package com.futo.platformplayer import android.content.ActivityNotFoundException import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import import android.webkit.CookieManager import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope import com.futo.platformplayer.activities.* import com.futo.platformplayer.api.http.ManagedHttpClient import com.futo.platformplayer.constructs.Event0 import com.futo.platformplayer.fragment.mainactivity.bottombar.MenuBottomBarFragment import com.futo.platformplayer.logging.Logger import com.futo.platformplayer.serializers.FlexibleBooleanSerializer import com.futo.platformplayer.serializers.OffsetDateTimeSerializer import com.futo.platformplayer.states.* import com.futo.platformplayer.stores.FragmentedStorage import com.futo.platformplayer.stores.FragmentedStorageFileJson import com.futo.platformplayer.views.FeedStyle import com.futo.platformplayer.views.fields.DropdownFieldOptionsId import com.futo.platformplayer.views.fields.FormField import com.futo.platformplayer.views.fields.FieldForm import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext import kotlinx.serialization.* import kotlinx.serialization.json.* import import java.time.OffsetDateTime @Serializable data class MenuBottomBarSetting(val id: Int, var enabled: Boolean); @Serializable() class Settings : FragmentedStorageFileJson() { var didFirstStart: Boolean = false; @Serializable val tabs: MutableList<MenuBottomBarSetting> = { MenuBottomBarSetting(, true) }.toMutableList() @Transient val onTabsChanged = Event0(); @FormField( "Manage Polycentric identity", FieldForm.BUTTON, "Manage your Polycentric identity", -2 ) fun managePolycentricIdentity() { SettingsActivity.getActivity()?.let { if (StatePolycentric.instance.processHandle != null) { it.startActivity(Intent(it,; } else { it.startActivity(Intent(it,; } } } @FormField( "Submit feedback", FieldForm.BUTTON, "Give feedback on the application", -1 ) fun submitFeedback() { try { val i = Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); val subject = "Feedback Grayjay"; val body = "Hey,\n\nI have some feedback on the Grayjay app.\nVersion information (version_name = ${BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME}, version_code = ${BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE}, flavor = ${BuildConfig.FLAVOR}, build_type = ${BuildConfig.BUILD_TYPE}})\n\n"; val data = Uri.parse("" + Uri.encode(subject) + "&body=" + Uri.encode(body)); = data; StateApp.withContext { it.startActivity(i); }; } catch (e: Throwable) { //Ignored } } @FormField( "Manage Tabs", FieldForm.BUTTON, "Change tabs visible on the home screen", -1 ) fun manageTabs() { try { SettingsActivity.getActivity()?.let { it.startActivity(Intent(it,; } } catch (e: Throwable) { //Ignored } } @FormField("Home", "group", "Configure how your Home tab works and feels", 1) var home = HomeSettings(); @Serializable class HomeSettings { @FormField("Feed Style", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "", 5) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.feed_style) var homeFeedStyle: Int = 1; fun getHomeFeedStyle(): FeedStyle { if(homeFeedStyle == 0) return FeedStyle.PREVIEW; else return FeedStyle.THUMBNAIL; } } @FormField("Search", "group", "", 2) var search = SearchSettings(); @Serializable class SearchSettings { @FormField("Search History", FieldForm.TOGGLE, "", 4) @Serializable(with = FlexibleBooleanSerializer::class) var searchHistory: Boolean = true; @FormField("Feed Style", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "", 5) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.feed_style) var searchFeedStyle: Int = 1; fun getSearchFeedStyle(): FeedStyle { if(searchFeedStyle == 0) return FeedStyle.PREVIEW; else return FeedStyle.THUMBNAIL; } } @FormField("Subscriptions", "group", "Configure how your Subscriptions works and feels", 3) var subscriptions = SubscriptionsSettings(); @Serializable class SubscriptionsSettings { @FormField("Feed Style", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "", 5) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.feed_style) var subscriptionsFeedStyle: Int = 1; fun getSubscriptionsFeedStyle(): FeedStyle { if(subscriptionsFeedStyle == 0) return FeedStyle.PREVIEW; else return FeedStyle.THUMBNAIL; } @FormField("Background Update", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "Experimental background update for subscriptions cache (requires restart)", 6) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.background_interval) var subscriptionsBackgroundUpdateInterval: Int = 0; fun getSubscriptionsBackgroundIntervalMinutes(): Int = when(subscriptionsBackgroundUpdateInterval) { 0 -> 0; 1 -> 15; 2 -> 60; 3 -> 60 * 3; 4 -> 60 * 6; 5 -> 60 * 12; 6 -> 60 * 24; else -> 0 }; @FormField("Subscription Concurrency", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "Specify how many threads are used to fetch channels (requires restart)", 7) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.thread_count) var subscriptionConcurrency: Int = 3; fun getSubscriptionsConcurrency() : Int { return threadIndexToCount(subscriptionConcurrency); } } @FormField("Player", "group", "Change behavior of the player", 4) var playback = PlaybackSettings(); @Serializable class PlaybackSettings { @FormField("Primary Language", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "", 0) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.languages) var primaryLanguage: Int = 0; fun getPrimaryLanguage(context: Context) = context.resources.getStringArray(R.array.languages)[primaryLanguage]; @FormField("Default Playback Speed", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "", 1) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.playback_speeds) var defaultPlaybackSpeed: Int = 3; fun getDefaultPlaybackSpeed(): Float = when(defaultPlaybackSpeed) { 0 -> 0.25f; 1 -> 0.5f; 2 -> 0.75f; 3 -> 1.0f; 4 -> 1.25f; 5 -> 1.5f; 6 -> 1.75f; 7 -> 2.0f; 8 -> 2.25f; else -> 1.0f; }; @FormField("Preferred Quality", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "", 2) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.preferred_quality_array) var preferredQuality: Int = 0; @FormField("Preferred Metered Quality", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "", 2) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.preferred_quality_array) var preferredMeteredQuality: Int = 0; fun getPreferredQualityPixelCount(): Int = preferedQualityToPixels(preferredQuality); fun getPreferredMeteredQualityPixelCount(): Int = preferedQualityToPixels(preferredMeteredQuality); fun getCurrentPreferredQualityPixelCount(): Int = if(!StateApp.instance.isCurrentMetered()) getPreferredQualityPixelCount() else getPreferredMeteredQualityPixelCount(); @FormField("Preferred Preview Quality", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "", 3) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.preferred_quality_array) var preferredPreviewQuality: Int = 5; fun getPreferredPreviewQualityPixelCount(): Int = preferedQualityToPixels(preferredPreviewQuality); @FormField("Auto-Rotate", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "", 4) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.system_enabled_disabled_array) var autoRotate: Int = 2; fun isAutoRotate() = autoRotate == 1 || (autoRotate == 2 && StateApp.instance.getCurrentSystemAutoRotate()); @FormField("Auto-Rotate Dead Zone", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "Auto-rotate deadzone in degrees", 5) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.auto_rotate_dead_zone) var autoRotateDeadZone: Int = 0; fun getAutoRotateDeadZoneDegrees(): Int { return autoRotateDeadZone * 5; } @FormField("Background Behavior", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "", 6) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.player_background_behavior) var backgroundPlay: Int = 2; fun isBackgroundContinue() = backgroundPlay == 1; fun isBackgroundPictureInPicture() = backgroundPlay == 2; @FormField("Resume After Preview", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "When watching a video in preview mode, resume at the position when opening the video", 7) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.resume_after_preview) var resumeAfterPreview: Int = 1; @FormField("Live Chat Webview", FieldForm.TOGGLE, "Use the live chat web window when available over native implementation.", 8) var useLiveChatWindow: Boolean = true; fun shouldResumePreview(previewedPosition: Long): Boolean{ if(resumeAfterPreview == 2) return true; if(resumeAfterPreview == 1 && previewedPosition > 10) return true; return false; } } @FormField("Downloads", "group", "Configure downloading of videos", 5) var downloads = Downloads(); @Serializable class Downloads { @FormField("Download when", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "Configure when videos should be downloaded", 0) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.when_download) var whenDownload: Int = 0; fun shouldDownload(): Boolean { return when (whenDownload) { 0 -> !StateApp.instance.isCurrentMetered(); 1 -> StateApp.instance.isNetworkState(StateApp.NetworkState.WIFI, StateApp.NetworkState.ETHERNET); 2 -> true; else -> false; } } @FormField("Default Video Quality", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "", 2) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.preferred_video_download) var preferredVideoQuality: Int = 4; fun getDefaultVideoQualityPixels(): Int = preferedQualityToPixels(preferredVideoQuality); @FormField("Default Audio Quality", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "", 3) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.preferred_audio_download) var preferredAudioQuality: Int = 1; fun isHighBitrateDefault(): Boolean = preferredAudioQuality > 0; @FormField("ByteRange Download", FieldForm.TOGGLE, "Attempt to utilize byte ranges, this can be combined with concurrency to bypass throttling", 4) @Serializable(with = FlexibleBooleanSerializer::class) var byteRangeDownload: Boolean = true; @FormField("ByteRange Concurrency", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "Number of concurrent threads to multiply download speeds from throttled sources", 5) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.thread_count) var byteRangeConcurrency: Int = 3; fun getByteRangeThreadCount(): Int { return threadIndexToCount(byteRangeConcurrency); } } @FormField("Browsing", "group", "Configure browsing behavior", 6) var browsing = Browsing(); @Serializable class Browsing { @FormField("Enable Video Cache", FieldForm.TOGGLE, "A cache to quickly load previously fetched videos", 0) @Serializable(with = FlexibleBooleanSerializer::class) var videoCache: Boolean = true; } @FormField("Casting", "group", "Configure casting", 7) var casting = Casting(); @Serializable class Casting { @FormField("Enabled", FieldForm.TOGGLE, "Enable casting", 0) @Serializable(with = FlexibleBooleanSerializer::class) var enabled: Boolean = true; /*TODO: Should we have a different casting quality? @FormField("Preferred Casting Quality", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "", 3) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.preferred_quality_array) var preferredQuality: Int = 4; fun getPreferredQualityPixelCount(): Int { when (preferredQuality) { 0 -> return 1280 * 720; 1 -> return 3840 * 2160; 2 -> return 1920 * 1080; 3 -> return 1280 * 720; 4 -> return 640 * 480; else -> return 0; } }*/ } @FormField("Logging", FieldForm.GROUP, "", 8) var logging = Logging(); @Serializable class Logging { @FormField("Log Level", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "", 0) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.log_levels) var logLevel: Int = 0; @FormField( "Submit logs", FieldForm.BUTTON, "Submit logs to help us narrow down issues", 1 ) fun submitLogs() { StateApp.instance.scopeOrNull?.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { try { if (!Logger.submitLogs()) { withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { SettingsActivity.getActivity()?.let { UIDialogs.toast(it, "Please enable logging to submit logs") } } } } catch (e: Throwable) { Logger.e("Settings", "Failed to submit logs.", e); } } } } @FormField("Announcement", FieldForm.GROUP, "", 10) var announcementSettings = AnnouncementSettings(); @Serializable class AnnouncementSettings { @FormField( "Reset announcements", FieldForm.BUTTON, "Reset hidden announcements", 1 ) fun resetAnnouncements() { StateAnnouncement.instance.resetAnnouncements(); UIDialogs.toast("Announcements reset."); } } @FormField("Plugins", FieldForm.GROUP, "", 11) @Transient var plugins = Plugins(); @Serializable class Plugins { @FormField("Clear Cookies on Logout", FieldForm.TOGGLE, "Clears cookies when you log out, allowing you to change account.", 0) var clearCookiesOnLogout: Boolean = true; @FormField( "Clear Cookies", FieldForm.BUTTON, "Clears in-app browser cookies, especially useful for fully logging out of plugins.", 1 ) fun clearCookies() { val cookieManager: CookieManager = CookieManager.getInstance(); cookieManager.removeAllCookies(null); } @FormField( "Reinstall Embedded Plugins", FieldForm.BUTTON, "Also removes any data related plugin like login or settings (may not clear browser cache)", 1 ) fun reinstallEmbedded() { StateApp.instance.scopeOrNull!!.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { try { StatePlugins.instance.reinstallEmbeddedPlugins(StateApp.instance.context); withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { StateApp.instance.contextOrNull?.let { UIDialogs.toast(it, "Embedded plugins reinstalled, a reboot is recommended"); }; } } catch (ex: Exception) { withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { StateApp.withContext { UIDialogs.toast(it, "Failed: " + ex.message); }; } } } } } @FormField("External Storage", FieldForm.GROUP, "", 12) var storage = Storage(); @Serializable class Storage { var storage_general: String? = null; var storage_download: String? = null; fun getStorageGeneralUri(): Uri? = storage_general?.let { Uri.parse(it) }; fun getStorageDownloadUri(): Uri? = storage_download?.let { Uri.parse(it) }; fun isStorageMainValid(context: Context): Boolean = StateApp.instance.isValidStorageUri(context, getStorageGeneralUri()); fun isStorageDownloadValid(context: Context): Boolean = StateApp.instance.isValidStorageUri(context, getStorageDownloadUri()); @FormField("Change external General directory", FieldForm.BUTTON, "Change the external directory for general files, used for persistent files like auto-backup", 3) fun changeStorageGeneral() { SettingsActivity.getActivity()?.let { StateApp.instance.changeExternalGeneralDirectory(it); } } @FormField("Change external Downloads directory", FieldForm.BUTTON, "Change the external storage for download files, used for exported download files", 4) fun changeStorageDownload() { SettingsActivity.getActivity()?.let { StateApp.instance.changeExternalDownloadDirectory(it); } } } @FormField("Auto Update", "group", "Configure the auto updater", 12) var autoUpdate = AutoUpdate(); @Serializable class AutoUpdate { @FormField("Check", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "", 0) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.auto_update_when_array) var check: Int = 0; @FormField("Background download", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "Configure if background download should be used", 1) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.background_download) var backgroundDownload: Int = 0; @FormField("Download when", FieldForm.DROPDOWN, "Configure when updates should be downloaded", 2) @DropdownFieldOptionsId(R.array.when_download) var whenDownload: Int = 0; fun shouldDownload(): Boolean { return when (whenDownload) { 0 -> !StateApp.instance.isCurrentMetered(); 1 -> StateApp.instance.isNetworkState(StateApp.NetworkState.WIFI, StateApp.NetworkState.ETHERNET); 2 -> true; else -> false; } } fun isAutoUpdateEnabled(): Boolean { return check == 0 && !BuildConfig.IS_PLAYSTORE_BUILD; } @FormField( "Manual check", FieldForm.BUTTON, "Manually check for updates", 3 ) fun manualCheck() { if (!BuildConfig.IS_PLAYSTORE_BUILD) { SettingsActivity.getActivity()?.let { StateUpdate.instance.checkForUpdates(it, true); } } else { SettingsActivity.getActivity()?.let { try { it.startActivity(Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("market://details?id=${it.packageName}"))) } catch (e: ActivityNotFoundException) { UIDialogs.toast(it, "Failed to show store."); } } } } @FormField( "View changelog", FieldForm.BUTTON, "Review the current and past changelogs", 4 ) fun viewChangelog() { UIDialogs.toast("Retrieving changelog"); SettingsActivity.getActivity()?.let { StateApp.instance.scopeOrNull?.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { try { val version = StateUpdate.instance.downloadVersionCode(ManagedHttpClient()) ?: return@launch; Logger.i(TAG, "Version retrieved $version"); withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { UIDialogs.showChangelogDialog(it, version); } } catch (e: Throwable) { Logger.e("Settings", "Failed to submit logs.", e); } } }; } @FormField( "Remove Cached Version", FieldForm.BUTTON, "Remove the last downloaded version", 5 ) fun removeCachedVersion() { StateApp.withContext { val outputDirectory = File(it.filesDir, "autoupdate"); if (!outputDirectory.exists()) { UIDialogs.toast("Directory does not exist"); return@withContext; } File(outputDirectory, "last_version.apk").delete(); File(outputDirectory, "last_version.txt").delete(); UIDialogs.toast("Removed downloaded version"); } } } @FormField("Backup", FieldForm.GROUP, "", 13) var backup = Backup(); @Serializable class Backup { @Serializable(with = OffsetDateTimeSerializer::class) var lastAutoBackupTime: OffsetDateTime = OffsetDateTime.MIN; var didAskAutoBackup: Boolean = false; var autoBackupPassword: String? = null; fun shouldAutomaticBackup() = autoBackupPassword != null; @FormField("Automatic Backup", FieldForm.READONLYTEXT, "", 0) val automaticBackupText get() = if(!shouldAutomaticBackup()) "None" else "Every Day"; @FormField("Set Automatic Backup", FieldForm.BUTTON, "Configure daily backup in case of catastrophic failure. (Written to the external Grayjay directory)", 1) fun configureAutomaticBackup() { UIDialogs.showAutomaticBackupDialog(SettingsActivity.getActivity()!!, autoBackupPassword != null) { SettingsActivity.getActivity()?.reloadSettings(); }; } @FormField("Restore Automatic Backup", FieldForm.BUTTON, "Restore a previous automatic backup", 2) fun restoreAutomaticBackup() { val activity = SettingsActivity.getActivity()!! if(!StateBackup.hasAutomaticBackup()) UIDialogs.toast(activity, "You don't have any automatic backups", false); else UIDialogs.showAutomaticRestoreDialog(activity, activity.lifecycleScope); } @FormField("Export Data", FieldForm.BUTTON, "Creates a zip file with your data which can be imported by opening it with Grayjay", 3) fun export() { StateBackup.startExternalBackup(); } } @FormField("Payment", FieldForm.GROUP, "", 14) var payment = Payment(); @Serializable class Payment { @FormField("Payment Status", FieldForm.READONLYTEXT, "", 1) val paymentStatus: String get() = if (StatePayment.instance.hasPaid) "Paid" else "Not Paid"; @FormField("Clear Payment", FieldForm.BUTTON, "Deletes license keys from app", 2) fun clearPayment() { StatePayment.instance.clearLicenses(); SettingsActivity.getActivity()?.let { UIDialogs.toast(it, "Licenses cleared, might require app restart"); it.reloadSettings(); } } } @FormField("Info", FieldForm.GROUP, "", 15) var info = Info(); @Serializable class Info { @FormField("Version Code", FieldForm.READONLYTEXT, "", 1, "code") var versionCode = BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE; @FormField("Version Name", FieldForm.READONLYTEXT, "", 2) var versionName = BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME; @FormField("Version Type", FieldForm.READONLYTEXT, "", 3) var versionType = BuildConfig.BUILD_TYPE; } //region BOILERPLATE override fun encode(): String { return Json.encodeToString(this); } companion object { private const val TAG = "Settings"; private var _isFirst = true; val instance: Settings get() { if(_isFirst) { Logger.i(TAG, "Initial Settings fetch"); _isFirst = false; } return FragmentedStorage.get<Settings>(); } fun replace(text: String) { FragmentedStorage.replace<Settings>(text, true); } private fun preferedQualityToPixels(q: Int): Int { when (q) { 0 -> return 1280 * 720; 1 -> return 3840 * 2160; 2 -> return 2560 * 1440; 3 -> return 1920 * 1080; 4 -> return 1280 * 720; 5 -> return 854 * 480; 6 -> return 640 * 360; 7 -> return 426 * 240; 8 -> return 256 * 144; else -> return 0; } } private fun threadIndexToCount(index: Int): Int { return when(index) { 0 -> 1; 1 -> 2; 2 -> 4; 3 -> 6; 4 -> 8; 5 -> 10; 6 -> 15; else -> 1 } } } //endregion }