BS-SPEKE BS-SPEKE is a modified B-SPEKE with blind salt (OPRF). Modified B-SPEKE is a similar change from SPEKE as from SPAKE2 to SPAKE2+ to make it augmented. Doing this saves a scalar point multiply vs original B-SPEKE with blind salt. BS-SPEKE is the best augmented PAKE that I know of. Only problem is there are no proofs, but it's not hard to take the SPEKE proof, add the OPAQUE proof for OPRF, and it's obvious that the augmented change makes it augmented. So if anyone knows how to formally state that in a proof, that would be awesome to have. BS-SPEKE defined on multiplicative groups can be found here: Costs per step C: H*i ffI*iH***[iii] S: f**[ii] f**[ii] *: Scalar point multiply H: Hash to point which is Elligator or SWU (depending on implementation this may require a field invert if scalar point multiply needs affine points) i: Field invert I: Scalar invert f: From bytes (field square root or free for Montgomery curves) [ii...]: Field inverts that can be combined. Cost is 1 field invert and 3*(n-1) field multiplications. Properties Forward secrecy: Yes Not fragile: Yes Quantum annoying: Yes No precomputation: Yes Both have: idS = server identity hashToPoint() is Elligator or SWU Client has: idC = client identity Server has these for "idC": salt settings P = hashToPoint(p) V = v * P C: r = random() C: R = r * hashToPoint(H(password, idC, idS)) C->S: idC, R S: b = random() S: B = b * P S: R' = H(salt) * R C<-S: B, R', settings C: BlindSalt = (1/r) * R' C: p || v = pwKdf(password, BlindSalt, idC, idS, settings) C: P = hashToPoint(p) C: a = random() C: A = a * P C: K_c = H(idC, idS, A, B, a * B, v * B) C: verifierC = H(K_c, verifyCModifier) C->S: A, verifierC[, encryptedDataC] S: K_s = H(idC, idS, A, B, b * A, b * V) S: Checks verifierC == H(K_s, verifyCModifier) S: verifierS = H(K_s, verifySModifier) C<-S: verifierS[, encryptedDataS] C: Checks verifierS == H(K_c, verifySModifier) On success K_c == K_s, thus derived verifiers and encryption keys are the same. When receiving a point, you must check it is valid and not a low order point. When using random() to generate a scalar, you should generate a larger value and modulo by one less than the order then add 1 or generate a value [1, order) with rejection sampling. This makes sure it is uniformly distributed and not zero. Similar should be done for H() when generating fields to avoid bad values. For generating a scalar for X25519 you could just use X25519's clamping. Note that a clamped scalar doesn't have full coverage and there is a theoretical info leakage. If you observe 2^100 successful exchanges, then with 2^255 memory and 2^223 work you can eliminate less than 1 in 200 million password guesses offline. Thus every 200 million online guesses you get one free (ie never will happen, impossible, and you get a worthless attack). To "fix" this you could generate a random number like this: order = 2^252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493 r = 8 * random([1, (order - 1) / 2]) or r = random([8, 8 * ((order - 1) / 2) + 7]) & ~7 For X25519, you'll want to have r be a multiple of 8 and swap r and 1/r. This is so you multiply the point out of your control by a multiple of 8. So you can check for zero. If the only functions available always clamp before scalar multiplication then generate r and 1/r ("rInv") like this: order = 2^252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493 r = clamp(random()) rInvPos = (r ^ (order - 2)) % (8 * order) rInvNeg = 8 * order - rInvPos rInv = ((rInvPos >> 254) & 1) ? rInvPos : rInvNeg // do bit select if ((rInv >> 254) & 1) == 0 // "rInv != clamp(rInv)" // This happens <1 in 2^100 // When both rInvPos and rInvNeg's 254th bit are 0 restart Note "H(salt) * R" vs "salt * R", this is so you don't need to store a large salt. A salt of just 128 to 256 bits is fine once expanded to the required length.