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Synapse 1.80.0rc1 (2023-03-21)


- Stabilise support for [MSC3966]( `event_property_contains` push condition. ([\#15187](
- Implement [MSC2659]( application service ping endpoint. Contributed by Tulir @ Beeper. ([\#15249](
- Allow loading `/register/available` endpoint on workers. ([\#15268](
- Improve performance of creating and authenticating events. ([\#15195](
- Add topic and name events to group of events that are batch persisted when creating a room. ([\#15229](


- Fix a long-standing bug in which the user directory would assume any remote membership state events represent a profile change. ([\#14755](, [\#14756](
- Implement [MSC3873]( to fix a long-standing bug where properties with dots were handled ambiguously in push rules. ([\#15190](
- Faster joins: Fix a bug introduced in Synapse 1.66 where spurious "Failed to find memberships ..." errors would be logged. ([\#15232](
- Fix a long-standing error when sending message into deleted room. ([\#15235](

Updates to the Docker image

- Ensure the Dockerfile builds on platforms that don't have a `cryptography` wheel. ([\#15239](
- Mirror images to the GitHub Container Registry (``). ([\#15281](, [\#15282](

Improved Documentation

- Add a missing endpoint to the workers documentation. ([\#15223](

Internal Changes

- Add additional functionality to declaring worker types when starting Complement in worker mode. ([\#14921](
- Add `Synapse-Trace-Id` to `access-control-expose-headers` header. ([\#14974](
- Make the `HttpTransactionCache` use the `Requester` in addition of the just the `Request` to build the transaction key. ([\#15200](
- Improve log lines when purging rooms. ([\#15222](
- Improve type hints. ([\#15230](, [\#15231](, [\#15238](
- Move various module API callback registration methods to a dedicated class. ([\#15237](
- Configure GitHub Actions for merge queues. ([\#15244](
- Add schema comments about the `destinations` and `destination_rooms` tables. ([\#15247](
- Skip processing of auto-join room behaviour if there are no auto-join rooms configured. ([\#15262](
- Remove unused store method `_set_destination_retry_timings_emulated`. ([\#15266](
- Reorganize URL preview code. ([\#15269](
- Clean-up direct TCP replication code. ([\#15272](, [\#15274](
- Make `configure_workers_and_start` script used in Complement tests compatible with older versions of Python. ([\#15275](
- Add a `/versions` flag for [MSC3952]( ([\#15293](
- Bump hiredis from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2. ([\#15252](
- Bump serde from 1.0.152 to 1.0.155. ([\#15253](
- Bump pysaml2 from 7.2.1 to 7.3.1. ([\#15254](
- Bump msgpack from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5. ([\#15255](
- Bump gitpython from 3.1.30 to 3.1.31. ([\#15256](
- Bump cryptography from 39.0.1 to 39.0.2. ([\#15257](
- Bump pydantic from 1.10.4 to 1.10.6. ([\#15286](
- Bump serde from 1.0.155 to 1.0.157. ([\#15287](
- Bump anyhow from 1.0.69 to 1.0.70. ([\#15288](
- Bump txredisapi from 1.4.7 to 1.4.9. ([\#15289](
- Bump pygithub from 1.57 to 1.58.1. ([\#15290](
- Bump types-requests from to ([\#15291](