package org.futo.inputmethod.v2keyboard import android.content.Context import android.content.res.AssetManager import android.util.Log import com.charleskorn.kaml.PolymorphismStyle import com.charleskorn.kaml.Yaml import com.charleskorn.kaml.YamlConfiguration import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable import kotlinx.serialization.modules.EmptySerializersModule import org.futo.inputmethod.latin.uix.actions.BugInfo import org.futo.inputmethod.latin.uix.actions.BugViewerState import java.util.Locale @Serializable data class Mappings( val languages: Map<String, List<String>> ) object LayoutManager { private var layoutsById: Map<String, Keyboard>? = null private var localeToLayoutsMappings: Map<Locale, List<String>>? = null private var initialized = false private fun listFilesRecursively(assetManager: AssetManager, path: String): List<String> { val files = assetManager.list(path) return if(files.isNullOrEmpty()) { listOf(path) } else { files.flatMap { listFilesRecursively(assetManager, "$path/$it") } } } private fun getAllLayoutPaths(assetManager: AssetManager): List<String> { return listFilesRecursively(assetManager, "layouts").filter { (it.endsWith(".yml") || it.endsWith(".yaml")) && it != "layouts/mapping.yaml" } } fun init(context: Context) { if(initialized) return initialized = true localeToLayoutsMappings = parseMappings(context, "layouts/mapping.yaml").languages.mapKeys { Locale.forLanguageTag(it.key.replace("_", "-")) } val assetManager = context.assets val layoutPaths = getAllLayoutPaths(assetManager) layoutsById = layoutPaths.associate { path -> val filename = path.split("/").last().split(".yaml").first() val keyboard = try { parseKeyboardYaml(context, path).apply { id = filename } } catch(e: Exception) { BugViewerState.pushBug(BugInfo( "LayoutManager", "Failed to parse layout $filename\nMessage: ${e.message}, cause: ${e.cause?.message}" )) e.printStackTrace() parseKeyboardYaml(context, "layouts/Special/error.yaml").apply { id = filename } } filename to keyboard } } private fun ensureInitialized() { if(!initialized) throw IllegalStateException("LayoutManager method called without being initialized") } fun getLayout(context: Context, name: String): Keyboard { ensureInitialized() return layoutsById?.get(name) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Failed to find keyboard layout $name. Available layouts: ${layoutsById?.keys}") } fun getLayoutMapping(context: Context): Map<Locale, List<String>> { ensureInitialized() return localeToLayoutsMappings!! } fun getAllLayoutNames(context: Context): List<String> { ensureInitialized() return getAllLayoutPaths(context.assets).map { it.split("/").last().split(".yaml").first() } } } private fun parseMappings(context: Context, mappingsPath: String): Mappings { val yaml = Yaml( EmptySerializersModule(), YamlConfiguration( polymorphismStyle = PolymorphismStyle.Property, allowAnchorsAndAliases = true ) ) return { inputStream -> val yamlString = inputStream.bufferedReader().use { it.readText() } yaml.decodeFromString(Mappings.serializer(), yamlString) } } private fun parseKeyboardYaml(context: Context, layoutPath: String): Keyboard { val yaml = Yaml( EmptySerializersModule(), YamlConfiguration( polymorphismStyle = PolymorphismStyle.Property, allowAnchorsAndAliases = true ) ) return { inputStream -> val yamlString = inputStream.bufferedReader().use { it.readText() } try { yaml.decodeFromString(Keyboard.serializer(), yamlString) } catch(e: Throwable) { Log.e("KeyboardParser", "Failed to parse $layoutPath") throw Exception("Error while parsing layout [$layoutPath]", e) } } }