if [ -z "$S3_BUCKET" ]; then echo "You need to set the S3_BUCKET environment variable." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$POSTGRES_DATABASE" ]; then echo "You need to set the POSTGRES_DATABASE environment variable." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$POSTGRES_HOST" ]; then # https://docs.docker.com/network/links/#environment-variables if [ -n "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR" ]; then POSTGRES_HOST=$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR POSTGRES_PORT=$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT else echo "You need to set the POSTGRES_HOST environment variable." exit 1 fi fi if [ -z "$POSTGRES_USER" ]; then echo "You need to set the POSTGRES_USER environment variable." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$POSTGRES_PASSWORD" ]; then echo "You need to set the POSTGRES_PASSWORD environment variable." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$S3_ENDPOINT" ]; then aws_args="" else aws_args="--endpoint-url $S3_ENDPOINT" fi if [ -n "$S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID" ]; then export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID fi if [ -n "$S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" ]; then export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY fi export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=$S3_REGION export PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD