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Additional Changes (233):

 - Update app from crash screen (in case you're locked out)
 - DevPortal on-device source method testing
 - DevPortal source method search bar

 - System brightness is no longer the default
 - System brightness now uses actual system brightness (Requires permissions)

 - Fixed crash when opening url with Grayjay without is active
 - Fixed possible crash in a race-condition with history
 - Fixed possible crash related to bottom menu visibilities.
 - Fixed possible crash when unregistering AudioNoisyReceiver
 - Fixed possible crash where system brightness does not exist

 - Theoretical fix AudioNoisyReceiver popping up 'App is not responding'

 - Rumble fixed live chat


Changelog (230):

- Zoom pan two finger gestures
- Comment navigation, ability to click on a comment to view where the comment was placed and the ability to navigate upwards in the replies overlay by clicking the parent comment
- Open playlist urls support added
- Open playlist urls through search bar
- Open channel urls through search bar
- Add to new playlist button in add menu when watching video
- Plugin update check can now be disabled per plugin

- Patreon: Audio support
- Youtube: Better exception handling

- Watch later ordering persistence
- Improved subscription errors
- Gesture controls can individually be enabled/disabled
- Brightness and volume and can be toggled to use system or non-system values
- Setting for restoring brightness when exiting fullscreen system brightness
- Empty home and install plugin flows added
- Monetization tutorial added to tutorials
- Tutorial descriptions
- Enable newly install plugins
- Removed old announcements
- Hide plugin warnings during install if none exist
- Updated plugin browse page

- Fixed Play/Pause button change & wake lock now works properly change when playback is interrupted
- Fixed Deduplication priorities resulting in wrong platforms being shown
- Fixed slide subscription overlay not closing on back gesture in video detail view
- Fixed bottom margin for minimized view progress bar so progress bar shows when minimized
- Fixed indexOutOfBound for queue when deleting items
- Fixed time/duration timestamps when casting
- Fixed Minimize touch events
- Fixed crash if authentication/captcha got corrupted
- Fixed video reloading if the same video is selected again
- Proper implementation of editor action. (Fixes when using Grayjay with an external keyboard)
- Theoretical fix for double controls
- Theoretical fix for wrong polycentric comments showing in failure scenarios
- Fixed issue where new playlist required two backs to minimize video