package org.futo.inputmethod.v2keyboard import android.content.Context import import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp import org.futo.inputmethod.keyboard.KeyConsts import org.futo.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyboardLayoutElement import org.futo.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyboardParams import org.futo.inputmethod.latin.R import org.futo.inputmethod.latin.common.Constants import org.futo.inputmethod.latin.uix.DynamicThemeProvider import kotlin.math.floor import kotlin.math.roundToInt val EPS = 1e-5.toFloat() // Entries are either a key, or a gap. // Gaps are added if the row is mostly regular-width keys and there are fewer keys in this row // e.g. // q w e r t y u i o p // _a s d f g h j k l_ // ___z x c v b n m___ // ^^^ gap gap ^^^ sealed class LayoutEntry(val widthPx: Float) { class Key(val data: ComputedKeyData, widthPx: Float) : LayoutEntry(widthPx) class Gap(widthPx: Float): LayoutEntry(widthPx) } // Split a row into two, for split keyboard layouts. // If there is an even number of entries, it will be split in the middle // If there is an odd number, the middle entry will be duplicated fun List<LayoutEntry>.splitRow(): Pair<List<LayoutEntry>, List<LayoutEntry>> { val row0 = subList(0, (size / 2.0f).roundToInt() ) val row1 = subList(floor(size / 2.0f).roundToInt(), size) return Pair(row0, row1) } // Adds gaps, keeping anchored keys anchored. // If only one side has an anchored key, the entire gap will be added // to the side without an anchored key fun List<LayoutEntry.Key>.addGap(totalGap: Float): List<LayoutEntry> { if(totalGap == 0.0f) { return this } else { val firstGapIdx = indexOfFirst { ! }.let { if(it == -1) 0 else it } val finalGapIdx = indexOfLast { ! }.let { if(it == -1) size - 1 else it } if(firstGapIdx == -1) return this val hasAnchorLeft = firstGapIdx != 0 val hasAnchorRight = finalGapIdx != size - 1 return filterIsInstance<LayoutEntry>().toMutableList().apply { var gapLeft = totalGap / 2.0f var gapRight = totalGap / 2.0f if(hasAnchorLeft && !hasAnchorRight) { gapLeft = 0.0f gapRight = totalGap } else if(hasAnchorRight && !hasAnchorLeft) { gapLeft = totalGap gapRight = 0.0f } add(firstGapIdx, LayoutEntry.Gap(gapLeft)) add(finalGapIdx + 2, LayoutEntry.Gap(gapRight)) } } } data class LayoutRow( val entries: List<LayoutEntry>, val widths: Map<KeyWidth, Float>, val height: Float, val splittable: Boolean ) data class LayoutParams( val gap: Dp, val useSplitLayout: Boolean, val splitLayoutWidth: Int, val padding: Rect, val standardRowHeight: Double, val element: KeyboardLayoutElement, ) data class LayoutEngine( val context: Context, val keyboard: Keyboard, val params: KeyboardParams, val layoutParams: LayoutParams ) { val horizontalGap = val verticalGap = * 2 private val rows = filterNecessaryRows() private fun filterNecessaryRows(): List<Row> { val filteredRows = keyboard.effectiveRows.filter { // Filter the Number row, when it's not active when(keyboard.numberRowMode) { NumberRowMode.UserConfigurable -> !it.isNumberRow || params.mId.mNumberRow NumberRowMode.AlwaysEnabled -> !it.isNumberRow || it.isNumberRow NumberRowMode.AlwaysDisabled -> !it.isNumberRow } }.filter { // Display filler rows only when number row is explicitly active it.numRowMode.displayByDefault || (it.numRowMode.displayWhenExplicitlyActive && params.mId.mNumberRow) || (it.numRowMode.displayWhenExplicitlyInactive && !params.mId.mNumberRow) } return filteredRows } private val density = context.resources.displayMetrics.density private val totalRowHeight = params.mId.mHeight.toFloat() private val horizontalGapPx = (horizontalGap.value * density) private val verticalGapPx = (verticalGap.value * density) private val rowHeightPx = computeRowHeight() private val bottomRowHeightPx = when(keyboard.bottomRowHeightMode) { BottomRowHeightMode.Fixed -> layoutParams.standardRowHeight BottomRowHeightMode.Flexible -> rowHeightPx } private fun computeRowHeight(): Double { //val normalKeyboardHeight = ((rowHeight.value + verticalGap.value) * density) * 3 val normalKeyboardHeight = totalRowHeight // divide by total row height return when(keyboard.bottomRowHeightMode) { BottomRowHeightMode.Fixed -> ((normalKeyboardHeight - layoutParams.standardRowHeight) / rows.filter { !it.isBottomRow }.sumOf { it.rowHeight }) BottomRowHeightMode.Flexible -> (normalKeyboardHeight) / rows.sumOf { it.rowHeight } } //return ((normalKeyboardHeight - bottomRowHeightPx) / rows.filter { !it.isBottomRow }.sumOf { it.rowHeight }) //return (normalKeyboardHeight) / rows.sumOf { it.rowHeight } } private val isSplitLayout = layoutParams.useSplitLayout private val layoutWidth = if(isSplitLayout) { layoutParams.splitLayoutWidth } else { params.mId.mWidth } private val unsplitLayoutWidth = params.mId.mWidth private val minimumBottomFunctionalKeyWidth = (layoutWidth * keyboard.minimumBottomRowFunctionalKeyWidth) private val regularKeyWidth = computeRegularKeyWidth() private val unsplitRegularKeyWidth = computeRegularKeyWidth(unsplitLayoutWidth) private val minimumKeyWidth = regularKeyWidth / 2 private val minFunctionalKeyWidth = layoutWidth * keyboard.minimumFunctionalKeyWidth private val maxFunctionalKeyWidth = (layoutWidth * maxOf(0.15f, keyboard.overrideWidths[KeyWidth.FunctionalKey] ?: 0.15f)) private val bottomRegularKeyWidth = 0.1f * layoutWidth private fun computeRegularKeyWidth(layoutWidth: Int = this.layoutWidth): Float { return keyboard.overrideWidths[KeyWidth.Regular]?.let { it * layoutWidth.toFloat() } ?: run { (layoutWidth.toFloat() / keyboard.effectiveRows.filter { it.isLetterRow }.maxOf { it.keys.size }.toFloat()) - EPS } } private fun computeRowWidths(row: List<LayoutEntry.Key>, regularKeyWidth: Float, layoutWidth: Float, functionalWidth: Float? = null): Map<KeyWidth, Float> { var availableSpace = layoutWidth val counts = mutableMapOf<KeyWidth, Int>().apply { KeyWidth.entries.forEach { set(it, row.count { key -> == it }) } } val rowWidths = keyboard.overrideWidths.mapValues { it.value * layoutWidth }.toMutableMap() // Special case: shrink regular key width for this row, if needed to fit functional keys val localRegularKeyWidth = run { if(functionalWidth != null) { val remainingSpace = availableSpace - counts.entries.sumOf { if(it.value == 0) { 0.0 } else when(it.key) { KeyWidth.Regular -> 0.0 KeyWidth.FunctionalKey -> functionalWidth.toDouble() * it.value KeyWidth.Grow -> Double.NaN // TODO: Not sure what to do if a Grow is in the same row else -> (rowWidths[it.key]?.toDouble() ?: 0.0) * it.value } }.toFloat() val maxRegularKeyWidth = if(remainingSpace.isNaN()) { Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY } else { remainingSpace / counts[KeyWidth.Regular]!!.toFloat() } regularKeyWidth.coerceAtMost(maxRegularKeyWidth) } else { regularKeyWidth } } // Subtract regular keys rowWidths.putIfAbsent(KeyWidth.Regular, localRegularKeyWidth) availableSpace -= rowWidths[KeyWidth.Regular]!! * counts[KeyWidth.Regular]!! assert(availableSpace >= 0) { "Ran out of space!\nWidths: $rowWidths\nLayout width: $layoutWidth\nAvailable space: $availableSpace\nCounts: $counts" } counts.remove(KeyWidth.Regular) // Calculate functional key width, or use the provided one rowWidths.putIfAbsent(KeyWidth.FunctionalKey, functionalWidth ?: if(counts[KeyWidth.FunctionalKey]!! > 0) { if(counts[KeyWidth.Grow]!! > 0) { // The width of functional keys is indeterminate within this row, // we will need to do a second pass to find a fitting width. // For now, set it to minimum width. minimumKeyWidth } else { // The width of functional keys fills the available space. availableSpace / counts[KeyWidth.FunctionalKey]!!.toFloat() } } else { 0.0f } ) availableSpace -= rowWidths[KeyWidth.FunctionalKey]!! * counts[KeyWidth.FunctionalKey]!!.toFloat() //assert(availableSpace >= 0) counts.remove(KeyWidth.FunctionalKey) // Subtract remaining custom keys counts.forEach { if(it.key != KeyWidth.Grow && it.value > 0) { availableSpace -= it.value * (rowWidths[it.key] ?: throw IllegalStateException("Custom width ${it.key} is present, but width undeclared. Declared widths: $rowWidths")) } } // Set grow key width rowWidths.putIfAbsent(KeyWidth.Grow, if(counts[KeyWidth.Grow]!! > 0) { availableSpace / counts[KeyWidth.Grow]!!.toFloat() } else { 0.0f }) //assert(availableSpace >= 0.0f) return rowWidths } private fun alignForSplitLayout(rows: List<LayoutRow>): List<LayoutRow> { if(!isSplitLayout) return rows val splitWidths = { row -> if(!row.splittable) { 0.0f } else if(row.entries.firstOrNull { it is LayoutEntry.Key && == KeyWidth.Grow } != null) { 0.0f } else { row.entries.splitRow().first.sumOf { it.widthPx.toDouble() }.toFloat() } } val maxSplitWidth = splitWidths.max() return rows.mapIndexed { i, row -> if(!row.splittable) return@mapIndexed row val currentRowWidth = splitWidths[i].let { width -> if(width == 0.0f) { row.entries.sumOf { if(it is LayoutEntry.Key && == KeyWidth.Grow) { 0.0f } else { it.widthPx }.toDouble() }.toFloat() } else { width } } val extraSpace = maxSplitWidth - currentRowWidth val growTarget = if(splitWidths[i] == 0.0f) { KeyWidth.Grow } else { KeyWidth.Regular } val growableKeyCount = row.entries.filterIsInstance<LayoutEntry.Key>().count { == growTarget } val widthPerKey = 2 * extraSpace / growableKeyCount LayoutRow( entries = { entry -> if(entry is LayoutEntry.Key && == growTarget) { LayoutEntry.Key(, if(growTarget == KeyWidth.Regular) { entry.widthPx + widthPerKey } else { widthPerKey }) } else { entry } }, widths = row.widths, height = row.height, splittable = row.splittable ) } } private fun buildLayoutRow( computedRowWithoutWidths: List<LayoutEntry.Key>, widths: Map<KeyWidth, Float>, height: Float, splittable: Boolean ): LayoutRow { val computedRow = { key -> LayoutEntry.Key(, widths[]!!) } val totalRowWidth = computedRow.sumOf { it.widthPx.toDouble() }.toFloat() val rowLayoutWidth = if(splittable) { layoutWidth } else { unsplitLayoutWidth } val entries = mergeDuplicates(computedRow.addGap(rowLayoutWidth - totalRowWidth)) return LayoutRow( entries = entries, widths = widths, height = height, splittable = splittable ) } private fun computeRows(rows: List<Row>): List<LayoutRow> { val rowLayoutWidths = { if(it.splittable) { layoutWidth } else { unsplitLayoutWidth }.toFloat() } val rowRegularKeyWidths = { // Special case: action row uses regular key width to match the other rows if(it.isBottomRow) { bottomRegularKeyWidth } else if(it.splittable) { regularKeyWidth } else { unsplitRegularKeyWidth }.toFloat() } // Measure key coordinate val numColumnsPerRow = mutableListOf<Int>() rows.forEach { row -> val numColumns = row.keys.sumOf { if(it.countsToKeyCoordinate(params, row, keyboard)) (1 as Int) else 0 } if(numColumns > 0) { numColumnsPerRow.add(numColumns) } } val keyCoordinateMeasurement = KeyCoordinateMeasurement( totalRows = numColumnsPerRow.size, numColumnsByRow = numColumnsPerRow.toList() ) var regularRow = 0 val computedRowWithoutWidths = { row -> var regularColumn = 0 row.keys.mapNotNull { key -> val coordinate = KeyCoordinate( regularRow, regularColumn, layoutParams.element, keyCoordinateMeasurement ) key.computeData(params, row, keyboard, coordinate)?.let { data -> if(data.countsToKeyCoordinate) { regularColumn += 1 } LayoutEntry.Key(data, widthPx = -1.0f) } }.let { if (regularColumn > 0) { regularRow += 1 } it } } val rowWidths = computedRowWithoutWidths.mapIndexed { i, it -> computeRowWidths( row = it, regularKeyWidth = rowRegularKeyWidths[i], layoutWidth = rowLayoutWidths[i] ) }.let { preWidths -> // Find the smallest functional key width val functionalWidth = ( { it[KeyWidth.FunctionalKey]!! } .filter { it > minimumKeyWidth } .minOrNull() ?: minimumKeyWidth ).coerceIn(minFunctionalKeyWidth, maxFunctionalKeyWidth) computedRowWithoutWidths.mapIndexed { i, it -> computeRowWidths( row = it, regularKeyWidth = rowRegularKeyWidths[i], layoutWidth = rowLayoutWidths[i], functionalWidth = if (rows[i].isBottomRow && keyboard.bottomRowWidthMode.separateFunctional) { maxOf(minimumBottomFunctionalKeyWidth, functionalWidth) } else { functionalWidth } ) } } val computedRowWithWidths = computedRowWithoutWidths.mapIndexed { i, row -> val height = if(rows[i].isBottomRow) { bottomRowHeightPx } else { (rows[i].rowHeight * rowHeightPx) } buildLayoutRow( row, rowWidths[i], height.toFloat(), rows[i].splittable ) } return alignForSplitLayout(computedRowWithWidths) } private fun mergeDuplicates(row: List<LayoutEntry>): List<LayoutEntry> { if(row.isEmpty()) return emptyList() return row.fold(mutableListOf()) { acc, curr -> if(acc.isEmpty()) { acc.add(curr) } else { val last = acc.last() if (last is LayoutEntry.Key && curr is LayoutEntry.Key && == { val lastVal = acc.removeAt(acc.size - 1) acc.add(LayoutEntry.Key( data =, widthPx = last.widthPx + curr.widthPx )) } else { acc.add(curr) } } acc } } private fun addKey(data: ComputedKeyData, x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int, leftGap: LayoutEntry.Gap?, rightGap: LayoutEntry.Gap?) { // These keys are empty keys and do not get added, leaving an empty gap in place of the key // The hitbox of other keys does not get expanded to include this gap though, unlike // gaps added for centering rows if(data.label.isEmpty() && data.icon.isEmpty() && data.code == Constants.CODE_UNSPECIFIED) return val actionsFlags = if(!data.showPopup) { KeyConsts.ACTION_FLAGS_NO_KEY_PREVIEW } else { 0 } or if(data.longPressEnabled) { KeyConsts.ACTION_FLAGS_ENABLE_LONG_PRESS } else { 0 } or if(data.repeatable) { KeyConsts.ACTION_FLAGS_IS_REPEATABLE } else { 0 } val verticalGapForKey = when { keyboard.rowHeightMode.clampHeight && height > layoutParams.standardRowHeight -> height - layoutParams.standardRowHeight else -> 0.0 } + verticalGapPx val key = org.futo.inputmethod.keyboard.Key( code = data.code, label = data.label, width = width - horizontalGapPx.roundToInt(), height = height - verticalGapForKey.roundToInt(), iconId = data.icon, x = x, y = y, actionFlags = actionsFlags, horizontalGap = horizontalGapPx.roundToInt(), verticalGap = verticalGapForKey.roundToInt(), labelFlags = data.labelFlags, moreKeys = data.moreKeys, moreKeysColumnAndFlags = data.moreKeyFlags, visualStyle =, outputText = data.outputText, hintLabel = data.hint.ifEmpty { null }, // Add leftGap and rightGap to the hitbox // This makes the following area tappable, // otherwise taps there wouldn't be registered // q w e r t y u i o p // #a s d f g h j k l# // ^ ^ // taps A taps L hitBox = Rect( x - (leftGap?.widthPx?.roundToInt() ?: 0), y, x + width + (rightGap?.widthPx?.roundToInt() ?: 0), y + height ), ) params.onAddKey(key) } private fun addRow(row: List<LayoutEntry>, x: Float, y: Int, height: Int) { var currentX = x row.forEachIndexed { i, entry -> when(entry) { is LayoutEntry.Gap -> { } is LayoutEntry.Key -> { // Adding gaps is only applicable on unanchored keys on the correct side of the keyboard val leftGap = if(i < row.size / 2 && ! { row.getOrNull(i - 1) as? LayoutEntry.Gap } else { null } val rightGap = if(i >= row.size / 2 && ! { row.getOrNull(i + 1) as? LayoutEntry.Gap } else { null } addKey(, currentX.roundToInt(), y, entry.widthPx.roundToInt(), height, leftGap, rightGap) } } currentX += entry.widthPx } } private fun addRowAlignLeft(row: List<LayoutEntry>, y: Int, height: Int) = addRow(row, 0.0f + layoutParams.padding.left, y, height) private fun addRowAlignRight(row: List<LayoutEntry>, y: Int, height: Int) { val startingOffset = params.mId.mWidth - row.sumOf { it.widthPx.toDouble() }.toFloat() + layoutParams.padding.left addRow(row, startingOffset, y, height) } private fun addRow(row: LayoutRow, y: Int) { if(isSplitLayout && row.splittable) { val splitRows = row.entries.splitRow() addRowAlignLeft(splitRows.first, y, row.height.toInt()) addRowAlignRight(splitRows.second, y, row.height.toInt()) } else { addRowAlignLeft(row.entries, y, row.height.toInt()) } } private fun addKeys(rows: List<LayoutRow>): Int { var currentY = 0.0f + rows.forEach { row -> addRow(row, currentY.toInt()) currentY += row.height } return currentY.roundToInt() } fun build(): org.futo.inputmethod.keyboard.Keyboard { params.mMoreKeysTemplate = R.xml.kbd_more_keys_keyboard_template params.mMaxMoreKeysKeyboardColumn = 5 params.GRID_WIDTH = context.resources.getInteger(R.integer.config_keyboard_grid_width) params.GRID_HEIGHT = context.resources.getInteger(R.integer.config_keyboard_grid_height) val rows = computeRows(this.rows) val totalKeyboardHeight = addKeys(rows).let { totalRowHeight.roundToInt() } + + layoutParams.padding.bottom params.mOccupiedHeight = totalKeyboardHeight - verticalGapPx.roundToInt() params.mOccupiedWidth = params.mId.mWidth + layoutParams.padding.left + layoutParams.padding.right params.mTopPadding = 0// params.mBottomPadding = 0//layoutParams.padding.bottom params.mLeftPadding = 0//layoutParams.padding.left params.mRightPadding = 0//layoutParams.padding.right params.mBaseWidth = params.mOccupiedWidth params.mDefaultKeyWidth = regularKeyWidth.roundToInt() params.mHorizontalGap = 0 params.mVerticalGap = 0 params.mBaseHeight = totalKeyboardHeight params.mDefaultRowHeight = rowHeightPx.roundToInt() try { val provider = DynamicThemeProvider.obtainFromContext(context) params.mIconsSet.loadIcons(null, provider) } catch(_: IllegalArgumentException) { // May fail during test because provider is unavailable } params.mThemeId = 3 params.mTextsSet.setLocale(params.mId.locale, context) params.mProximityCharsCorrectionEnabled = true params.mAllowRedundantMoreKeys = true params.removeRedundantMoreKeys() params.mMostCommonKeyWidth = regularKeyWidth.roundToInt() return org.futo.inputmethod.keyboard.Keyboard(params) } }