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Synapse 1.32.0 (2021-04-20)

**Note:** This release requires Python 3.6+ and Postgres 9.6+ or SQLite 3.22+.

This release removes the deprecated `GET /_synapse/admin/v1/users/<user_id>` admin API. Please use the [v2 API]( instead, which has improved capabilities.

This release requires Application Services to use type `m.login.application_service` when registering users via the `/_matrix/client/r0/register` endpoint to comply with the spec. Please ensure your Application Services are up to date.


- Fix the log lines of nested logging contexts. Broke in 1.32.0rc1. ([\#9829](

Synapse 1.32.0rc1 (2021-04-13)


- Add a Synapse module for routing presence updates between users. ([\#9491](
- Add an admin API to manage ratelimit for a specific user. ([\#9648](
- Include request information in structured logging output. ([\#9654](
- Add `order_by` to the admin API `GET /_synapse/admin/v2/users`. Contributed by @dklimpel. ([\#9691](
- Replace the `room_invite_state_types` configuration setting with `room_prejoin_state`. ([\#9700](
- Add experimental support for [MSC3083]( restricting room access via group membership. ([\#9717](, [\#9735](
- Update experimental support for Spaces: include `` in the room state sent with room-invites. ([\#9710](
- Synapse now requires Python 3.6 or later. It also requires Postgres 9.6 or later or SQLite 3.22 or later. ([\#9766](


- Prevent `synapse_forward_extremities` and `synapse_excess_extremity_events` Prometheus metrics from initially reporting zero-values after startup. ([\#8926](
- Fix recently added ratelimits to correctly honour the application service `rate_limited` flag. ([\#9711](
- Fix longstanding bug which caused `duplicate key value violates unique constraint "remote_media_cache_thumbnails_media_origin_media_id_thumbna_key"` errors. ([\#9725](
- Fix bug where sharded federation senders could get stuck repeatedly querying the DB in a loop, using lots of CPU. ([\#9770](
- Fix duplicate logging of exceptions thrown during federation transaction processing. ([\#9780](

Updates to the Docker image

- Move opencontainers labels to the final Docker image such that users can inspect them. ([\#9765](

Improved Documentation

- Make the `allowed_local_3pids` regex example in the sample config stricter. ([\#9719](

Deprecations and Removals

- Remove old admin API `GET /_synapse/admin/v1/users/<user_id>`. ([\#9401](
- Make `/_matrix/client/r0/register` expect a type of `m.login.application_service` when an Application Service registers a user, to align with [the relevant spec]( ([\#9548](

Internal Changes

- Replace deprecated `imp` module with successor `importlib`. Contributed by Cristina Muñoz. ([\#9718](
- Experiment with GitHub Actions for CI. ([\#9661](
- Introduce flake8-bugbear to the test suite and fix some of its lint violations. ([\#9682](
- Update `scripts-dev/` to use a local checkout of Complement, allow running a subset of tests and have it use Synapse's Complement test blacklist. ([\#9685](
- Improve Jaeger tracing for `to_device` messages. ([\#9686](
- Add release helper script for automating part of the Synapse release process. ([\#9713](
- Add type hints to expiring cache. ([\#9730](
- Convert various testcases to `HomeserverTestCase`. ([\#9736](
- Start linting mypy with `no_implicit_optional`. ([\#9742](
- Add missing type hints to federation handler and server. ([\#9743](
- Check that a `ConfigError` is raised, rather than simply `Exception`, when appropriate in homeserver config file generation tests. ([\#9753](
- Fix incompatibility with `tox` 2.5. ([\#9769](
- Enable Complement tests for [MSC2946]( Spaces Summary API. ([\#9771](
- Use mock from the standard library instead of a separate package. ([\#9772](
- Update Black configuration to target Python 3.6. ([\#9781](
- Add option to skip unit tests when building Debian packages. ([\#9793](