/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.accessibility; import android.content.Context; import android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService; import android.support.v4.view.AccessibilityDelegateCompat; import android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat; import android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventCompat; import android.support.v4.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.Key; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.Keyboard; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.KeyboardId; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.MainKeyboardView; import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.PointerTracker; import com.android.inputmethod.latin.R; public final class AccessibleKeyboardViewProxy extends AccessibilityDelegateCompat { private static final AccessibleKeyboardViewProxy sInstance = new AccessibleKeyboardViewProxy(); private InputMethodService mInputMethod; private MainKeyboardView mView; private AccessibilityEntityProvider mAccessibilityNodeProvider; private Key mLastHoverKey = null; /** * Inset in pixels to look for keys when the user's finger exits the keyboard area. */ private int mEdgeSlop; public static void init(final InputMethodService inputMethod) { sInstance.initInternal(inputMethod); } public static AccessibleKeyboardViewProxy getInstance() { return sInstance; } private AccessibleKeyboardViewProxy() { // Not publicly instantiable. } private void initInternal(final InputMethodService inputMethod) { mInputMethod = inputMethod; mEdgeSlop = inputMethod.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.accessibility_edge_slop); } /** * Sets the view wrapped by this proxy. * * @param view The view to wrap. */ public void setView(final MainKeyboardView view) { if (view == null) { // Ignore null views. return; } mView = view; // Ensure that the view has an accessibility delegate. ViewCompat.setAccessibilityDelegate(view, this); if (mAccessibilityNodeProvider == null) { return; } mAccessibilityNodeProvider.setView(view); } public void setKeyboard() { if (mAccessibilityNodeProvider == null) { return; } mAccessibilityNodeProvider.setKeyboard(); } /** * Proxy method for View.getAccessibilityNodeProvider(). This method is called in SDK * version 15 (Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH_MR1) and higher to obtain the virtual * node hierarchy provider. * * @return The accessibility node provider for the current keyboard. */ @Override public AccessibilityEntityProvider getAccessibilityNodeProvider(final View host) { return getAccessibilityNodeProvider(); } /** * Intercepts touch events before dispatch when touch exploration is turned on in ICS and * higher. * * @param event The motion event being dispatched. * @return {@code true} if the event is handled */ public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(final MotionEvent event) { // To avoid accidental key presses during touch exploration, always drop // touch events generated by the user. return false; } /** * Receives hover events when touch exploration is turned on in SDK versions ICS and higher. * * @param event The hover event. * @return {@code true} if the event is handled */ public boolean dispatchHoverEvent(final MotionEvent event, final PointerTracker tracker) { final int x = (int) event.getX(); final int y = (int) event.getY(); final Key previousKey = mLastHoverKey; final Key key; if (pointInView(x, y)) { key = tracker.getKeyOn(x, y); } else { key = null; } mLastHoverKey = key; switch (event.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_EXIT: // Make sure we're not getting an EXIT event because the user slid // off the keyboard area, then force a key press. if (key != null) { getAccessibilityNodeProvider().simulateKeyPress(key); } //$FALL-THROUGH$ case MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_ENTER: return onHoverKey(key, event); case MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_MOVE: if (key != previousKey) { return onTransitionKey(key, previousKey, event); } else { return onHoverKey(key, event); } } return false; } /** * @return A lazily-instantiated node provider for this view proxy. */ private AccessibilityEntityProvider getAccessibilityNodeProvider() { // Instantiate the provide only when requested. Since the system // will call this method multiple times it is a good practice to // cache the provider instance. if (mAccessibilityNodeProvider == null) { mAccessibilityNodeProvider = new AccessibilityEntityProvider(mView, mInputMethod); } return mAccessibilityNodeProvider; } /** * Utility method to determine whether the given point, in local coordinates, is inside the * view, where the area of the view is contracted by the edge slop factor. * * @param localX The local x-coordinate. * @param localY The local y-coordinate. */ private boolean pointInView(final int localX, final int localY) { return (localX >= mEdgeSlop) && (localY >= mEdgeSlop) && (localX < (mView.getWidth() - mEdgeSlop)) && (localY < (mView.getHeight() - mEdgeSlop)); } /** * Simulates a transition between two {@link Key}s by sending a HOVER_EXIT on the previous key, * a HOVER_ENTER on the current key, and a HOVER_MOVE on the current key. * * @param currentKey The currently hovered key. * @param previousKey The previously hovered key. * @param event The event that triggered the transition. * @return {@code true} if the event was handled. */ private boolean onTransitionKey(final Key currentKey, final Key previousKey, final MotionEvent event) { final int savedAction = event.getAction(); event.setAction(MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_EXIT); onHoverKey(previousKey, event); event.setAction(MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_ENTER); onHoverKey(currentKey, event); event.setAction(MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_MOVE); final boolean handled = onHoverKey(currentKey, event); event.setAction(savedAction); return handled; } /** * Handles a hover event on a key. If {@link Key} extended View, this would be analogous to * calling View.onHoverEvent(MotionEvent). * * @param key The currently hovered key. * @param event The hover event. * @return {@code true} if the event was handled. */ private boolean onHoverKey(final Key key, final MotionEvent event) { // Null keys can't receive events. if (key == null) { return false; } final AccessibilityEntityProvider provider = getAccessibilityNodeProvider(); switch (event.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_ENTER: provider.sendAccessibilityEventForKey( key, AccessibilityEventCompat.TYPE_VIEW_HOVER_ENTER); provider.performActionForKey( key, AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat.ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS, null); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_HOVER_EXIT: provider.sendAccessibilityEventForKey( key, AccessibilityEventCompat.TYPE_VIEW_HOVER_EXIT); break; } return true; } /** * Notifies the user of changes in the keyboard shift state. */ public void notifyShiftState() { final Keyboard keyboard = mView.getKeyboard(); final KeyboardId keyboardId = keyboard.mId; final int elementId = keyboardId.mElementId; final Context context = mView.getContext(); final CharSequence text; switch (elementId) { case KeyboardId.ELEMENT_ALPHABET_SHIFT_LOCK_SHIFTED: case KeyboardId.ELEMENT_ALPHABET_SHIFT_LOCKED: text = context.getText(R.string.spoken_description_shiftmode_locked); break; case KeyboardId.ELEMENT_ALPHABET_AUTOMATIC_SHIFTED: case KeyboardId.ELEMENT_ALPHABET_MANUAL_SHIFTED: case KeyboardId.ELEMENT_SYMBOLS_SHIFTED: text = context.getText(R.string.spoken_description_shiftmode_on); break; default: text = context.getText(R.string.spoken_description_shiftmode_off); } AccessibilityUtils.getInstance().announceForAccessibility(mView, text); } /** * Notifies the user of changes in the keyboard symbols state. */ public void notifySymbolsState() { final Keyboard keyboard = mView.getKeyboard(); final Context context = mView.getContext(); final KeyboardId keyboardId = keyboard.mId; final int elementId = keyboardId.mElementId; final int resId; switch (elementId) { case KeyboardId.ELEMENT_ALPHABET: case KeyboardId.ELEMENT_ALPHABET_AUTOMATIC_SHIFTED: case KeyboardId.ELEMENT_ALPHABET_MANUAL_SHIFTED: case KeyboardId.ELEMENT_ALPHABET_SHIFT_LOCK_SHIFTED: case KeyboardId.ELEMENT_ALPHABET_SHIFT_LOCKED: resId = R.string.spoken_description_mode_alpha; break; case KeyboardId.ELEMENT_SYMBOLS: case KeyboardId.ELEMENT_SYMBOLS_SHIFTED: resId = R.string.spoken_description_mode_symbol; break; case KeyboardId.ELEMENT_PHONE: resId = R.string.spoken_description_mode_phone; break; case KeyboardId.ELEMENT_PHONE_SYMBOLS: resId = R.string.spoken_description_mode_phone_shift; break; default: resId = -1; } if (resId < 0) { return; } final String text = context.getString(resId); AccessibilityUtils.getInstance().announceForAccessibility(mView, text); } }