/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.event; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.Constants; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.SuggestedWords.SuggestedWordInfo; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.utils.StringUtils; /** * Class representing a generic input event as handled by Latin IME. * * This contains information about the origin of the event, but it is generalized and should * represent a software keypress, hardware keypress, or d-pad move alike. * Very importantly, this does not necessarily result in inputting one character, or even anything * at all - it may be a dead key, it may be a partial input, it may be a special key on the * keyboard, it may be a cancellation of a keypress (e.g. in a soft keyboard the finger of the * user has slid out of the key), etc. It may also be a batch input from a gesture or handwriting * for example. * The combiner should figure out what to do with this. */ public class Event { // Should the types below be represented by separate classes instead? It would be cleaner // but probably a bit too much // An event we don't handle in Latin IME, for example pressing Ctrl on a hardware keyboard. final public static int EVENT_TYPE_NOT_HANDLED = 0; // A key press that is part of input, for example pressing an alphabetic character on a // hardware qwerty keyboard. It may be part of a sequence that will be re-interpreted later // through combination. final public static int EVENT_TYPE_INPUT_KEYPRESS = 1; // A toggle event is triggered by a key that affects the previous character. An example would // be a numeric key on a 10-key keyboard, which would toggle between 1 - a - b - c with // repeated presses. final public static int EVENT_TYPE_TOGGLE = 2; // A mode event instructs the combiner to change modes. The canonical example would be the // hankaku/zenkaku key on a Japanese keyboard, or even the caps lock key on a qwerty keyboard // if handled at the combiner level. final public static int EVENT_TYPE_MODE_KEY = 3; // An event corresponding to a gesture. final public static int EVENT_TYPE_GESTURE = 4; // An event corresponding to the manual pick of a suggestion. final public static int EVENT_TYPE_SUGGESTION_PICKED = 5; // An event corresponding to a string generated by some software process. final public static int EVENT_TYPE_SOFTWARE_GENERATED_STRING = 6; // 0 is a valid code point, so we use -1 here. final public static int NOT_A_CODE_POINT = -1; // -1 is a valid key code, so we use 0 here. final public static int NOT_A_KEY_CODE = 0; final private static int FLAG_NONE = 0; // This event is a dead character, usually input by a dead key. Examples include dead-acute // or dead-abovering. final private static int FLAG_DEAD = 0x1; // This event is coming from a key repeat, software or hardware. final private static int FLAG_REPEAT = 0x2; final private int mEventType; // The type of event - one of the constants above // The code point associated with the event, if relevant. This is a unicode code point, and // has nothing to do with other representations of the key. It is only relevant if this event // is of KEYPRESS type, but for a mode key like hankaku/zenkaku or ctrl, there is no code point // associated so this should be NOT_A_CODE_POINT to avoid unintentional use of its value when // it's not relevant. final public int mCodePoint; // If applicable, this contains the string that should be input. final public CharSequence mText; // The key code associated with the event, if relevant. This is relevant whenever this event // has been triggered by a key press, but not for a gesture for example. This has conceptually // no link to the code point, although keys that enter a straight code point may often set // this to be equal to mCodePoint for convenience. If this is not a key, this must contain // NOT_A_KEY_CODE. final public int mKeyCode; // Coordinates of the touch event, if relevant. If useful, we may want to replace this with // a MotionEvent or something in the future. This is only relevant when the keypress is from // a software keyboard obviously, unless there are touch-sensitive hardware keyboards in the // future or some other awesome sauce. final public int mX; final public int mY; // Some flags that can't go into the key code. It's a bit field of FLAG_* final private int mFlags; // If this is of type EVENT_TYPE_SUGGESTION_PICKED, this must not be null (and must be null in // other cases). final public SuggestedWordInfo mSuggestedWordInfo; // The next event, if any. Null if there is no next event yet. final public Event mNextEvent; // This method is private - to create a new event, use one of the create* utility methods. private Event(final int type, final CharSequence text, final int codePoint, final int keyCode, final int x, final int y, final SuggestedWordInfo suggestedWordInfo, final int flags, final Event next) { mEventType = type; mText = text; mCodePoint = codePoint; mKeyCode = keyCode; mX = x; mY = y; mSuggestedWordInfo = suggestedWordInfo; mFlags = flags; mNextEvent = next; // Sanity checks // mSuggestedWordInfo is non-null if and only if the type is SUGGESTION_PICKED if (EVENT_TYPE_SUGGESTION_PICKED == mEventType) { if (null == mSuggestedWordInfo) { throw new RuntimeException("Wrong event: SUGGESTION_PICKED event must have a " + "non-null SuggestedWordInfo"); } } else { if (null != mSuggestedWordInfo) { throw new RuntimeException("Wrong event: only SUGGESTION_PICKED events may have " + "a non-null SuggestedWordInfo"); } } } public static Event createSoftwareKeypressEvent(final int codePoint, final int keyCode, final int x, final int y, final boolean isKeyRepeat) { return new Event(EVENT_TYPE_INPUT_KEYPRESS, null /* text */, codePoint, keyCode, x, y, null /* suggestedWordInfo */, isKeyRepeat ? FLAG_REPEAT : FLAG_NONE, null); } public static Event createHardwareKeypressEvent(final int codePoint, final int keyCode, final Event next, final boolean isKeyRepeat) { return new Event(EVENT_TYPE_INPUT_KEYPRESS, null /* text */, codePoint, keyCode, Constants.EXTERNAL_KEYBOARD_COORDINATE, Constants.EXTERNAL_KEYBOARD_COORDINATE, null /* suggestedWordInfo */, isKeyRepeat ? FLAG_REPEAT : FLAG_NONE, next); } // This creates an input event for a dead character. @see {@link #FLAG_DEAD} public static Event createDeadEvent(final int codePoint, final int keyCode, final Event next) { // TODO: add an argument or something if we ever create a software layout with dead keys. return new Event(EVENT_TYPE_INPUT_KEYPRESS, null /* text */, codePoint, keyCode, Constants.EXTERNAL_KEYBOARD_COORDINATE, Constants.EXTERNAL_KEYBOARD_COORDINATE, null /* suggestedWordInfo */, FLAG_DEAD, next); } /** * Create an input event with nothing but a code point. This is the most basic possible input * event; it contains no information on many things the IME requires to function correctly, * so avoid using it unless really nothing is known about this input. * @param codePoint the code point. * @return an event for this code point. */ public static Event createEventForCodePointFromUnknownSource(final int codePoint) { // TODO: should we have a different type of event for this? After all, it's not a key press. return new Event(EVENT_TYPE_INPUT_KEYPRESS, null /* text */, codePoint, NOT_A_KEY_CODE, Constants.NOT_A_COORDINATE, Constants.NOT_A_COORDINATE, null /* suggestedWordInfo */, FLAG_NONE, null /* next */); } /** * Creates an input event with a code point and x, y coordinates. This is typically used when * resuming a previously-typed word, when the coordinates are still known. * @param codePoint the code point to input. * @param x the X coordinate. * @param y the Y coordinate. * @return an event for this code point and coordinates. */ public static Event createEventForCodePointFromAlreadyTypedText(final int codePoint, final int x, final int y) { // TODO: should we have a different type of event for this? After all, it's not a key press. return new Event(EVENT_TYPE_INPUT_KEYPRESS, null /* text */, codePoint, NOT_A_KEY_CODE, x, y, null /* suggestedWordInfo */, FLAG_NONE, null /* next */); } /** * Creates an input event representing the manual pick of a suggestion. * @return an event for this suggestion pick. */ public static Event createSuggestionPickedEvent(final SuggestedWordInfo suggestedWordInfo) { return new Event(EVENT_TYPE_SUGGESTION_PICKED, suggestedWordInfo.mWord, NOT_A_CODE_POINT, NOT_A_KEY_CODE, Constants.SUGGESTION_STRIP_COORDINATE, Constants.SUGGESTION_STRIP_COORDINATE, suggestedWordInfo, FLAG_NONE, null /* next */); } /** * Creates an input event with a CharSequence. This is used by some software processes whose * output is a string, possibly with styling. Examples include press on a multi-character key, * or combination that outputs a string. * @param text the CharSequence associated with this event. * @param keyCode the key code, or NOT_A_KEYCODE if not applicable. * @return an event for this text. */ public static Event createSoftwareTextEvent(final CharSequence text, final int keyCode) { return new Event(EVENT_TYPE_SOFTWARE_GENERATED_STRING, text, NOT_A_CODE_POINT, keyCode, Constants.NOT_A_COORDINATE, Constants.NOT_A_COORDINATE, null /* suggestedWordInfo */, FLAG_NONE, null /* next */); } /** * Creates an input event representing the manual pick of a punctuation suggestion. * @return an event for this suggestion pick. */ public static Event createPunctuationSuggestionPickedEvent( final SuggestedWordInfo suggestedWordInfo) { final int primaryCode = suggestedWordInfo.mWord.charAt(0); return new Event(EVENT_TYPE_SUGGESTION_PICKED, suggestedWordInfo.mWord, primaryCode, NOT_A_KEY_CODE, Constants.SUGGESTION_STRIP_COORDINATE, Constants.SUGGESTION_STRIP_COORDINATE, suggestedWordInfo, FLAG_NONE, null /* next */); } public static Event createNotHandledEvent() { return new Event(EVENT_TYPE_NOT_HANDLED, null /* text */, NOT_A_CODE_POINT, NOT_A_KEY_CODE, Constants.NOT_A_COORDINATE, Constants.NOT_A_COORDINATE, null /* suggestedWordInfo */, FLAG_NONE, null); } // Returns whether this event is for a dead character. @see {@link #FLAG_DEAD} public boolean isDead() { return 0 != (FLAG_DEAD & mFlags); } public boolean isKeyRepeat() { return 0 != (FLAG_REPEAT & mFlags); } // Returns whether this is a fake key press from the suggestion strip. This happens with // punctuation signs selected from the suggestion strip. public boolean isSuggestionStripPress() { return EVENT_TYPE_SUGGESTION_PICKED == mEventType; } public boolean isHandled() { return EVENT_TYPE_NOT_HANDLED != mEventType; } public CharSequence getTextToCommit() { switch (mEventType) { case EVENT_TYPE_MODE_KEY: case EVENT_TYPE_NOT_HANDLED: case EVENT_TYPE_TOGGLE: return ""; case EVENT_TYPE_INPUT_KEYPRESS: return StringUtils.newSingleCodePointString(mCodePoint); case EVENT_TYPE_GESTURE: case EVENT_TYPE_SOFTWARE_GENERATED_STRING: case EVENT_TYPE_SUGGESTION_PICKED: return mText; } throw new RuntimeException("Unknown event type: " + mEventType); } }