream = getLiveVideo(BASE_URL + login, false) // remove first video videos = videos.slice(1) videos.unshift(current_stream) } catch (e) { log(e) } } if (edges.length > 0) { context.cursor = edges[edges.length - 1].cursor } return new ChannelVideoPager(context, videos, json.data.user.videos.pageInfo.hasNextPage) } /** * Gets a search pager * @param {import("./types.d.ts").SearchContext} context the query params * @returns {(PlatformVideo | PlatformChannel)[]} returns the search pager * @throws {ScriptException} */ function getSearchPagerAll(context) { const gql = { extensions: { persistedQuery: { sha256Hash: '6ea6e6f66006485e41dbe3ebd69d5674c5b22896ce7b595d7fce6411a3790138', version: 1, }, }, operationName: 'SearchResultsPage_SearchResults', variables: { query: context.q, options: null, requestID: '', }, query: '#import "twilight/features/tags/models/freeform-tag-fragment.gql" #import "twilight/features/tags/models/tag-fragment.gql" query SearchResultsPage_SearchResults( $query: String! $options: SearchForOptions $requestID: ID ) { searchFor( userQuery: $query platform: "web" options: $options requestID: $requestID ) { channels { ...searchForChannelsFragment } channelsWithTag { ...searchForChannelsWithTagFragment } games { ...searchForGamesFragment } videos { ...searchForVideosFragment } relatedLiveChannels { ...relatedLiveChannelsFragment } } } fragment relatedLiveChannelsFragment on SearchForResultRelatedLiveChannels { edges { trackingID item { ...searchRelatedLiveChannelFragment } } score } fragment searchForGamesFragment on SearchForResultGames { cursor edges { trackingID item { ...searchForGameFragment ...searchForVideoFragment ...searchForUserFragment } } score totalMatches } fragment searchForChannelsFragment on SearchForResultUsers { cursor edges { trackingID item { ...searchForUserFragment ...searchForVideoFragment ...searchForGameFragment } } score totalMatches } fragment searchForChannelsWithTagFragment on SearchForResultUsers { cursor edges { trackingID item { ...searchForUserFragment ...searchForVideoFragment ...searchForGameFragment } } score totalMatches } fragment searchForVideosFragment on SearchForResultVideos { cursor edges { trackingID item { ...searchForVideoFragment ...searchForUserFragment ...searchForGameFragment } } score totalMatches } fragment searchRelatedLiveChannelFragment on User { id stream { id viewersCount previewImageURL(height: 112 width: 200) game { name id } broadcaster { id primaryColorHex login displayName broadcastSettings { id title } roles { isPartner } } } watchParty { session { id contentRestriction } } } fragment searchForGameFragment on Game { id name displayName boxArtURL(height: 120 width: 90) tags(tagType: CONTENT) { ...tagFragment } viewersCount } fragment searchForScheduleSegmentFragment on ScheduleSegment { id startAt endAt title hasReminder categories { id name } } fragment searchForUserFragment on User { broadcastSettings { id title } displayName followers { totalCount } id lastBroadcast { id startedAt } login profileImageURL(width: 150) description channel { id schedule { id nextSegment { ...searchForScheduleSegmentFragment } } } self { canFollow follower { disableNotifications } } latestVideo: videos(first: 1 sort: TIME type: ARCHIVE) { edges { node { ...searchForFeaturedVideoFragment } } } topClip: clips(first: 1 criteria: { sort: VIEWS_DESC }) { edges { node { ...searchForFeaturedClipFragment } } } roles { isPartner } stream { game { id name displayName } id previewImageURL(height: 120 width: 214) freeformTags { ...freeformTagFragment } type viewersCount } watchParty { session { id contentRestriction } } } fragment searchForFeaturedVideoFragment on Video { id lengthSeconds title previewThumbnailURL(width: 100 height: 56) } fragment searchForFeaturedClipFragment on Clip { id title durationSeconds thumbnailURL slug } fragment searchForVideoFragment on Video { createdAt owner { id displayName login roles { isPartner } } id game { id name displayName } lengthSeconds previewThumbnailURL(height: 120 width: 214) title viewCount }', } /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").AllSearchResponse} */ const json = callGQL(gql) const sf = json.data.searchFor /** @type {PlatformVideo[]} */ const results = [] for (const e of sf.channels.edges) { if (e.item.stream !== null) { results.push(searchTaggedToPlatformVideo(e.item)) } } for (const e of sf.channelsWithTag.edges) { results.push(searchTaggedToPlatformVideo(e.item)) } // for (const e of sf.channels.edges) { // results.push(searchTaggedToPlatformVideo(e.item)) // } for (const e of sf.relatedLiveChannels.edges) { results.push(searchLiveToPlatformVideo(e.item)) } for (const e of sf.videos.edges) { results.push(searchVideoToPlatformVideo(e.item)) } return new SearchPagerAll(context, results) } /** * Gets a search pager for channels * @param {import("./types").SearchContext} context the query params * @returns {SearchPagerChannels} returns the search pager * @throws {ScriptException} */ function getSearchPagerChannels(context) { const gql = { extensions: { persistedQuery: { sha256Hash: '6ea6e6f66006485e41dbe3ebd69d5674c5b22896ce7b595d7fce6411a3790138', version: 1, }, }, operationName: 'SearchResultsPage_SearchResults', variables: { options: { targets: [ { index: 'CHANNEL', limit: context.page_size, cursor: context?.cursor ?? null, }, ], }, query: context.q, requestID: '', }, query: '#import "twilight/features/tags/models/freeform-tag-fragment.gql" #import "twilight/features/tags/models/tag-fragment.gql" query SearchResultsPage_SearchResults( $query: String! $options: SearchForOptions $requestID: ID ) { searchFor( userQuery: $query platform: "web" options: $options requestID: $requestID ) { channels { ...searchForChannelsFragment } channelsWithTag { ...searchForChannelsWithTagFragment } games { ...searchForGamesFragment } videos { ...searchForVideosFragment } relatedLiveChannels { ...relatedLiveChannelsFragment } } } fragment relatedLiveChannelsFragment on SearchForResultRelatedLiveChannels { edges { trackingID item { ...searchRelatedLiveChannelFragment } } score } fragment searchForGamesFragment on SearchForResultGames { cursor edges { trackingID item { ...searchForGameFragment ...searchForVideoFragment ...searchForUserFragment } } score totalMatches } fragment searchForChannelsFragment on SearchForResultUsers { cursor edges { trackingID item { ...searchForUserFragment ...searchForVideoFragment ...searchForGameFragment } } score totalMatches } fragment searchForChannelsWithTagFragment on SearchForResultUsers { cursor edges { trackingID item { ...searchForUserFragment ...searchForVideoFragment ...searchForGameFragment } } score totalMatches } fragment searchForVideosFragment on SearchForResultVideos { cursor edges { trackingID item { ...searchForVideoFragment ...searchForUserFragment ...searchForGameFragment } } score totalMatches } fragment searchRelatedLiveChannelFragment on User { id stream { id viewersCount previewImageURL(height: 112 width: 200) game { name id } broadcaster { id primaryColorHex login displayName broadcastSettings { id title } roles { isPartner } } } watchParty { session { id contentRestriction } } } fragment searchForGameFragment on Game { id name displayName boxArtURL(height: 120 width: 90) tags(tagType: CONTENT) { ...tagFragment } viewersCount } fragment searchForScheduleSegmentFragment on ScheduleSegment { id startAt endAt title hasReminder categories { id name } } fragment searchForUserFragment on User { broadcastSettings { id title } displayName followers { totalCount } id lastBroadcast { id startedAt } login profileImageURL(width: 150) description channel { id schedule { id nextSegment { ...searchForScheduleSegmentFragment } } } self { canFollow follower { disableNotifications } } latestVideo: videos(first: 1 sort: TIME type: ARCHIVE) { edges { node { ...searchForFeaturedVideoFragment } } } topClip: clips(first: 1 criteria: { sort: VIEWS_DESC }) { edges { node { ...searchForFeaturedClipFragment } } } roles { isPartner } stream { game { id name displayName } id previewImageURL(height: 120 width: 214) freeformTags { ...freeformTagFragment } type viewersCount } watchParty { session { id contentRestriction } } } fragment searchForFeaturedVideoFragment on Video { id lengthSeconds title previewThumbnailURL(width: 100 height: 56) } fragment searchForFeaturedClipFragment on Clip { id title durationSeconds thumbnailURL slug } fragment searchForVideoFragment on Video { createdAt owner { id displayName login roles { isPartner } } id game { id name displayName } lengthSeconds previewThumbnailURL(height: 120 width: 214) title viewCount }', } /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").AllSearchResponse}*/ const json = callGQL(gql) const results = json.data.searchFor.channels.edges.map((edge) => searchChannelToPlatformChannel(edge.item)) context.cursor = json.data.searchFor.channels.cursor context.results_returned = results.length + context.results_returned return new SearchPagerChannels(results, json.data.searchFor.channels.totalMatches > context.results_returned, context) } //Pagers class HomePagerPopular extends VideoPager { /** * @param {PlatformVideo[]} results the initial results * @param {boolean} hasNextPage if there is a next page * @param {import("./types.d.ts").HomeContext} context the context */ constructor(results, hasNextPage, context) { super(results, hasNextPage, context) } nextPage() { return getHomePagerPopular(this.context) } } class HomePagerPersonalSections extends VideoPager { /** * @param {import("./types.d.ts").PagerBaseContext} context the context * @param {PlatformVideo[]} results the initial results */ constructor(context, results) { super(results, results.length >= context.page_size, context) } nextPage() { this.context.page = this.context.page + 1 return getHomePagerPersonalSections(this.context) } } class ChannelVideoPager extends VideoPager { /** * @param {import("./types.d.ts").URLContext} context the context * @param {PlatformVideo[]} results the initial results * @param {boolean} hasNextPage if there is a next page */ constructor(context, results, hasNextPage) { super(results, hasNextPage, context) } nextPage() { return getChannelPager(this.context) } } class SearchPagerAll extends VideoPager { /** * @param {import("./types.d.ts").SearchContext} context the query params * @param {(PlatformVideo | PlatformChannel)[]} results the initial results */ constructor(context, results) { super(results, false, context) } nextPage() { return null } } class SearchPagerVideos extends VideoPager { /** * @param {import("./types").SearchContext} context the query params * @param {PlatformVideo[]} results the initial results */ constructor(context, results) { super(results, results.length >= context.page_size, context) } nextPage() { this.context.page = this.context.page + 1 return getSearchPagerTracks(this.context) } } class SearchPagerChannels extends ChannelPager { constructor(results, hasNextPage, context) { super(results, hasNextPage, context) } nextPage() { return getSearchPagerChannels(this.context) } } class ExtendableCommentPager extends CommentPager { constructor(context, results) { super(results, results.length >= context.page_size, context) } nextPage() { this.context.page = this.context.page + 1 return getCommentPager(this.context) } } //* Converters /** * Convert a Live Twitch to a PlatformVideo * @param { import("./types.d.ts").RelatedLiveSearchResponse } sl * @returns { PlatformVideo } */ function searchLiveToPlatformVideo(sl) { return new PlatformVideo({ id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM, sl.id, config.id), name: sl.stream.broadcaster.broadcastSettings.title, thumbnails: new Thumbnails([new Thumbnail(sl.stream.previewImageURL, 0)]), author: new PlatformAuthorLink( new PlatformID(PLATFORM, sl.stream.broadcaster.id, config.id, PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE), sl.stream.broadcaster.displayName, BASE_URL + sl.stream.broadcaster.login, sl.stream.broadcaster.profileImageURL || '' ), uploadDate: parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000), duration: 0, viewCount: sl.stream.viewersCount, url: BASE_URL + sl.stream.broadcaster.login, isLive: true, }) } /** * Convert a Video Twitch to a PlatformVideo * @param { import("./types.d.ts").VideoSearchResponse } sv * @returns { PlatformVideo } */ function searchVideoToPlatformVideo(sv) { return new PlatformVideo({ id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM, sv.id, config.id), name: sv.title, thumbnails: new Thumbnails([new Thumbnail(sv.previewThumbnailURL, 0)]), author: new PlatformAuthorLink(new PlatformID(PLATFORM, sv.owner.id, config.id, PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE), sv.owner.displayName, BASE_URL + sv.owner.login, ''), uploadDate: parseInt(new Date(sv.createdAt).getTime() / 1000), duration: parseInt(sv.lengthSeconds), viewCount: sv.viewCount, url: BASE_URL + sv.owner.login + '/video/' + sv.id, isLive: false, }) } /** * Convert a Channel Twitch to a PlatformVideo * @param { import("./types.d.ts").ChannelSearchResponse } st * @returns { PlatformChannel } */ function searchTaggedToPlatformVideo(st) { return new PlatformVideo({ id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM, st.stream.id, config.id), name: st.broadcastSettings.title, thumbnails: new Thumbnails([new Thumbnail(st.stream.previewImageURL, 0)]), author: new PlatformAuthorLink(new PlatformID(PLATFORM, st.id, config.id, PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE), st.displayName, BASE_URL + st.login, st.profileImageURL || ''), uploadDate: parseInt(new Date().getTime() / 1000), duration: 0, viewCount: st.stream.viewersCount, url: BASE_URL + st.login, isLive: true, }) } /** * Convert a Channel Twitch to a PlatformChannel * @param { import("./types.d.ts").ChannelSearchResponse } sc * @returns { PlatformChannel } */ function searchChannelToPlatformChannel(sc) { return new PlatformChannel({ id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM, sc.id, config.id, PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE), name: sc.displayName, thumbnail: sc.profileImageURL, banner: '', subscribers: sc.followers.totalCount, description: sc.description, url: BASE_URL + sc.login, links: [], }) } console.log('LOADED')