package com.futo.futopay import android.util.Log import android.view.ViewGroup import import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope import import import import import import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext import import import import class PaymentManager { private val _fragment: Fragment; private val _overlayContainer: ViewGroup; private val _sheet: PaymentSheet; private val _paymentState: PaymentState; constructor(paymentState: PaymentState, fragment: Fragment, overlayContainer: ViewGroup, onCompleted: (success: Boolean, exception: Throwable?)->Unit) { _fragment = fragment; _paymentState = paymentState; _overlayContainer = overlayContainer; _sheet = PaymentSheet(_fragment) { paymentSheetResult -> when(paymentSheetResult) { is PaymentSheetResult.Canceled -> { } is PaymentSheetResult.Failed -> { onCompleted(false, paymentSheetResult.error) } is PaymentSheetResult.Completed -> { onCompleted(true, null); } } }; } fun startPayment(paymentState: PaymentState, scope: CoroutineScope, productId: String) { scope.launch(Dispatchers.IO){ try{ val availableCurrencies = _paymentState.getAvailableCurrencies(productId); val country = getCountryFromIP()?.let { c -> PaymentConfigurations.COUNTRIES.find {, ignoreCase = true) } }; withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { SlideUpPayment.startPayment(paymentState, _overlayContainer, productId, country, availableCurrencies) { method, request -> when(method) { "stripe" -> startPaymentStripe(productId, request.currency, request.mail,, request.zipcode); } }; } } catch(ex: Throwable) { Log.e(TAG, "startPayment failed", ex); scope.launch(Dispatchers.Main){ UIDialogs.showGeneralErrorDialog(_fragment.requireContext(), "Failed to get required payment data", ex); } } } } private fun startPaymentStripe(productId: String, currency: String, email: String, country: String? = null, zipcode: String? = null) { _fragment.lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) { try { Log.i("BuyFragment", "Starting payment"); val paymentIntentResult = _paymentState.getPaymentIntent(productId, currency, email, country, zipcode); val customerConfig = if(paymentIntentResult.customer != null && paymentIntentResult.ephemeralKey != null) PaymentSheet.CustomerConfiguration(paymentIntentResult.customer, paymentIntentResult.ephemeralKey); else null; PaymentConfiguration.init(_fragment.requireContext(), paymentIntentResult.publishableKey); withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { _sheet.presentWithPaymentIntent( paymentIntentResult.paymentIntent, PaymentSheet.Configuration( merchantDisplayName = "FUTO", customer = customerConfig, allowsDelayedPaymentMethods = true, defaultBillingDetails = PaymentSheet.BillingDetails(PaymentSheet.Address(country = country, postalCode = zipcode), email), billingDetailsCollectionConfiguration = PaymentSheet.BillingDetailsCollectionConfiguration( email = PaymentSheet.BillingDetailsCollectionConfiguration.CollectionMode.Always ) ) ); } } catch(ex: Throwable) { Log.e(TAG, "Payment failed: ${ex.message}", ex); withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { UIDialogs.showGeneralErrorDialog(_fragment.requireContext(), "Payment failed\nIf you are charged you should always receive the key in your mail.", ex); } } } } //TODO: Determine a good provider private fun getCountryFromIP(): String? { val urlString = "" val url = URL(urlString) val connection = url.openConnection() as HttpURLConnection connection.requestMethod = "GET" val reader = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(connection.inputStream)) val response = StringBuilder() var line: String? while (reader.readLine().also { line = it } != null) { response.append(line) } reader.close() val json = response.toString(); val ipInfoObj = JsonParser.parseString(json) as JsonObject; if(ipInfoObj.has("countryCode")) return ipInfoObj.get("countryCode").asString; return null; } data class PaymentRequest( val productId: String, val currency: String, val mail: String, val country: String? = null, val zipcode: String? = null ); companion object { private const val TAG = "PaymentManager" } }