From f3e951b259e09d7bec4d3500ff21e4ff28b3f2be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: alanv <>
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 13:02:33 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Removed spoken descriptions for characters supported by TTS
 or TalkBack.

Change-Id: Iddef18559bc6af9487e536a33607b0a0b07df282
 java/res/values/strings.xml                   | 41 -------------------
 .../             | 23 -----------
 2 files changed, 64 deletions(-)

diff --git a/java/res/values/strings.xml b/java/res/values/strings.xml
index f7d8b45332..a67ddf7c29 100644
--- a/java/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/java/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -181,47 +181,6 @@
     <!-- Spoken description for the "Return" keyboard key. -->
     <string name="spoken_description_return">Return</string>
-    <!-- Spoken description for the "," keyboard key. -->
-    <string name="spoken_description_comma">Comma</string>
-    <!-- Spoken description for the "." keyboard key. -->
-    <string name="spoken_description_period">Period</string>
-    <!-- Spoken description for the "(" keyboard key. -->
-    <string name="spoken_description_left_parenthesis">Left parenthesis</string>
-    <!-- Spoken description for the ")" keyboard key. -->
-    <string name="spoken_description_right_parenthesis">Right parenthesis</string>
-    <!-- Spoken description for the ":" keyboard key. -->
-    <string name="spoken_description_colon">Colon</string>
-    <!-- Spoken description for the ";" keyboard key. -->
-    <string name="spoken_description_semicolon">Semicolon</string>
-    <!-- Spoken description for the "!" keyboard key. -->
-    <string name="spoken_description_exclamation_mark">Exclamation mark</string>
-    <!-- Spoken description for the "?" keyboard key. -->
-    <string name="spoken_description_question_mark">Question mark</string>
-    <!-- Spoken description for the """ keyboard key. -->
-    <string name="spoken_description_double_quote">Double quote</string>
-    <!-- Spoken description for the "'" keyboard key. -->
-    <string name="spoken_description_single_quote">Single quote</string>
-    <!-- Spoken description for the "\u2022" (BULLET) keyboard key. -->
-    <string name="spoken_description_dot">Dot</string>
-    <!-- Spoken description for the "\u221a" (SQUARE ROOT) keyboard key. -->
-    <string name="spoken_description_square_root">Square root</string>
-    <!-- Spoken description for the "\u03C0" (GREEK SMALL LETTER PI) keyboard key. -->
-    <string name="spoken_description_pi">Pi</string>
-    <!-- Spoken description for the "\u0394" (GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA) keyboard key. -->
-    <string name="spoken_description_delta">Delta</string>
-    <!-- Spoken description for the "\u2122" (TRADE MARK SIGN) keyboard key. -->
-    <string name="spoken_description_trademark">Trademark</string>
-    <!-- Spoken description for the "\u2105" (CARE OF) keyboard key. -->
-    <string name="spoken_description_care_of">Care of</string>
-    <!-- Spoken description for the "*" keyboard key. -->
-    <string name="spoken_description_star">Star</string>
-    <!-- Spoken description for the "#" keyboard key. -->
-    <string name="spoken_description_pound">Pound</string>
-    <!-- Spoken description for the "\u2026" (HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS) keyboard key. -->
-    <string name="spoken_description_ellipsis">Ellipsis</string>
-    <!-- Spoken description for the "\u201E" (DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK) keyboard key. -->
-    <string name="spoken_description_low_double_quote">Low double quote</string>
     <!-- Voice related labels -->
     <!-- Title of the warning dialog that shows when a user initiates voice input for
diff --git a/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/accessibility/ b/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/accessibility/
index 3b4149d7f2..a715350c65 100644
--- a/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/accessibility/
+++ b/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/accessibility/
@@ -64,31 +64,8 @@ public class KeyCodeDescriptionMapper {
         mKeyLabelMap.put(":-)", R.string.spoken_description_smiley);
         // Symbols that most TTS engines can't speak
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) '.', R.string.spoken_description_period);
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) ',', R.string.spoken_description_comma);
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) '(', R.string.spoken_description_left_parenthesis);
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) ')', R.string.spoken_description_right_parenthesis);
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) ':', R.string.spoken_description_colon);
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) ';', R.string.spoken_description_semicolon);
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) '!', R.string.spoken_description_exclamation_mark);
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) '?', R.string.spoken_description_question_mark);
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) '\"', R.string.spoken_description_double_quote);
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) '\'', R.string.spoken_description_single_quote);
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) '*', R.string.spoken_description_star);
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) '#', R.string.spoken_description_pound);
         mKeyCodeMap.put((int) ' ', R.string.spoken_description_space);
-        // Non-ASCII symbols (must use escape codes!)
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) '\u2022', R.string.spoken_description_dot);
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) '\u221A', R.string.spoken_description_square_root);
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) '\u03C0', R.string.spoken_description_pi);
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) '\u0394', R.string.spoken_description_delta);
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) '\u2122', R.string.spoken_description_trademark);
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) '\u2105', R.string.spoken_description_care_of);
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) '\u2026', R.string.spoken_description_ellipsis);
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) '\u201E', R.string.spoken_description_low_double_quote);
-        mKeyCodeMap.put((int) '\uFF0A', R.string.spoken_description_star);
         // Special non-character codes defined in Keyboard
         mKeyCodeMap.put(Keyboard.CODE_DELETE, R.string.spoken_description_delete);
         mKeyCodeMap.put(Keyboard.CODE_ENTER, R.string.spoken_description_return);