#!/bin/sh DOCUMENT_ROOT=/var/www/html # Sign sources echo "Signing all sources..." bash ./sign-all-sources.sh # Build content echo "Building content..." ./gradlew --stacktrace bundlePlaystoreRelease # Take site offline echo "Taking site offline..." touch $DOCUMENT_ROOT/maintenance.file # Swap over the content echo "Deploying content..." cp ./app/build/outputs/bundle/playstoreRelease/app-playstore-release.aab $DOCUMENT_ROOT/app-playstore-release.aab # Notify Cloudflare to wipe the CDN cache echo "Purging Cloudflare cache for zone $CLOUDFLARE_ZONE_ID..." curl -X POST "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/$CLOUDFLARE_ZONE_ID/purge_cache" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{"files":["https://releases.grayjay.app/app-playstore-release.aab"]}' sleep 30 # Take site back online echo "Bringing site back online..." rm $DOCUMENT_ROOT/maintenance.file