From fe3399dee5c9ed0268bd5a21c0fc798095672ae2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Charles Wright <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 14:59:33 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Cut out all of the encryption stuff from monocypher.  Should
 now be OK to export from the US without issue.

 monocypher.c | 236 ---------------------------------------------------
 monocypher.h |  73 ----------------
 2 files changed, 309 deletions(-)

diff --git a/monocypher.c b/monocypher.c
index 7ab3958..ed05e2b 100644
--- a/monocypher.c
+++ b/monocypher.c
@@ -159,156 +159,6 @@ void crypto_wipe(void *secret, size_t size)
     ZERO(v_secret, size);
-/// Chacha 20 ///
-#define QUARTERROUND(a, b, c, d)     \
-    a += b;  d = rotl32(d ^ a, 16);  \
-    c += d;  b = rotl32(b ^ c, 12);  \
-    a += b;  d = rotl32(d ^ a,  8);  \
-    c += d;  b = rotl32(b ^ c,  7)
-static void chacha20_rounds(u32 out[16], const u32 in[16])
-    // The temporary variables make Chacha20 10% faster.
-    u32 t0  = in[ 0];  u32 t1  = in[ 1];  u32 t2  = in[ 2];  u32 t3  = in[ 3];
-    u32 t4  = in[ 4];  u32 t5  = in[ 5];  u32 t6  = in[ 6];  u32 t7  = in[ 7];
-    u32 t8  = in[ 8];  u32 t9  = in[ 9];  u32 t10 = in[10];  u32 t11 = in[11];
-    u32 t12 = in[12];  u32 t13 = in[13];  u32 t14 = in[14];  u32 t15 = in[15];
-    FOR (i, 0, 10) { // 20 rounds, 2 rounds per loop.
-        QUARTERROUND(t0, t4, t8 , t12); // column 0
-        QUARTERROUND(t1, t5, t9 , t13); // column 1
-        QUARTERROUND(t2, t6, t10, t14); // column 2
-        QUARTERROUND(t3, t7, t11, t15); // column 3
-        QUARTERROUND(t0, t5, t10, t15); // diagonal 0
-        QUARTERROUND(t1, t6, t11, t12); // diagonal 1
-        QUARTERROUND(t2, t7, t8 , t13); // diagonal 2
-        QUARTERROUND(t3, t4, t9 , t14); // diagonal 3
-    }
-    out[ 0] = t0;   out[ 1] = t1;   out[ 2] = t2;   out[ 3] = t3;
-    out[ 4] = t4;   out[ 5] = t5;   out[ 6] = t6;   out[ 7] = t7;
-    out[ 8] = t8;   out[ 9] = t9;   out[10] = t10;  out[11] = t11;
-    out[12] = t12;  out[13] = t13;  out[14] = t14;  out[15] = t15;
-static void chacha20_init_key(u32 block[16], const u8 key[32])
-    load32_le_buf(block  , (const u8*)"expand 32-byte k", 4); // constant
-    load32_le_buf(block+4, key                          , 8); // key
-void crypto_hchacha20(u8 out[32], const u8 key[32], const u8 in [16])
-    u32 block[16];
-    chacha20_init_key(block, key);
-    // input
-    load32_le_buf(block + 12, in, 4);
-    chacha20_rounds(block, block);
-    // prevent reversal of the rounds by revealing only half of the buffer.
-    store32_le_buf(out   , block   , 4); // constant
-    store32_le_buf(out+16, block+12, 4); // counter and nonce
-    WIPE_BUFFER(block);
-u64 crypto_chacha20_ctr(u8 *cipher_text, const u8 *plain_text,
-                        size_t text_size, const u8 key[32], const u8 nonce[8],
-                        u64 ctr)
-    u32 input[16];
-    chacha20_init_key(input, key);
-    input[12] = (u32) ctr;
-    input[13] = (u32)(ctr >> 32);
-    load32_le_buf(input+14, nonce, 2);
-    // Whole blocks
-    u32    pool[16];
-    size_t nb_blocks = text_size >> 6;
-    FOR (i, 0, nb_blocks) {
-        chacha20_rounds(pool, input);
-        if (plain_text != 0) {
-            FOR (j, 0, 16) {
-                u32 p = pool[j] + input[j];
-                store32_le(cipher_text, p ^ load32_le(plain_text));
-                cipher_text += 4;
-                plain_text  += 4;
-            }
-        } else {
-            FOR (j, 0, 16) {
-                u32 p = pool[j] + input[j];
-                store32_le(cipher_text, p);
-                cipher_text += 4;
-            }
-        }
-        input[12]++;
-        if (input[12] == 0) {
-            input[13]++;
-        }
-    }
-    text_size &= 63;
-    // Last (incomplete) block
-    if (text_size > 0) {
-        if (plain_text == 0) {
-            plain_text = zero;
-        }
-        chacha20_rounds(pool, input);
-        u8 tmp[64];
-        FOR (i, 0, 16) {
-            store32_le(tmp + i*4, pool[i] + input[i]);
-        }
-        FOR (i, 0, text_size) {
-            cipher_text[i] = tmp[i] ^ plain_text[i];
-        }
-        WIPE_BUFFER(tmp);
-    }
-    ctr = input[12] + ((u64)input[13] << 32) + (text_size > 0);
-    WIPE_BUFFER(pool);
-    WIPE_BUFFER(input);
-    return ctr;
-u32 crypto_ietf_chacha20_ctr(u8 *cipher_text, const u8 *plain_text,
-                             size_t text_size,
-                             const u8 key[32], const u8 nonce[12], u32 ctr)
-    u64 big_ctr = ctr + ((u64)load32_le(nonce) << 32);
-    return (u32)crypto_chacha20_ctr(cipher_text, plain_text, text_size,
-                                    key, nonce + 4, big_ctr);
-u64 crypto_xchacha20_ctr(u8 *cipher_text, const u8 *plain_text,
-                         size_t text_size,
-                         const u8 key[32], const u8 nonce[24], u64 ctr)
-    u8 sub_key[32];
-    crypto_hchacha20(sub_key, key, nonce);
-    ctr = crypto_chacha20_ctr(cipher_text, plain_text, text_size,
-                              sub_key, nonce+16, ctr);
-    WIPE_BUFFER(sub_key);
-    return ctr;
-void crypto_chacha20(u8 *cipher_text, const u8 *plain_text, size_t text_size,
-                     const u8 key[32], const u8 nonce[8])
-    crypto_chacha20_ctr(cipher_text, plain_text, text_size, key, nonce, 0);
-void crypto_ietf_chacha20(u8 *cipher_text, const u8 *plain_text,
-                          size_t text_size,
-                          const u8 key[32], const u8 nonce[12])
-    crypto_ietf_chacha20_ctr(cipher_text, plain_text, text_size, key, nonce, 0);
-void crypto_xchacha20(u8 *cipher_text, const u8 *plain_text, size_t text_size,
-                      const u8 key[32], const u8 nonce[24])
-    crypto_xchacha20_ctr(cipher_text, plain_text, text_size, key, nonce, 0);
 /// Poly 1305 ///
@@ -2821,38 +2671,6 @@ int crypto_curve_to_hidden(u8 hidden[32], const u8 public_key[32], u8 tweak)
     return 0;
-void crypto_hidden_key_pair(u8 hidden[32], u8 secret_key[32], u8 seed[32])
-    u8 pk [32]; // public key
-    u8 buf[64]; // seed + representative
-    COPY(buf + 32, seed, 32);
-    do {
-        crypto_chacha20(buf, 0, 64, buf+32, zero);
-        crypto_x25519_dirty_fast(pk, buf); // or the "small" version
-    } while(crypto_curve_to_hidden(buf+32, pk, buf[32]));
-    // Note that the return value of crypto_curve_to_hidden() is
-    // independent from its tweak parameter.
-    // Therefore, buf[32] is not actually reused.  Either we loop one
-    // more time and buf[32] is used for the new seed, or we succeeded,
-    // and buf[32] becomes the tweak parameter.
-    crypto_wipe(seed, 32);
-    COPY(hidden    , buf + 32, 32);
-    COPY(secret_key, buf     , 32);
-    WIPE_BUFFER(buf);
-    WIPE_BUFFER(pk);
-/// Key exchange ///
-void crypto_key_exchange(u8       shared_key[32],
-                         const u8 your_secret_key [32],
-                         const u8 their_public_key[32])
-    crypto_x25519(shared_key, your_secret_key, their_public_key);
-    crypto_hchacha20(shared_key, shared_key, zero);
 /// Scalar division ///
@@ -2990,57 +2808,3 @@ static void lock_auth(u8 mac[16], const u8  auth_key[32],
     crypto_poly1305_final (&poly_ctx, mac); //
-void crypto_lock_aead(u8 mac[16], u8 *cipher_text,
-                      const u8  key[32], const u8  nonce[24],
-                      const u8 *ad        , size_t ad_size,
-                      const u8 *plain_text, size_t text_size)
-    u8 sub_key[32];
-    u8 auth_key[64]; // "Wasting" the whole Chacha block is faster
-    crypto_hchacha20(sub_key, key, nonce);
-    crypto_chacha20(auth_key, 0, 64, sub_key, nonce + 16);
-    crypto_chacha20_ctr(cipher_text, plain_text, text_size,
-                        sub_key, nonce + 16, 1);
-    lock_auth(mac, auth_key, ad, ad_size, cipher_text, text_size);
-    WIPE_BUFFER(sub_key);
-    WIPE_BUFFER(auth_key);
-int crypto_unlock_aead(u8 *plain_text, const u8 key[32], const u8 nonce[24],
-                       const u8  mac[16],
-                       const u8 *ad         , size_t ad_size,
-                       const u8 *cipher_text, size_t text_size)
-    u8 sub_key[32];
-    u8 auth_key[64]; // "Wasting" the whole Chacha block is faster
-    crypto_hchacha20(sub_key, key, nonce);
-    crypto_chacha20(auth_key, 0, 64, sub_key, nonce + 16);
-    u8 real_mac[16];
-    lock_auth(real_mac, auth_key, ad, ad_size, cipher_text, text_size);
-    WIPE_BUFFER(auth_key);
-    if (crypto_verify16(mac, real_mac)) {
-        WIPE_BUFFER(sub_key);
-        WIPE_BUFFER(real_mac);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    crypto_chacha20_ctr(plain_text, cipher_text, text_size,
-                        sub_key, nonce + 16, 1);
-    WIPE_BUFFER(sub_key);
-    WIPE_BUFFER(real_mac);
-    return 0;
-void crypto_lock(u8 mac[16], u8 *cipher_text,
-                 const u8 key[32], const u8 nonce[24],
-                 const u8 *plain_text, size_t text_size)
-    crypto_lock_aead(mac, cipher_text, key, nonce, 0, 0, plain_text, text_size);
-int crypto_unlock(u8 *plain_text,
-                  const u8 key[32], const u8 nonce[24], const u8 mac[16],
-                  const u8 *cipher_text, size_t text_size)
-    return crypto_unlock_aead(plain_text, key, nonce, mac, 0, 0,
-                              cipher_text, text_size);
diff --git a/monocypher.h b/monocypher.h
index 040ee25..30ac774 100644
--- a/monocypher.h
+++ b/monocypher.h
@@ -130,34 +130,6 @@ int crypto_verify64(const uint8_t a[64], const uint8_t b[64]);
 void crypto_wipe(void *secret, size_t size);
-// Authenticated encryption
-// ------------------------
-void crypto_lock(uint8_t        mac[16],
-                 uint8_t       *cipher_text,
-                 const uint8_t  key[32],
-                 const uint8_t  nonce[24],
-                 const uint8_t *plain_text, size_t text_size);
-int crypto_unlock(uint8_t       *plain_text,
-                  const uint8_t  key[32],
-                  const uint8_t  nonce[24],
-                  const uint8_t  mac[16],
-                  const uint8_t *cipher_text, size_t text_size);
-// With additional data
-void crypto_lock_aead(uint8_t        mac[16],
-                      uint8_t       *cipher_text,
-                      const uint8_t  key[32],
-                      const uint8_t  nonce[24],
-                      const uint8_t *ad        , size_t ad_size,
-                      const uint8_t *plain_text, size_t text_size);
-int crypto_unlock_aead(uint8_t       *plain_text,
-                       const uint8_t  key[32],
-                       const uint8_t  nonce[24],
-                       const uint8_t  mac[16],
-                       const uint8_t *ad         , size_t ad_size,
-                       const uint8_t *cipher_text, size_t text_size);
 // General purpose hash (Blake2b)
 // ------------------------------
@@ -229,51 +201,6 @@ int crypto_check(const uint8_t  signature [64],
 // For experts only.  You have been warned.
-// Chacha20
-// --------
-// Specialised hash.
-// Used to hash X25519 shared secrets.
-void crypto_hchacha20(uint8_t       out[32],
-                      const uint8_t key[32],
-                      const uint8_t in [16]);
-// Unauthenticated stream cipher.
-// Don't forget to add authentication.
-void crypto_chacha20(uint8_t       *cipher_text,
-                     const uint8_t *plain_text,
-                     size_t         text_size,
-                     const uint8_t  key[32],
-                     const uint8_t  nonce[8]);
-void crypto_xchacha20(uint8_t       *cipher_text,
-                      const uint8_t *plain_text,
-                      size_t         text_size,
-                      const uint8_t  key[32],
-                      const uint8_t  nonce[24]);
-void crypto_ietf_chacha20(uint8_t       *cipher_text,
-                          const uint8_t *plain_text,
-                          size_t         text_size,
-                          const uint8_t  key[32],
-                          const uint8_t  nonce[12]);
-uint64_t crypto_chacha20_ctr(uint8_t       *cipher_text,
-                             const uint8_t *plain_text,
-                             size_t         text_size,
-                             const uint8_t  key[32],
-                             const uint8_t  nonce[8],
-                             uint64_t       ctr);
-uint64_t crypto_xchacha20_ctr(uint8_t       *cipher_text,
-                              const uint8_t *plain_text,
-                              size_t         text_size,
-                              const uint8_t  key[32],
-                              const uint8_t  nonce[24],
-                              uint64_t       ctr);
-uint32_t crypto_ietf_chacha20_ctr(uint8_t       *cipher_text,
-                                  const uint8_t *plain_text,
-                                  size_t         text_size,
-                                  const uint8_t  key[32],
-                                  const uint8_t  nonce[12],
-                                  uint32_t       ctr);
 // Poly 1305
 // ---------