import { AnonymousUserAuthorization } from '../types/types'; import { BASE_URL, BASE_URL_API_AUTH, createAuthRegexByTextLength, FALLBACK_CLIENT_ID, FALLBACK_CLIENT_SECRET, REGEX_INITIAL_DATA_API_AUTH_1, USER_AGENT, } from './constants'; import { objectToUrlEncodedString } from './util'; export function oauthClientCredentialsRequest( httpClient: IHttp, url: string, clientId: string, secret: string, throwOnInvalid = false, ): HttpResponse { if (!httpClient || !url || !clientId || !secret) { throw new ScriptException( 'Invalid parameters provided to oauthClientCredentialsRequest', ); } const body = objectToUrlEncodedString({ client_id: clientId, client_secret: secret, grant_type: 'client_credentials', }); try { return httpClient.POST( url, body, { 'User-Agent': USER_AGENT, 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', Origin: BASE_URL, DNT: '1', 'Sec-GPC': '1', Connection: 'keep-alive', 'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'empty', 'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'cors', 'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-site', Priority: 'u=4', Pragma: 'no-cache', 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', }, false, ); } catch (error) { console.error('Error making OAuth client credentials request:', error); if (throwOnInvalid) { throw new ScriptException('Failed to obtain OAuth client credentials'); } return null; } } export function extractClientCredentials(httpClient: IHttp) { const detailsRequestHtml = httpClient.GET(BASE_URL, {}, false); if (!detailsRequestHtml.isOk) { throw new ScriptException('Failed to fetch page to extract auth details'); } const result = [ { clientId: FALLBACK_CLIENT_ID, secret: FALLBACK_CLIENT_SECRET, }, ]; const match = detailsRequestHtml.body.match(REGEX_INITIAL_DATA_API_AUTH_1); if (match?.length === 2 && match[0] && match[1]) { result.unshift({ clientId: match[0], secret: match[1], }); console.log('Successfully extracted API credentials from page:', match[1]); } else { console.log( 'Failed to extract API credentials from page using regex. Using DOM parsing.', ); const htmlElement = domParser.parseFromString( detailsRequestHtml.body, 'text/html', ); const extractedId = getScriptVariableByTextLength(htmlElement, 20); const extractedSecret = getScriptVariableByTextLength(htmlElement, 40); if (extractedId && extractedSecret) { result.unshift({ clientId: extractedId, secret: extractedSecret, }); console.log( 'Successfully extracted API credentials from page using DOM parsing:', extractedId, ); } else { console.log( 'Failed to extract API credentials using DOM parsing with exact text length.', ); } } return result; } export function getScriptVariableByTextLength(htmlElement, length: number) { const scriptTags = htmlElement.querySelectorAll( 'script[type="text/javascript"]', ); if (!scriptTags.length) { console.error('No script tags found.'); return null; // or throw an error, depending on your use case } let pageContent = ''; scriptTags.forEach((tag) => { pageContent += tag.outerHTML; }); let matches = createAuthRegexByTextLength(length).exec(pageContent); if (matches?.length == 2) { return matches[1]; } } export function getTokenFromClientCredentials( httpClient: IHttp, credentials, throwOnInvalid = false, ) { let result: AnonymousUserAuthorization = { isValid: false, }; for (const credential of credentials) { const res = oauthClientCredentialsRequest( httpClient, BASE_URL_API_AUTH, credential.clientId, credential.secret, ); if (res?.isOk) { const anonymousTokenResponse = JSON.parse(res.body); if ( !anonymousTokenResponse.token_type || !anonymousTokenResponse.access_token ) { console.error('Invalid token response', res); if (throwOnInvalid) { throw new ScriptException('', 'Invalid token response: ' + res.body); } } result = { anonymousUserAuthorizationToken: `${anonymousTokenResponse.token_type} ${anonymousTokenResponse.access_token}`, anonymousUserAuthorizationTokenExpirationDate: + anonymousTokenResponse.expires_in * 1000, isValid: true, }; break; } else { console.error('Failed to get token', res); } } return result; }