//* Constants const API_URL = 'https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/' const APP_LOCALE = 'en' const PLATFORM = 'Soundcloud' const PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE = 16; const SOUNDCLOUD_APP_VERSION = '1686222762' const USER_AGENT_DESKTOP = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' const USER_AGENT_MOBILE = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; Pixel 6a) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' const URL_BASE = "https://soundcloud.com"; let CLIENT_ID = 'iZIs9mchVcX5lhVRyQGGAYlNPVldzAoX' // correct as of June 2023, enable changes this to get the latest const URL_ADDITIVE = `&app_version=${SOUNDCLOUD_APP_VERSION}&app_locale=${APP_LOCALE}` var config = {} //* Source source.enable = function (conf) { config = conf ?? {} CLIENT_ID = getClientId() return CLIENT_ID } source.getHome = function () { return new QueryPager({ page: 1, page_size: 20 }) } source.searchSuggestions = function (query) { const url = `${API_URL}search/queries?q=${query}&client_id=${CLIENT_ID}&limit=10&offset=0&linked_partitioning=1${URL_ADDITIVE}` const resp = callUrl(url) /** @type {import("./types").SearchAutofillResponse} */ const json = JSON.parse(resp.body) if (!json['collection']) { throw new ScriptException('Could not find collection') } /** @type {{output: string; query: string}[]} */ const collection = json['collection'] return collection.map((item) => item['query']) } source.getSearchCapabilities = () => { return { types: [Type.Feed.Mixed], // can also do albums, playlists, channels those do not have types yet sorts: [], filters: [], // filters depend on type } } source.search = function (query, type, order, filters) { return new SearchPagerVideos({ q: query, page: 1, page_size: 20, get_all: false }) } source.getSearchChannelContentsCapabilities = function () { return { types: [Type.Feed.Mixed], sorts: [Type.Order.Chronological], filters: [], } } source.searchChannelContent = function (channelUrl, query, type, order, filters) { return [] } source.searchChannels = function (query) { return new SearchPagerChannels({ q: query, page: 1, page_size: 20 }) } source.isChannelUrl = function (url) { // see if it matches https://soundcloud.com/nfrealmusic return /soundcloud\.com\/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\/?/.test(url) } source.getChannel = function (url) { const resp = callUrl(url) const html = resp.body const matched = html.match(/window\.__sc_hydration = (.+);/) if (!matched) { throw new ScriptException('Could not find channel info') } /** @type {import("./types").SCHydration[]} */ const json = JSON.parse(matched[1]) for (let object of json) { if (object.hydratable === 'user') { return soundcloudUserToPlatformChannel(object.data) } } throw new ScriptException('Could not find channel info') } source.getChannelContents = function (url) { return new ChannelVideoPager({ url: url, page_size: 20, offset_date: 0 }) } source.getChannelTemplateByClaimMap = () => { return { //SoundCloud 17: { 0: URL_BASE + "/{{CLAIMVALUE}}" //Unused! 1: https://api.soundcloud.com/users/{{CLAIMVALUE}} } }; }; source.isContentDetailsUrl = function (url) { // https://soundcloud.com/toosii2x/toosii-favorite-song return /soundcloud\.com\/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+/.test(url) } source.getContentDetails = function (url) { const resp = callUrl(url) const html = resp.body const matched = html.match(/window\.__sc_hydration = (.+);/) if (!matched) { if(IS_TESTING) console.log(html); throw new ScriptException('Could not find video info') } /** @type {SCHydration[]} */ const json = JSON.parse(matched[1]) /** @type {import("./types").SoundcloudTrack} */ let data /** @type {import("./types").SoundcloudTrack} */ let sct for (let object of json) { if (object.hydratable === 'sound') { data = object.data sct = soundcloudTrackToPlatformVideo(data) break } } // for performance reasons, select just the mpeg transcoding if it exists; otherwise, select the first transcoding if (data.media.transcodings?.length === 0) throw new ScriptException('Could not find transcodings') const transcoding = data.media.transcodings.find((transcoding) => (transcoding.format.mime_type = 'audio/mpeg')) ?? data.media.transcodings[0] const authorization = data.track_authorization const generated_url = transcoding.url + `?client_id=${CLIENT_ID}&track_authorization=${authorization}` const hls_resp = callUrl(generated_url) const hls_url = JSON.parse(hls_resp.body).url const sources = [ new HLSSource({ name: `${transcoding.format.mime_type}`, duration: transcoding.duration, url: hls_url, language: "Unknown" }), ] sct.video = new UnMuxVideoSourceDescriptor([], sources) sct.description = data.description const likesCount = Number.isFinite(data?.likes_count) ? data.likes_count : 0; sct.rating = new RatingLikes(likesCount); return new PlatformVideoDetails(sct) } source.getComments = function (url) { return new ExtendableCommentPager({ url: url, page: 1, page_size: 20 }) } // not in Soundcloud source.getSubComments = function (comment) { return new CommentPager([], false, {}) } source.getUserSubscriptions = function () { const following_resp = callUrl('https://soundcloud.com/you/following', true) const html = following_resp.body if(IS_TESTING) console.log(html) const matched = html.match(/window\.__sc_hydration = (.+);/) if (!matched) throw new ScriptException('Could not find user info') /** @type {SCHydration[]} */ const following_json = JSON.parse(matched[1]) let id for (let object of following_json) { if (object.hydratable === 'meUser') { id = object.data.id break } } if (!id) throw new ScriptException('Could not find user info') const resp = callUrl(`${API_URL}users/${id}/followings?client_id=${CLIENT_ID}&limit=12&offset=0&linked_partitioning=1${URL_ADDITIVE}}`, true) const json = JSON.parse(resp.body) /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").SoundcloudUser[]} */ const users = json.collection return users.map((user) => user.permalink_url) } source.getUserPlaylists = function () { const url = `${API_URL}me/library/all?client_id=${CLIENT_ID}&limit=10&offset=0&linked_partioning=1${URL_ADDITIVE}` const resp = callUrl(url, true) if(IS_TESTING) { console.log(url) console.log(resp.body) } const json = JSON.parse(resp.body) if(IS_TESTING) console.log(json) /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").PlaylistWrapper[]} */ const playlists = json.collection return playlists.map((playlist) => { if ('playlist' in playlist) { return playlist.playlist.permalink_url } else if ('system_playlist' in playlist) { return playlist.system_playlist.permalink_url } }) } source.isPlaylistUrl = function (url) { return /soundcloud\.com\/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+\/sets\/[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+/.test(url) } source.getPlaylist = function (url) { const resp = callUrl(url, true) const html = resp.body const matched = html.match(/window\.__sc_hydration = (.+);/) if (!matched) { throw new ScriptException('Could not find playlist info') } /** @type {SCHydration[]} */ const json = JSON.parse(matched[1]) /** @type {number[]} */ let ids = [] for (let object of json) { if (object.hydratable === 'systemPlaylist') { ids = object.data.tracks.map((track) => track.id) break } else if (object.hydratable === 'playlist') { ids = object.data.tracks.map((track) => track.id) break } } /** @type {import("./types.d.ts").SoundcloudTrack[]} */ let tracks = [] // split ids into chunks of 50 for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i += 50) { const chunk = ids.slice(i, i + 50) const generated_url = `${API_URL}tracks?ids=${chunk.join(',')}&client_id=${CLIENT_ID}${URL_ADDITIVE}` const chunk_resp = callUrl(generated_url, true) const found_tracks = JSON.parse(chunk_resp.body) tracks = tracks.concat(found_tracks) } return tracks.map((track) => track.permalink_url) } //* Internals /** * Gets the URL with correct headers * @param {string} url * @param {boolean} is_authenticated * @param {boolean} use_mobile * @returns {HTTPResponse} */ function callUrl(url, is_authenticated = false, use_mobile = false) { if(!use_mobile) { url = removeMobilePrefix(url); } let headers = { 'User-Agent': use_mobile ? USER_AGENT_MOBILE : USER_AGENT_DESKTOP, DNT: '1', Connection: 'keep-alive', Origin: 'https://soundcloud.com', Referer: 'https://soundcloud.com/', } let accept = 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8' if (url.includes('api-v2.soundcloud.com')) { accept = 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01' headers['Host'] = 'api-v2.soundcloud.com' headers['SEC-FETCH-DEST'] = 'empty' headers['SEC-FETCH-MODE'] = 'cors' headers['SEC-FETCH-SITE'] = 'same-site' } else { headers['SEC-FETCH-DEST'] = 'document' headers['SEC-FETCH-MODE'] = 'navigate' headers['SEC-FETCH-SITE'] = 'none' } headers['Accept'] = accept return http.GET(url, headers, is_authenticated) } /** * Gets the client_id from the Soundcloud home page * @returns {string} returns the client_id */ function getClientId() { // request soundcloud.com to find the url of the js file that contains 50-_____.js const resp = callUrl('https://soundcloud.com/discover', false, true) const html = resp.body // find "clientId":"iZIs9mchVcX5lhVRyQGGAYlNPVldzAoX" const matched = html.match(/"clientId":"([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)"/) if (!matched) { throw new ScriptException('Could not find client_id') } const clientId = matched[1] return clientId } /** * Gets the Soundcloud homepage content * @param {import("./types").HomeContext} context the search context * @returns {PlatformVideo[]} returns the homepage content */ function getHomepageContent(context) { const limit = context.page_size const offset = (context.page - 1) * limit const url = `${API_URL}featured_tracks/top/all-music?client_id=${CLIENT_ID}&limit=${limit}&offset=${offset}&linked_partitioning=1${URL_ADDITIVE}` const resp = callUrl(url) /** @type {import("./types").HomepageResponse} */ const json = JSON.parse(resp.body) /** @type {import("./types").SoundcloudTrack[]} */ const tracks = json['collection'] const results = ensureUniqueByProperty(tracks, 'id') .map((track) => { return soundcloudTrackToPlatformVideo(track) }); const hasMore = json?.['next_href'] !== null return { results, hasMore } } //* Pagers class QueryPager extends VideoPager { /** * @param {import("./types.d.ts").HomeContext} context the query params */ constructor(context) { const data = getHomepageContent(context); super(data.results, data.hasMore, context) } nextPage() { this.context.page = this.context.page + 1 const data = getHomepageContent(this.context) this.results = data.results; this.hasMore = data.hasMore; return this } } class SearchPagerVideos extends VideoPager { /** * @param {import("./types").SearchContext} context the query params */ constructor(context) { if (context.get_all) { // https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/search?q=search%20and%20destroy%20drake&client_id=VDJ3iu7ZYtUMibDTM2XcUbRijDa3L6ug&limit=20&offset=0&linked_partitioning=1&app_version=1683798046&app_locale=en const limit = context.page_size const offset = (context.page - 1) * limit const url = `${API_URL}search?q=${encodeURIComponent( context.q )}&client_id=${CLIENT_ID}&limit=${limit}&offset=${offset}&linked_partitioning=1${URL_ADDITIVE}` const resp = callUrl(url) /** @type {import("./types").AnySearchResponse} */ const json = JSON.parse(resp.body) if (json['collection'] === undefined) { if(IS_TESTING) console.log('Soundcloud search response: ' + resp.body) throw new ScriptException('Could not find collection') } /** @type {(PlatformVideo | PlatformChannel | PlatformPlaylist)[]} */ const results = [] for (const result of json['collection']) { if (result['kind'] === 'track') { results.push(soundcloudTrackToPlatformVideo(result)) } else if (result['kind'] === 'user') { continue results.push(soundcloudUserToPlatformChannel(result)) } else if (result['kind'] === 'playlist' || result['kind'] === 'album') { // results.push(soundcloudPlaylistToPlatformPlaylist(result)) } else { if(IS_TESTING) console.log('Soundcloud search result: ' + JSON.stringify(result)) throw new ScriptException('Unknown kind: ' + result['kind']) } } super(results, results.length >= context.page_size, context) } else { const limit = context.page_size const offset = (context.page - 1) * limit const url = `${API_URL}search/tracks?limit=${limit}&offset=${offset}&q=${context.q}&client_id=${CLIENT_ID}${URL_ADDITIVE}` const resp = callUrl(url) /** @type {SearchResponse} */ const json = JSON.parse(resp.body) /** @type {SoundcloudTrack[]} */ const tracks = json['collection'] const results = tracks.map((track) => soundcloudTrackToPlatformVideo(track)) super(results, results.length >= context.page_size, context) } } nextPage() { this.context.page = this.context.page + 1 return new SearchPagerVideos(this.context) } } class ChannelVideoPager extends VideoPager { /** * @param {import("./types.d.ts").ChannelVideoPagerContext} context */ constructor(context) { if (!context.id) { const resp = callUrl(context.url) const matched = resp.body.match(/window\.__sc_hydration = (.+);/) if (!matched) { throw new ScriptException('Could not find channel info') } /** @type {import("./types").SCHydration[]} */ const json = JSON.parse(matched[1]) for (let object of json) { if (object.hydratable === 'user') { /** @type {import("./types").SoundcloudUser} */ const data = object.data context.id = data.id break } } } const url = `${API_URL}users/${context.id}/tracks?representation=&client_id=${CLIENT_ID}&limit=${context.page_size}&offset=${context.offset_date}&linked_partitioning=1${URL_ADDITIVE}` if(IS_TESTING) console.log('Soundcloud channel url: ' + url) const resp = callUrl(url) const parsed = JSON.parse(resp.body) /** @type {import("./types").SoundcloudTrack[]} */ const tracks = parsed['collection'] const videos = tracks.map((track) => soundcloudTrackToPlatformVideo(track)) context['offset_date'] = tracks[tracks.length - 1]?.created_at super(videos, tracks.length > 0, context) } nextPage() { this.context.page = this.context.page + 1 return new ChannelVideoPager(this.context) } } class SearchPagerChannels extends ChannelPager { /** * @param {import("./types").SearchContext} context the query params */ constructor(context) { const limit = context.page_size const offset = (context.page - 1) * limit const url = `${API_URL}search/users?q=${context.q}&client_id=${CLIENT_ID}&limit=${limit}&offset=${offset}&linked_partitioning=1${URL_ADDITIVE}` const resp = callUrl(url) /** @type {SearchResponse} */ const json = JSON.parse(resp.body) /** @type {SoundcloudUser[]} */ const users = json['collection'] const results = users.map((user) => soundcloudUserToPlatformChannel(user)) super(results, results.length >= context.page_size, context) } nextPage() { this.context.page = this.context.page + 1 return new SearchPagerChannels(this.context) } } class ExtendableCommentPager extends CommentPager { /** * @param {import("./types.d.ts").HomeContext & {url: string; id: number|null}} context */ constructor(context) { if (!context.id) { const resp = callUrl(context.url) const html = resp.body const matched = html.match(/window\.__sc_hydration = (.+);/) if (!matched) { throw new ScriptException('Could not find comment info') } /** @type {import("./types").SCHydration[]} */ const json = JSON.parse(matched[1]) for (let object of json) { if (object.hydratable === 'sound') { /** @type {import("./types").SoundcloudTrack} */ const data = object.data context.id = data.id break } } } // https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/tracks/1506477625/comments?sort=newest&threaded=1&client_id=TihN0nuDfhghD9GVPbTtrSEa558lYo4V&limit=20&offset=0&linked_partitioning=1&app_version=1684153290&app_locale=en const limit = context.page_size const offset = (context.page - 1) * limit const url = `${API_URL}tracks/${context.id}/comments?sort=newest&threaded=1&client_id=${CLIENT_ID}&limit=${limit}&offset=${offset}&linked_partitioning=1${URL_ADDITIVE}` const resp = callUrl(url) /** @type {import("./types").CommentResponse} */ const json = JSON.parse(resp.body) const comments = json['collection'].map((comment) => { return new Comment({ contextUrl: context.url, author: new PlatformAuthorLink( new PlatformID(PLATFORM, comment.user.id.toString(), config.id, PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE), comment.user.username, comment.user.permalink_url, comment.user.avatar_url ), message: comment.body, rating: new RatingLikes(0), date: parseInt(new Date(comment.created_at).getTime() / 1000), replyCount: 0, context: null, }) }) super(comments, json['next_href'] !== null, context) } nextPage() { this.context.page = this.context.page + 1 return new ExtendableCommentPager(this.context) } } //* CONVERTERS /** * Convert a Soundcloud person to a PlatformChannel * @param { import("./types").SoundcloudUser } scu * @returns { PlatformChannel } */ function soundcloudUserToPlatformChannel(scu) { if (!scu || typeof scu !== 'object') { throw new ScriptException('Invalid SoundCloud user object'); } const visuals = scu.visuals?.visuals || []; const banner = visuals?.[0]?.visual_url || ''; const links = visuals.map(v => v.link).filter(Boolean); return new PlatformChannel({ id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM, scu.id.toString(), config.id, PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE), name: scu.username, thumbnail: scu.avatar_url, banner, subscribers: scu.followers_count || 0, description: scu.description, url: scu.permalink_url, links, }); } /** * Convert a Soundcloud Track to a PlatformVideo * @param { import("./types").SoundcloudTrack } sct * @returns { PlatformVideo } */ function soundcloudTrackToPlatformVideo(sct) { return new PlatformVideo({ id: new PlatformID(PLATFORM, sct.id.toString(), config.id), name: sct.title, thumbnails: new Thumbnails([new Thumbnail(sct.artwork_url !== null ? sct.artwork_url.replace('large', 't500x500') : sct.artwork_url, 0)]), author: new PlatformAuthorLink( new PlatformID(PLATFORM, sct.user_id.toString(), config.id, PLATFORM_CLAIMTYPE), sct.user.username, sct.user.permalink_url, sct.user.avatar_url ), uploadDate: parseInt(new Date(sct.created_at).getTime() / 1000), duration: parseInt(sct.duration / 1000), viewCount: sct.playback_count, url: sct.permalink_url, isLive: false, }) } /** * Replace the "m." prefix in a SoundCloud URL with an empty string. * * @param {string} url - The SoundCloud URL to modify. * @returns {string} - The modified URL without the "m." prefix. */ function removeMobilePrefix(url) { return url.trim().replace("https://m.", "https://"); } /** * Currently the trending pages has some duplicates, this function ensures that the array is unique based on the specified property. * Ensures that each item in the array is unique based on the specified property. * @param {Array} array - The array of objects to process. * @param {string} property - The property to use for uniqueness. * @returns {Array} - A new array with unique items based on the specified property. */ function ensureUniqueByProperty(array, property) { const seen = new Set(); return array.filter(item => { if (item[property] && !seen.has(item[property])) { seen.add(item[property]); return true; } return false; }); } console.log('LOADED')