From 57834c20a5f2e4c944e09eb4fcddb440bbd46e20 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: satok <>
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2011 12:24:59 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] Fix a bug of the conversion of the correction algorithm

Bug: 5414829

+1      25
-1      17
+2       0
-2       0
+3       0
-3       0
+4      15
-4       9
+5       2
-5       9
+6      13
-6       4
+7       3
-7      19

Change-Id: Ie99db961051320ee31d31476ea7c25b1d837c484
 native/src/correction.cpp | 39 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/native/src/correction.cpp b/native/src/correction.cpp
index d1e866d9dc..a08a21bd20 100644
--- a/native/src/correction.cpp
+++ b/native/src/correction.cpp
@@ -299,23 +299,41 @@ Correction::CorrectionType Correction::processCharAndCalcState(
     // TODO: Change the limit if we'll allow two or more proximity chars with corrections
     const bool checkProximityChars = noCorrectionsHappenedSoFar ||  mProximityCount == 0;
-    const ProximityInfo::ProximityType matchedProximityCharId = secondTransposing
+    ProximityInfo::ProximityType matchedProximityCharId = secondTransposing
             ? ProximityInfo::EQUIVALENT_CHAR
             : mProximityInfo->getMatchedProximityId(mInputIndex, c, checkProximityChars);
     if (ProximityInfo::UNRELATED_CHAR == matchedProximityCharId) {
-        // TODO: Optimize
-        // As the current char turned out to be an unrelated char,
-        // we will try other correction-types. Please note that mCorrectionStates[mOutputIndex]
-        // here refers to the previous state.
-        if (canTryCorrection && mCorrectionStates[mOutputIndex].mProximityMatching
+        if (canTryCorrection && mOutputIndex > 0
+                && mCorrectionStates[mOutputIndex].mProximityMatching
                 && mCorrectionStates[mOutputIndex].mExceeding
                 && isEquivalentChar(mProximityInfo->getMatchedProximityId(
-                        mInputIndex, mWord[mOutputIndex], false))) {
+                        mInputIndex, mWord[mOutputIndex - 1], false))) {
+            if (DEBUG_CORRECTION) {
+                LOGI("CONVERSION p->e %c", mWord[mOutputIndex - 1]);
+            }
             // Conversion p->e
+            // Example:
+            // wearth ->    earth
+            // px     -> (E)mmmmm
-        } else if (mInputIndex < mInputLength - 1 && mOutputIndex > 0 && mTransposedCount > 0
+            mExcessivePos = mOutputIndex - 1;
+            ++mInputIndex;
+            // Here, we are doing something equivalent to matchedProximityCharId,
+            // but we already know that "excessive char correction" just happened
+            // so that we just need to check "mProximityCount == 0".
+            matchedProximityCharId =
+                    mProximityInfo->getMatchedProximityId(mInputIndex, c, mProximityCount == 0);
+        }
+    }
+    if (ProximityInfo::UNRELATED_CHAR == matchedProximityCharId) {
+        // TODO: Optimize
+        // As the current char turned out to be an unrelated char,
+        // we will try other correction-types. Please note that mCorrectionStates[mOutputIndex]
+        // here refers to the previous state.
+        if (mInputIndex < mInputLength - 1 && mOutputIndex > 0 && mTransposedCount > 0
                 && !mCorrectionStates[mOutputIndex].mTransposing
                 && mCorrectionStates[mOutputIndex - 1].mTransposing
                 && isEquivalentChar(mProximityInfo->getMatchedProximityId(
@@ -425,6 +443,11 @@ Correction::CorrectionType Correction::processCharAndCalcState(
             || isSameAsUserTypedLength) && isTerminal) {
         mTerminalInputIndex = mInputIndex - 1;
         mTerminalOutputIndex = mOutputIndex - 1;
+        if (DEBUG_CORRECTION) {
+            DUMP_WORD(mWord, mOutputIndex);
+            LOGI("ONTERMINAL(1): %d, %d, %d, %d, %c", mProximityCount, mSkippedCount,
+                    mTransposedCount, mExcessiveCount, c);
+        }
         return ON_TERMINAL;
     } else {
         return NOT_ON_TERMINAL;